What you need to know about autumn juices?

Autumn juices: what you need to know?

With the onset of cool autumn weather, our body needs additional vitamins and microelements. Freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits become an indispensable source of nutrients that will help strengthen the immune system and maintain health throughout the winter period.

Autumn juices are especially useful for people who eat few vegetables. Vegetable juices can be made from any vegetables that you like or are available at the moment. Carrots can be considered the leader in health benefits among vegetables. It is rich in carotene, which helps maintain healthy skin and eyes, and also prevents the development of breast cancer. Beets lower blood pressure and increase hemoglobin in the blood. Pumpkin contains a unique antioxidant complex that helps strengthen the immune system. Celery can be safely recommended to men as a means of increasing potency. Potatoes contain potassium, which will solve all problems with gastritis and eliminate the threat of peptic ulcers. One potato tuber will dissolve in a common cocktail and will be invisible, but it is necessary for health.

To achieve maximum health benefits from vegetable juices, you need to drink them on an empty stomach. Thus, the vitamins and minerals contained in the juice are fully absorbed by the body. It is not recommended to dilute juice with water, as this reduces its nutritional value. If the juice is too rich for you, you can choose a vegetable or fruit that will be more suitable. After drinking a glass of juice, it is recommended to eat a spoonful of honey. However, you should not consume carbohydrates, as they can reduce the benefits of morning exercise. It is best to consume protein foods after fresh morning juice.

Vegetable juices can be diluted with fruit juices to make the taste more pleasant. However, it should be borne in mind that fruit juices contain a lot of sugar, so you should not consume them in large quantities. It is best to add lemon juice to vegetable juice, which will not only improve the taste, but also protect the body from viral infections.

Thus, autumn juices are a great way to strengthen the immune system and provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals. They can be useful not only for those who eat few vegetables, but also for everyone who cares about their health. Vegetable juices can be prepared at home using a juicer or blender. It is important to remember that vegetable juices should be freshly squeezed and consumed as soon as possible after preparation to retain the maximum amount of nutrients. Don't forget to add fall juices to your diet and enjoy their taste and health benefits!