
Currently, phrenoptosis refers to the prolapse (protrusion) of the brain stem below the plane of occlusion of the sella turcica and maxillary sinuses. It is manifested by the inferior location of the mastoid process and the expansion of the foramen magnum. The set of clinical signs makes it possible to reliably establish a diagnosis in patients with borderline conditions, as well as for the differential diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. The symptom complex of phrenopia is often combined with hydrocephalus of suprasellar localization. A distinctive feature is the early manifestation of the disease in childhood and the significantly prevailing frequency of manifestation in men. Such manifestations can be assessed as congenital in the presence of fritsch. Treatment should begin with conservative methods, in parallel it is necessary to carry out therapy for the underlying disease.

**Causes of development of phrenoptosis** There are two variants of development of this condition – congenital and acquired. A separate group is multiple frenoplasia or dys