Cavern False

The name “cavern” comes from the Latin “leaky”, “hole”. Scientists have not established exactly where the name of this type of cavity came from.

False cavity is a common phenomenon among mammals, rodents and bats. This terminological concept denotes formation from lung tissue, when normally this tissue should serve as a fastening of the alveoli for air exchange.

According to scientists, the main factor in the occurrence of cavernous disease is infectious and cold-related factors that can arise in harsh climates and high humidity. This causes a constant increase in the risk of disease in Siberia.

In modern medical terms, K. false is a pulmonary cavity, which is distinguished by thin and collapsing walls. It appears in the lungs at the site of an old or recent infection, or after a burn or injury. Such a cavity can cause serious complications, such as an abscess or bleeding into the lungs. Treatment cover