Mineral Waters Subthermal

Mineral waters are natural drinking medicinal waters extracted from the depths of the earth, the minerals of which form natural thermal springs located at different depths and having different composition and degree of mineralization. The source of most mineral waters is magma.

Mineral waters help normalize metabolism and stimulate the removal of toxic substances from the body, while their quantity is reduced, salts of uric and other organic acids, lipids, radionuclides and other harmful substances are removed. In addition, drinking mineral waters promotes the active growth of human connective tissue, the absorption of proteins and minerals, as well as the elasticity and strength of blood vessels.

Today there are more than 60 types of mineral water in the world. Based on temperature, mineral waters are divided into cold, thermal, subthermal, indifferent and hyperthermal. Each of these types has its own unique healing effect on the body.

Thermal mineral waters are well known for their beneficial properties - they reduce inflammation, stimulate blood circulation, strengthen the nervous system and joints, and normalize digestion. They have a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart, spleen, thyroid gland, kidneys and even eyes.

However, they also leave room for experimentation with health. For example, it is very useful to drink from them as soon as you have a cold. Firstly, they contain trace elements that enhance the body's immune response. Secondly, they clear the mucus that is produced in patients with upper respiratory tracts during colds.