Croup Diphtheria

K. diphtheria is a disease that causes the following symptoms: high body temperature, sore throat and swelling of the tonsils, which become bright red and may look like an ulcer. In the future, a white, grayish coating may appear on the tonsils. These symptoms usually appear a few days after contracting the infection. A sore throat can get worse when swallowing, so people may have difficulty eating and talking because of it.

K. diphtheroid is accompanied by increased sweating, trembling in the body, vomiting, weakness and loss of strength.

Symptoms can be observed within a couple of hours after the pathogen enters the body and do not subside, but only subside slightly and new lesions form. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets - by coughing, sneezing, prolonged conversation, kissing, sharing utensils and other household items. To prevent infection, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene: avoid close contact with sick people, wash your hands thoroughly