Why does a teenager have a lot of dandruff on his head?

Often at the age of 12, problems with dandruff arise. It causes irritation and spoils a person’s appearance. Therefore, this scourge must be fought. In order to rid a child of dandruff, it is necessary, first of all, to find out the causes of the disease. Then it will be possible to choose a treatment that will really help. The choice of medications must be approached especially responsibly, since drugs for adults cannot be used for children.

Causes of dandruff

The causes of this disease can be very different:


The human head has a huge variety of microorganisms. They all need to exist in balance. If any changes occur in the balance, the fungi begin to multiply at high speed. Because of this, the scalp begins to flake off faster and more, which leads to the appearance of dandruff.

Failure in the process of cell death

Scalp cells undergo keratinization after 28 days. After which they begin to peel off. If there are any problems, exfoliation begins 5-14 days earlier. Cells that were not keratinized stick together and become dandruff.


Eating affects the secretion of subcutaneous fat. In order to avoid problems with this process, during adolescence you should follow a special diet, which involves excluding smoked and fatty foods. Junk food can cause dandruff.

Unsuitable care products

Using inappropriate personal care products also leads to the appearance of seborrhea. Typically, from the age of 12, children use personal care products to maintain a good appearance. The drugs create a film on the head. Dust accumulates on it. After the film dries, the skin becomes dirty, which prevents cell respiration. This causes dandruff to appear.


Allergens can cause the scalp to flake, which creates dandruff. Endocrine system. Often, seborrhea occurs due to changes that occur during adolescence.


This factor causes dandruff to appear in people of all ages: little boys and girls, teenagers, adults. This includes dandruff.
First you need to identify the specific factor that caused dandruff. Based on the cause, the method of treatment and medications should be selected.

Seborrhea detection

There are oily and dry seborrhea. Both are characterized by their own distinctive factors.

Oily seborrhea is characterized by:

  1. Rapid hair contamination.
  2. The appearance of acne on the scalp.
  3. Yellow dandruff color and sticky consistency.

Dry seborrhea manifests itself differently:

  1. Dry and brittle hair.
  2. Skin irritation.
  3. Light shade of dandruff.
  4. Exfoliated skin can simply be removed or combed out.

Seborrhea treatment cannot be delayed. The disease can further develop and lead to complications, such as:

  1. The appearance of fungus or bacteria on the head.
  2. Hair loss, even baldness.

Children need to fight seborrhea. Treatment should be selected by a specialist: a dermatologist or trichologist. The doctor will prescribe a general examination of the body to find out the cause of the problem, and then select medications for a specific case.


There are 2 types of treatment: general and local.

The first includes:

  1. Schedule. Your teen will need to have enough time to sleep and exercise.
  2. Correct, balanced diet. Food is selected that contains the amount of substances required to cure the child. Flour, sweets, fried foods, salt and spices are strictly controlled in the diet. In some cases, vitamins are prescribed.
  3. Medicines. To improve the condition of the body as a whole, take tinctures of various plants.

Local treatment contains products applied to problem areas:

  1. Shampoos. They get rid of annoying ailments. Typically, they can be used from the age of 12. You should wash your hair with this product no more than a few times a week. The shampoo is applied to the head, soaked in the hair for 5 minutes and massaged into the head, then rinsed off. This procedure should be repeated 2 times per wash so that it effectively treats seborrhea.
  2. Vegetable oils. They are used to remove dry dandruff. There are oils such as: almond oil; from linen; from sesame; from cedar; and a mixture of burdock and castor oil.
  3. Masks. They are needed to get rid of oily seborrhea. There are many masks made from different ingredients. The product is applied to the head. After 30 minutes it is removed with warm water.
  4. Massage. This procedure is performed to overcome dry seborrhea. Use your fingers or a special brush to massage your head for 15 minutes.


People have been inventing and using their own folk remedies for a long time. Thanks to such recipes, you can also find a way to get rid of dandruff.
One well-known folk treatment is to mix tea tree oil with regular shampoo. Washing your hair with this shampoo should help treat even severe dandruff.

Another popular method is to replace shampoo with infusions of nettle, chamomile or onion peel. You should simply rinse your curls with the selected liquid. Based on reviews, this simple folk method helps cure dandruff in a teenager. It should be remembered that an infusion of onion peels changes light hair into a darker color, so for such hair it is better to use a chamomile infusion.

Preventing dandruff

Removing dandruff from a teenager or an adult is a long and not the most desirable process. Therefore, you need to know what to do to prevent this problem from occurring.
First of all, it is important to maintain the correct daily routine and nutrition of a 12-year-old child. An incorrect daily routine and junk food often cause dandruff in a teenager.

A suitable shampoo should be used. Using products intended for other types of hair causes diseases, including seborrhea.
It is necessary to observe the deviations that occur during the transition years and adapt to them. These changes are very often the cause of dandruff in girls aged 12 years.

If dandruff cannot be avoided, then you need to consult a doctor to find out how to get rid of dandruff in a teenager. There are also general recommendations:

  1. After recovery, soak the hats in vinegar and put them in a bag for a couple of days.
  2. After treatment, combs should be replaced.
  3. Adult medications should not be used by children and adolescents.


Dandruff is a rather serious disease. It should be treated as soon as possible to avoid complications. It doesn’t matter at what age the problem appeared: 12 years old, 13 years old, 14 years old, or a 15 year old teenager – you need to get rid of dandruff immediately.
Comprehensive treatment helps to quickly cure dandruff.

It is not uncommon for [dandruff in a teenager] to appear.

There can be many reasons for this. In general, dandruff is considered a disease that needs to be treated.

However, as for teenagers, there are some peculiarities.


What types of dandruff are there?

Dandruff is divided into two types: dry and oily, depending on which it is necessary to select the correct treatment.

Dry dandruff differs from oily dandruff in that its appearance is often accompanied by itching as the scalp becomes dry.

The scales that form in this case remain small and appear mainly in the parietal region and above the forehead.

The problem also lies in aesthetics: such dandruff easily falls off and remains on clothes that cannot be simply brushed off; it will appear again. Psychologically, this is difficult to experience.

This is especially true for teenagers, whose age is the most tender in terms of perception of the world.

You can treat such dandruff by restoring the water balance in the body, that is, drinking more clean water.

Oily dandruff appears due to the active work of the sebaceous glands, while the hair becomes sticky, dirty, and an unhealthy shine appears.

Hair becomes dirty faster due to the fact that the respiratory processes of the cells are disrupted and the pores become clogged.

Dandruff in a teenager, no matter what it is, appears due to certain reasons, which are simply necessary to combat.

Causes of dandruff

The causes of dandruff in a teenager can be different, the correct identification of which will determine the treatment, and in some cases you can even do without it.

Why do nasty flakes appear?

Seborrheic dermatitis is one of the main causes of unpleasant flakes.

Seborrheic dermatitis manifests itself in the event of activation of a fungus that lives in every person; only under certain circumstances does it begin to multiply and cause inconvenience.

This phenomenon is accompanied by inflammatory processes on the head and itching.

It appears as a result of more active sebum secretion, which becomes a favorable habitat for the fungus.

Disorders of this kind can be caused by an incorrect diet, that is, a predominance of fatty, spicy foods, as well as disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, and frequent overwork.

The scalp is not properly cared for. The wrong product can worsen the condition of the scalp.

Washing your hair too often will also not go in vain; this may be another reason for disruption of the sebaceous glands.

Dandruff can be the result of allergic reactions, which result in itching and redness.

Allergies can occur to pollen, certain medications, various foods, or to fur from contact with animals.

Poor nutrition and deficiency of certain vitamins can also adversely affect the condition of the scalp.

For example, blood circulation can be impaired as a result of a lack of vitamins H, group B, and Ca.

To get rid of problems with vitamin deficiency, you need to regularly eat fish, meat, nuts, seeds, and green leafy vegetables.

Dandruff in a teenager most often occurs due to hormonal changes, since at this age the processes of puberty begin to occur, which lead to a restructuring of the functioning of the entire body.

In this case, no treatment is required.

Dandruff can be the result of severe stress, which can lead to vasospasm.

The spasm causes the blood vessels on the scalp to begin to narrow, which disrupts the blood supply, prevents nutrients from flowing in, and as a result, the skin begins to peel.

Treatment options

Treatment of this problem should be comprehensive, that is, directed from the inside and outside.

In order for the treatment to be more effective, it is necessary to contact a specialist who will indicate the immediate causes of dandruff.

First of all, it is necessary to reconsider your diet. Very fatty and spicy foods should be avoided.

A teenager needs to eat right, that is, not skip breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Small snacks are necessary, but you should not indulge in chips, soda, or fast food, which can cause dandruff.

The diet must be diluted with fish, meat, vegetables, and legumes.

In case of vitamin deficiency, you should consult your doctor to advise which vitamins you can take additionally.

Since adolescence is a very tender age, it is necessary to monitor the emotional (stressful) state of the child.

He needs to pay more attention, talk more, and try to find out what is bothering him. A child should not feel forgotten by his parents.

If dandruff is caused by allergic reactions, then it must be treated accordingly, that is, exclude certain foods from the diet, minimize or eliminate contact with animals, and drink special anti-allergy remedies.

It is necessary to select a special shampoo aimed at solving this problem.

The hair care product should have antifungal, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties, and also provide additional exfoliation of the resulting flakes.

Choosing the right shampoo

Medicinal shampoo is often accompanied by balms, masks, conditioners and other things, but you need to remember that the listed products are additional to the shampoo, without which they will be ineffective.

The medicated shampoo should consist of the following components (or a combination thereof):

Zinc pyrithione prevents the growth of fungus and is the most commonly found substance in shampoo.

The peculiarity of zinc is that it is difficult to wash off, due to this it remains on the hair and scalp longer, so its effect becomes longer lasting, which helps get rid of dandruff.

Piroctone olamine is a substance that disrupts the development of fungal cells and also prevents their reproduction.

Tar has a similar effect as piroctone olamine, but at the same time it has good exfoliating ability, which allows you to quickly get rid of dandruff.

Also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Salicylic acid helps get rid of the upper layer of the epidermis and has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

The shampoo, which contains clotrimazole, is aimed at preventing the development of fungus, as well as the death of microorganisms.

Note to parents: not only acne, but also dandruff causes problems with self-esteem for teenagers. We tell you how to deal with it quickly and effectively.

  1. The main causes of dandruff in teenagers
  2. Types of dandruff
  3. Dandruff symptoms
  4. How to get rid of dandruff
  5. Composition of anti-dandruff cosmetics
  6. Review of anti-dandruff products
  7. Tips for use

The main causes of dandruff in teenagers

“Snowflakes on the shoulders” is what they write about dandruff in glossy magazines for teenagers. But no matter how you hide behind beautiful words, the problem will not disappear without proper treatment and care of the scalp.

By the way, dermatologists and trichologists have a less attractive term for dandruff - seborrhea. It is also called one of the forms of seborrheic dermatitis. The reasons for this are as follows.

Metabolic disorder, as a result of which the sebaceous glands begin to synthesize more sebum than expected.

Active reproduction of the Malassezia bacterium on the scalp, which leads to the formation of those white flakes.

Imbalance of the skin microbiome caused by stress, fatigue, and aggressive environmental influences.

Parents often convince teenagers that they themselves are to blame for the appearance of dandruff. © iStock

Parents often convince teenagers that they themselves are to blame for the appearance of dandruff: they do not follow the rules of hygiene, they are addicted to fast food, fatty snacks and soda. In some cases, this is true - by changing your lifestyle, diet and care regimen, the problem can be brought under control.

Types of dandruff

Modern doctors consider dandruff as the mildest manifestation of seborrheic dermatitis. There are several forms of dandruff.

Dry: The scales are small, dusty, noticeable on dark things.

Bold: large scales stick together near the mouth of the follicles. The scalp is oily.

Mixed form: With seborrheic dermatitis, in addition to dandruff, greasy hair is also observed.

Dermatologists and trichologists have a less attractive term for dandruff - seborrhea. © iStock

Dandruff symptoms

As in adults, the following symptoms are most often observed in adolescents with dandruff:

increased oiliness of the scalp;

peeling in the form of dry white scales;

inflammation of the scalp;

If treatment is not started in time, constant exposure to waste products of pathogenic microflora can weaken the protective function of the skin. The consequences are not very pleasant:

the appearance of a secondary infection;

weakening of the immune system;

progression of disease symptoms.

How to get rid of dandruff

Treatment of dandruff is a long process, and you will first need to consult a specialist. After all, your task is not just to eliminate the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis, but also to prevent their reappearance.

Which doctor should I contact? If you feel that the quality of your hair has deteriorated, your scalp has become greasy, itching has appeared, and white flakes are noticeable on your clothes and comb, you can consult a dermatologist.

Modern doctors consider dandruff as the mildest manifestation of seborrheic dermatitis. © iStock

Also in modern clinics, trichologists are doctors who deal with hair problems. After a series of studies, the trichologist will make a diagnosis and develop a treatment regimen.

Composition of anti-dandruff cosmetics

Products in the anti-dandruff category (usually shampoos and peeling shampoos) include such ingredients.

Selenium disulfide fights Malassezia bacteria, restores the microbiome of the scalp, eliminates flaking.

Laureth sulfate - a surfactant that acts softer than lauryl sulfate and cleanses the skin.

Salicylic acid has a keratolytic effect, removes sticky skin flakes from the scalp.

Lipohydroxy acid Provides gentle, targeted exfoliation of epidermal cells.

Pyroctone olamine has an antifungal effect.

Cocamidopropyl betaine — A surfactant obtained from fatty acids of coconut oil. Mild cleaner.

Niacinamide soothes the skin.

Tocopherol (vitamin E) protects skin lipid structures from oxidative stress.

Pyrithione zinc.

Review of anti-dandruff products

Anti-dandruff shampoo Scalp Purifying Pyrithione Zinc Dandruff Shampoo, Kiehl’s

The active ingredient is zinc pyrithione (1%) with antifungal and antiseptic properties. Also contains refreshing menthol and aloe extract for hydration. The product gently cleanses the skin, helps prevent itching, redness, and peeling.

Intensive anti-dandruff care shampoo for normal and oily hair Dercos Technique, Vichy

The formula is based on a powerful component with a wide spectrum of action: selenium disulfide. Thanks to it, the microbiome of the scalp is restored and dandruff is prevented from reappearing.

Shampoo for dandruff-prone hair, Fructis, Garnier

The 2-in-1 formula is suitable for normal hair. Already after the first use, dandruff decreases, the anti-relapse effect lasts for 6 weeks.

Intensive anti-dandruff shampoo with micro-exfoliating effect Kerium DS, La Roche-Posay

Gradually reduces flaking, soothes the scalp, relieving itching. After the first use, the feeling of discomfort disappears, and after three weeks, dandruff is eliminated. Use 2 times a week for 3 weeks.

Tips for use

Skin flakes, called dandruff, as well as itching bring a lot of unpleasant sensations. To get rid of them, especially impatient teenagers use too aggressive shampoos, which can only worsen the situation.

Avoid aggressive cleansers. They can dry out your scalp, and in response, it will begin to produce even more sebum.

Use a mild, paraben-free shampoo with a neutral pH and anti-dandruff ingredients.