Judgments about urine

We have already expressed general judgments about urine, we are talking about the manifestations of diseases, and now we will cite from this, as well as from other information, those that are more suitable for a given place. So, we say: it is not proper, if no clear signs of maturity are visible in the urine, to make a judgment about the death of the patient; Often he is saved thanks to a strong evacuation directed in any direction, during which both mature and immature are expelled.

Sometimes the juice resolves, although after a long time, or the disease gives rise to a crisis through a rash, especially if the juice is not very bad. However, the absence of signs of maturity in the vast majority of cases is not good: it indicates a greater severity of the disease and at least foreshadows a long illness, like urine, which during all periods of the disease retains the same color as urine in healthy people. If it begins to change as the disease progresses, then it is safer. Sometimes urine in case of pestilence is good and natural in composition, color and sediment, but the patient is approaching death.

Know that sometimes patients produce urine that is bad in composition, color and other qualities, but this turns out to be a crisis evacuation, especially in diseases caused by the liver and the area of ​​the urinary organs.

If during acute fevers the urine comes out sometimes sparingly, sometimes profusely, and sometimes it is blocked and does not come out, this is a bad sign: it indicates a strong struggle between the disease and nature, which sometimes wins, sometimes suffers defeat, and also that the matter is thick and is difficult to ripen. If the fevers are calm, then such phenomena portend a long-term illness due to the thickness of the juice.