Minute Index

The minute index is one of the important characteristics of the cardiac index. It measures the time between two heart rates and expresses the amount of time the heart muscle remains quiet. This characteristic is important for assessing changes in the heart muscle in the event of physical activity or diseases of the cardiovascular system. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what the minute index is, its health implications, and how it can be measured.

**What is the minute index?** The minute index is the ratio between the number of pulse repetitions in a short period of time and the total number of seconds in that period. It is measured in minutes and is calculated by dividing the interval between repeated heart rate readings in seconds by the total number of heart rate readings. The interval between heart rate readings should be at least 30 seconds. For example, if a person made 15 repeated heartbeats in 2 minutes (120 seconds), then the minute index is 0.75 (15 beats / 2 min.). As a rule, in good physical shape, minute index readings should be in the range of 50 to 70 minutes. If the result exceeds 80 minutes, this indicates excessive physical activity, and if it falls below 40 minutes, then this is a sign of weakened cardiovascular function. Therefore, the minute index is widely used for professional athletes and people suffering from heart and vascular diseases.

Why is the minute index important for humans? The minute index provides important information about the state of the human cardiovascular system, which is associated with diseases such as heart failure, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, heart attack, arrhythmia, etc. In addition, the index allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of sports and helps you choose correct training intensity. High index results indicate good functioning of the cardiovascular system and possibly the ability to cope with physical activity. A decrease in values ​​indicates the need to reduce exercise and avoid overexertion. Regular measurement of this indicator will help determine the optimal amount of load, avoid overwork and injuries associated with overload. Thus, the importance of the minute index lies in the accurate assessment of the state of the cardiovascular system and its readiness for physical activity.

How to measure minute index? The minute index can be measured at home using a special device (monitor) for monitoring the pulse. When taking your pulse, pay attention to