Drinking During Pregnancy

Pregnant women are often advised to limit their consumption of certain popular beverages due to potential health risks for the mother and developing baby.

Coffee and tea contain caffeine, which can negatively affect fetal growth and increase the risk of miscarriage if consumed in excess. It is recommended to limit them to 1-2 small cups per day.

Carbonated drinks may cause bloating and are not recommended for consumption. You should also avoid drinks that are high in sugar.

Alcohol is absolutely contraindicated, as it can cause irreparable harm to the developing fetus.

The best choice is to drink clean drinking water, natural juices and fruit drinks. The recommended fluid intake is at least 2 liters per day.

Caffeine-free herbal teas are also beneficial, but it is better to make them from natural ingredients rather than using ready-made bagged mixtures.

By following these simple recommendations for choosing drinks, you can ensure the health of mother and child throughout the entire period of pregnancy.