Mastoiditis Acute

Acute mastoiditis is an acute inflammation of the tissues of the mastoid process of the temporal bone. Most often it is a complication of acute purulent otitis media (in this case called secondary mastoiditis). Primary mastoiditis develops as an independent disease after injury or sepsis.

With mastoiditis, a subperiosteal abscess forms or pus penetrates into the cranial cavity, causing intracranial complications.

Symptoms of acute mastoiditis:

  1. Pain, swelling and redness of the skin in the mastoid area
  2. Suppuration from the ear
  3. Otoscopy reveals narrowing of the external auditory canal due to prolapse of its posterosuperior wall.
  4. Headache, insomnia, loss of appetite
  5. Increased body temperature to 38.5°C or low-grade fever

The course of mastoiditis can be acute (several days) or protracted (several weeks, months).

Diagnosis is based on the clinical picture and radiographic data.

Treatment in the initial stages is conservative (antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs). In case of pronounced destructive changes in the mastoid process, an operation is indicated - anthromastoidotomy. Absolute indications for surgery: signs of inflammation spreading to the meninges, sigmoid sinus, labyrinth; facial paralysis; subperiosteal abscess.