
**Microbe** is the general name for microscopic (such as bacteria and fungi) and some multicellular organisms (such as amoebas, flagellates, volvox, some protists), respectively. The term is different from the name of all other life forms that are larger than 1-5 micrometers - it is not a microbe. For bacteriologists, the term microorganism has a broader meaning; it even includes many protozoa.

Microorganisms (bacteria or fungi) are living creatures that are microscopic in size and do not have plastids or mitochondria. The largest - Mycobacterium marinum and the order of bacteria Rhizobiales - usually have a size of 3 to 7 microns and many granules of large proteins on the surface. According to their structure, they belong to prokaryotes - the superkingdom Cellular organisms. Most are found in liquid media such as soil or water. Within biological taxonomy, bacteria are included in the domain Bacteria (sometimes called Bacteria), kingdom Bac.