Fruit diet

Fruit diet: an effective way to lose 7 kg in a week

The fruit diet is one of the most popular weight loss methods, which is based on the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds and nuts. This diet allows you to quickly lose weight and improve your overall health.

General principles of a fruit diet

The basic principle of the fruit diet is that you need to eat only plant foods and drink plenty of fluids. At the same time, eating grapes and bananas is strictly prohibited. You can lose up to 7 kg in a week using a fruit diet.


Breakfast on a fruit diet should be hearty and rich. It is recommended to drink a glass of water 20-30 minutes before meals. You can eat fruits or vegetables for breakfast.


Lunch on a fruit diet should include 350 grams of boiled or steamed meat. It is recommended to eat a large amount of vegetables or salad.


After 18:00 it is recommended to drink a lot of water to cleanse the stomach. You can eat fruits or vegetables for dinner.

Benefits of a fruit diet

A fruit diet allows you to quickly and safely lose weight. At the same time, it cleanses the body of toxins and normalizes metabolic processes. In addition, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables improves the condition of your skin, hair and nails, and also helps strengthen your immune system.

Disadvantages of a fruit diet

The fruit diet also has its disadvantages. It is not suitable for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreatitis. In addition, with long-term use of a fruit diet, a deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals may develop.


A fruit diet is an effective way to lose weight, which allows you to quickly lose excess weight and improve the general condition of the body. However, before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor and take into account your individual characteristics and needs.