
**_Macrogenitosomy_** is an indirect type of pathology of the development of the genitourinary organs, in which a large amount of fatty tissue is located between the genitals and the walls of the abdominal cavity. This pathology also includes the diffuse form, which is a defect of both antenatal and postnatal origin, most often diagnosed in infants from the age of 7 days to 2 months after birth.

Macrogenisculia - hereditary characteristic of men with an anomaly of sexual characteristics, transmitted from mother to daughter. In this case, an ovary with a fertilized egg is formed in utero. This process depends on the type and degree of manifestation of male congenital sex syndrome. Complications can be caused not only by abnormal conditions of intrauterine development, but also by changes after the birth of the baby. Thus, premature infants with congenital heart defects and Down's disease are most at risk of developing Marek's syndrome. Also, at the genetic level, there is a high probability of pathology developing in a child with various forms of diabetes mellitus, as well as metabolic disorders in the body at any age. Identification and diagnosis is possible using a child’s blood test, coagulogram, and ultrasound examination. Important! Laboratory tests and examinations are not diagnostic for SM and cannot be used to detect skeletal changes.

Macrogenitamosemia: what is it?

**Macrogenitoma** is a female or male anomaly of the development of the organs of the genitourinary system. With this anomaly, patients exhibit genital and intestinal manifestations (this is the main part of it). Detect prolapse of organs from the vagina or rectum, stretching of the external genitalia, or changes in skin color in the genital and perineal area. Men experience sagging of the penis or irregular urine output. In addition, formation of teeth and bones may occur. As a result, dysfunction of the reproductive system organs may occur.

Macrogenitosomal pathology has been known since ancient medicine, and although it is extremely rare, patients with this diagnosis require special care and treatment. Macrogenithomenia disrupts the shape, proportions and anatomical structure of the genitals. Pathology occurs due to negative conditions in the intrauterine development of the genital organs, caused by various factors. The exact reasons are still unknown, however, experts give their own recommendations to future parents.

Macrogenitolgia is characterized by abnormalities and disorders in the structure of the genital organs. As a rule, such a diagnosis is made if deviations in the development of the genitals have led to an increase in their size. In medicine, this condition is also called macrogenitis; it was scientifically described back in the 16th century. Macrophila syndrome is polymorphic and can manifest itself in a combination of abnormal changes. Today, doctors and surgeons use the term Macrogenital pathology or Macrogenis. Signs, manifestations and consequences are determined by deviations from the standard sizes and shapes of the male and female genital organs. In the modern world, medicine provides several treatment options that make it possible to stop the development of the disease or completely get rid of it. It is worth resorting to the help of specialists even in case of minor deviations, since self-medication may not always have the desired effect, which will lead to serious consequences.

In the last century, pathology was widely used to solve the issue of childbirth: for example, in China, some married women mutilated themselves by stretching and adjusting the shape of the external genital parts of the body. Later, the importance of such procedures decreased significantly due to a decline in the birth rate or due to the use of modern methods of contraception. However, regardless of