
Dictyomyeloma is a tumor that develops from reticuloepithelial cells and follicular dendritic cells, lying in the membrane of the spinal cord, most often affecting the lumbar region. Develops from degenerated meninges or brain tissue early in life. Intramedu

Don't underestimate dictyomas! This is a tumor that arises from the glandular tissue of the retina. Dictyomas are a rare disease and occur in less than 0.04% of all ophthalmic diseases!

Symptoms As the tumor grows, blurred vision occurs. It puts pressure on the nerve cells of the eye, which can lead to

Dictyomas are malignant tumors of the choroid. Due to the characteristics of their origin and histological structure, some tumors of this class may be classified as neuroepithelial. Based on the method of damage to the vessels, tumors are divided into superficial and deep dictyomas. Squamous cell carcinoma of the vascular tract is most often localized in the zone of the posterior pole, less often the tumor is found in the region of the ciliary body, and somewhat less often - on the periphery of the visual field. Dictyomas are observed not only in adults, but also in children.

Dictyomas are usually diagnosed in patients 30–40 years old. The peak incidence occurs at the age of 56–58.5 years. An increase in incidence in rural areas is also noted. The diagnosis is usually made on the basis of three mandatory signs: 1. diathesis (decreased visual acuity); 2. relative displacement of the disk with a downward displacement of the cone; 3. Perimetry is usually confirmed by ophthalmoscopy. Treatment poses serious difficulties for surgeons, which is explained by their location in an atypical area and the technical complexity of the operation. Surgical treatment is carried out with a combination of transpupillary polypectomy and cryotherapy. The general rule for both primary surgery and retraction is to combine partial removal of tumors with complete removal using cryotherapy. The greatest success of surgical treatment, therefore.

Article about Dictyomas **Dictyoma** is a benign tumor of the retina or choroid, originating from melanocytes and rarely from retinal intermediate cells. The term dictyosome is now commonly used to refer to this tumor. It develops from melanin-containing cells located in the light-sensitive layer of the retina at the base of its blood vessels. Dictyos differs from neoplasms of retinal pigment epithelial cells in its morphological and histological composition. It occurs more often between the ages of 50 and 60 years. Clinical manifestations. The characteristic appearance of the tumor is a rapidly growing yellowish-gray formation, initially growing spherically in the center of the eyeball and leaning towards its posterior pole. Gradually, the tumor descends into the vitreous body, leading to secondary phakic ruptures of the lens. Rarely, the tumor may remain flat for several months or more. Is