Engelhardt-Smirnov Method

The Engelhardt-Smirnov method is a method developed by the Soviet biochemist Vladimir Aleksandrovich Engelhardt at the beginning of the 20th century. The method is based on the use of enzymes and other biochemical substances to determine the quality of food products.

Engelhardt developed this method in the 1920s, when he worked at the Institute of Nutrition of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He used enzymes to determine the quality of foods such as grains, meat and fish. Engelhardt discovered that enzymes could be used to determine the freshness of foods and their quality.

In the 1930s, Engelhardt and his colleagues began using this method to determine the quality of food in the Soviet Union. They used enzymes to determine the freshness of meat, fish, grains and other foods. This method became very popular in the Soviet Union, and is still used in Russia and other countries.

Today, the Engelhardt-Smirnov method is widely used in the food industry and agriculture to determine the quality of products. It is also used in medicine to determine the quality of drugs and other medical products.

Engelhardt-Smirnova method (Engelhardt - Smirnova method) is a method in biochemistry developed by the Soviet biochemist Vladimir Aleksandrovich Engelhardt and his student, candidate of chemical sciences Elena Aleksandrovna Smirnova.

The Engelhardt-Smirnov method is one of the methods for determining the amount of enzymes in biological samples. It is based on measuring the rate of reaction between a substrate and an enzyme in the presence of an inhibitor that blocks the activity of the enzyme but does not affect the activity of the substrate.

The Engelhardt-Smirnov method was developed in the 1960s and has since been widely used in scientific research. It allows you to determine the amount of different enzymes in various tissues and organs, which is important for understanding metabolic processes in the body.

One of the advantages of the Engelhardt-Smirnov method is its simplicity and accessibility. It does not require special equipment and can be performed in laboratory conditions. In addition, the method can be used to analyze various types of biological samples, including blood, tissue and cells.

Despite its simplicity and accessibility, the Engelhardt-Smirnov method has a number of limitations. For example, it cannot be used to determine the activity of enzymes that do not react with the substrate. It is also not suitable for the determination of enzymes whose activity is dependent on pH or other factors.

In general, the Engelhardt–Smirnov method is an important tool in biochemical research, allowing one to quickly and accurately determine the amount of enzymes in biological objects. It is widely used in scientific research and clinical practice.