Difficult birth

The difficulty of labor depends either on the pregnant woman, or on the fetus, or on the uterus, or on the membrane, or on neighboring and participating organs, or on the time of resolution, or on the midwife, or on external causes. The difficulty of childbirth depends on the pregnant woman, if she is weak and has suffered from illness or hunger, or she is fearful, or is not used to carrying and giving birth and is giving birth for the first time, so her fear is greater and the pain is stronger. Either she is a weak old woman, or she has a lot of meat in her body, or she is very fat, with a narrow vagina, and her vagina does not expand, and she cannot strain and strongly compress the uterus with her abdominal muscles. Either she has little tolerance for pain, or she tosses and turns a lot, and this leads to another reason, that is, to a change in the child’s figure, which becomes unsuitable for childbirth. The difficulty arising from a newborn depends either on his sex - a girl is generally more difficult to be born than a boy - or on his large size, or on the large size of his head and thickness of his body, or on the fact that he is very small and light and not falls with force. It also depends on the violation of harmony, which facilitates slipping out when, for example, a child has two heads or when several embryos crowd each other. Indeed, in one womb there are sometimes five or even more embryos, small, of varying sizes, and in some cases there are a very significant number of them in one sac.

Sometimes the difficulty occurs because the child is dead and there is no help from his movements, or he is weak and does not help much with his movements. Or the difficulty occurs due to the fact that the position of the child when exiting is unnatural, for example, when he exits with his leg, side or arm, or comes out crooked, or forward with his knees and hips, and this depends on the incorrect movements of the fetus and on the fact that the woman in labor has a lot of tosses and turns. There is no need to be afraid of this if contractions and pains deviate downwards and breathing is good.

The difficulty depends on the uterus, if it is small and the space in it is cramped, or if it is very dry, so that it is impossible to slip out of it, or if it has a very narrow opening - due to its composition or due to infection after ulcers or from other causes of narrowness, or if there is any malignant disease in the uterus such as phlegmon, ulcers, cracks or growths, or the woman in labor was “locked” and the fold of skin in front of the mouth of the uterus was cut, but not enough, so that the woman in labor found herself in the same condition as a woman with a narrow mouth in build .

The difficulty depending on the villous membrane is that the membrane does not rupture due to its thickness and the fetus does not find a place to escape, or it ruptures too quickly and the fluids pass through before the fruit reaches the exit point, so that it does not find a way to slip out, and the difficulty depends on the neighboring organs if there is a tumor or other damage in the bladder - accumulation of urine, etc., or there is a lot of dry feces in the rectum, or there is a tumor or ulcer of another kind, or a kidney or anal fissure, or, for example, a woman has too thin figure. The difficulty arising from the time of resolution is that the fetus accelerates attempts to be born and strengthens them, and the damage that makes it difficult for it does not hold it back, as often happens, but on the contrary, it persists, and childbirth becomes difficult, for although the force The fruit is large, compared with ordinary necessity, it is small for such persistent efforts. Difficulty from an external cause occurs, for example, when the cold intensifies and the compression of the reproductive organs increases. Therefore, difficult births are common in northern countries and in northern winds, and in cold places during cold seasons they are generally more difficult; sometimes such difficulty even leads to the stomach bursting and its walls diverging. Or this happens when the heat increases and the mother’s strength becomes very sluggish, or grief strikes her, or, for example, a woman often perfumes herself and smells incense, and her uterus is constantly stretched upward. Therefore, if labor is difficult and there is a loss of strength, one should not allow the woman in labor to smell incense beyond what is necessary to restore strength if they fall. Often, difficulty in childbirth due to the mentioned reasons or cold, compressing and hardening the vessels, leads to rupture of blood vessels in the chest and lungs and causes hemoptysis and consumptive cough, and sometimes this leads to rupture of nerves and muscles due to the resulting strong tension and low pliability of these organs due to for their loss of softness and tenderness. This causes cuzaz, and in some women it comes to the separation of the walls of the abdomen, which happens when the thickening from the cold is excessive.

Signs of an easy or difficult birth. If the pain before or after the onset of labor deviates anteriorly, as well as towards the abdomen and pubis, then the birth will be easy, and if it deviates posteriorly and towards the spine, it will be difficult.