Can pregnant women use anti-cellulite cream?


During pregnancy, every woman wants to remain attractive. But, unfortunately, during this period, any of us may encounter problems whose existence we might not even suspect. One of these “troubles” can be cellulite.

The cosmetic industry today offers a wide selection of all kinds of products that help cope with the “orange peel”. But is anti-cellulite cream suitable for this during pregnancy?

Cellulite and pregnancy

These two concepts often go hand in hand. Of course, cellulite is not a disease. But his appearance can ruin the mood of each of us. It also negatively affects the condition of the skin. In such places, the skin thickens, loses its former elasticity, and any scratches and bruises take much longer to heal.

“Orange peel” is a change in the composition of adipose tissue due to the effect of the hormone estrogen, the production of which increases during this period. Thus, in some areas, metabolic processes are disrupted: cells do not receive enough oxygen, and it is difficult for metabolic products and toxins to be excreted.


However, in addition to pregnancy and hormonal changes in the body, the appearance of cellulite can be affected by:

  1. Hereditary factor;
  2. Insufficient physical activity;
  3. Smoking;
  4. Lack of water in the body;
  5. Harmful foods in the diet (in order not to worry about what to eat during pregnancy, study a useful article on the topic: Nutrition during pregnancy>>>).

Cellulite most often affects the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. Its appearance indicates that there is an oxygen deficiency in your skin. Therefore, its cells do not receive the oxygen and nutrients they need. It is necessary to deal with this unattractive problem as soon as you notice the first manifestations of cellulite.

Since throughout the entire period of pregnancy there is an increase in adipose tissue in the female body, it is necessary to use special means constantly.

How to get rid of cellulite

  1. To avoid the appearance of unattractive “orange peel” skin, you need to improve blood circulation in your skin cells. For this, hydromassage, peeling, anti-cellulite wraps, etc. are usually used;

However, now all this is not suitable for you, since all kinds of essential oils, hyaluronic acid, phytoestrogens and many other components of popular cosmetics are contraindicated for pregnant women. The same applies to anti-cellulite cream during pregnancy. Therefore, when choosing a suitable product, you must study its composition and make sure that it does not contain substances harmful to the baby.

  1. If you are expecting the birth of your long-awaited baby, then you should give preference to drugs based on natural ingredients. Pay attention to cream with seaweed, horse chestnut extract, vitamin E, green tea or calendula.

It must be remembered that with the onset of pregnancy, a woman’s body becomes very susceptible, so many drugs can cause an allergic reaction. When choosing a cream, make sure that there is a mark on its packaging stating that the use of the drug is permitted during pregnancy, study the composition and consult with your doctor.

Cosmetical tools

Today, many manufacturers of anti-cellulite cosmetics have met expectant mothers halfway and created creams that are approved for pregnant women. Among them are:

  1. Cream with anti-cellulite effect “9 months”, which contains grapefruit oil, which can break down fat deposits, increase blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. You can use it from the first days of pregnancy;
  2. Sanosan cream contains hibiscus seeds and jojoba oil, which are safe and effective in the fight against cellulite and stretch marks in expectant mothers (current article: Stretch marks during pregnancy>>>);
  3. Green Mama anti-cellulite gel, which contains seaweed and green tea, is absolutely safe for pregnant and lactating women;
  4. Pregnacare with calendula and a whole range of vitamins reduces vascular permeability and has regenerating and antioxidant properties. It is used to prevent not only cellulite, but also stretch marks.

Preparing an anti-cellulite product at home

It turns out that you can make a cream that will be effective against cellulite and, at the same time, completely safe, at home.

  1. To do this, you need to take 3 tablespoons of rosehip seeds and crush them thoroughly;
  2. Add 5 drops of extract obtained from juniper fruits;
  3. Mix the ingredients well and add to the skin product you are used to using;
  4. Apply this cream twice a day after a shower.

Attention! If you suffer from allergies, have it tested before you start using any drug. To do this, apply a small amount to a small area of ​​skin located near the elbow or on the back of the hand. If after 20-30 minutes there is no reaction, you can safely use this remedy.

In addition, you should pay attention to those things that can cause the appearance of “orange peel”. Try to take walks more often, give preference to healthy foods and, if possible, avoid eating smoked, spicy, salty and sweet foods. More information about nutrition is available in the book Secrets of proper nutrition for an expectant mother>>>

If you adhere to all these simple rules, then the question: “Can I use anti-cellulite cream during pregnancy?” you won't have any problems at all.

Cellulite is not a disease or a consequence of boundless gluttony, as many are accustomed to thinking - it is just a type of norm. To one degree or another, everyone has fat deposits under the skin. During pregnancy, global hormonal changes in the body occur and the risk of the formation of cellulose tubercles increases several times. Will industrial cosmetics help avoid problems with your figure after childbirth or is it better to choose something else?

Why does cellulite appear during pregnancy?

Cellulite can be detected even in the early stages by simply squeezing a small area of ​​skin on the thigh. If you feel bumps under your fingers or visually see orange peel, then it’s time for drastic measures. It can appear even in the first trimester - the reason lies in the fact that the body is just getting used to working and distributing resources between two people. If you break it down point by point, it looks like this:

  1. Lack of iodine. Iodine, like most other substances responsible for metabolic processes, now goes to the baby, and not to the mother, which leads to fluid retention in the body and the formation of cellulite. In order for body functions to be restored, it is necessary to compensate for the deficiency of the substance with the help of iodine-containing products or vitamin and mineral supplements. Under no circumstances should you do this without the supervision of a doctor.
  2. The production of estrogen and progesterone decreases, and as a result, a problem such as cellular starvation arises.
  3. The outflow of lymph is disrupted – water-salt metabolism is disrupted in tissues.
  4. Veins are pressed due to the growth of the uterus, and the outflow of lymph is disrupted. Fluid accumulates in the tissues.
  5. Accumulation of lipids in subcutaneous tissue increases - in this way, the body makes a kind of “safety reserve”, because now all incoming substances are spent not only on meeting the needs of the mother, but also on the life support of the fetus.

Reference! Factors such as poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, genetic predisposition and the habit of wearing tight synthetic clothing can contribute to the appearance of cellulite.

How to deal with cellulite during pregnancy?

Before you begin a vigorous fight against unwanted bulge, you need to make sure that the chosen methods will not harm the unborn baby.

The following methods are prohibited:

  1. hydromassage;
  2. hardware massage;
  3. hot wraps;
  4. aggressive rubbing with hard massagers;
  5. strength exercises aimed at working out problem areas.

Instead, experts recommend:

  1. Take long walks every day. Preferably in places with good ecology.
  2. Swimming and water aerobics for pregnant.
  3. Do simple asanas for pregnant.
  4. Visit a massage therapist or ask your doctor for recommendations on self-massage.

Note! Ask your healthcare provider for exercise recommendations based on your condition and personal preferences.

To keep your body in good shape, it is important to monitor your diet. For the formation of the fetus and the prevention of skin imperfections, a balanced menu is required, including the following products:

  1. dairy products;
  2. fresh vegetables, fruits and berries;
  3. boiled lean meat and fish;
  4. greenery.

Undesirable foods are those that retain fluid in the body:

  1. carbonated drinks;
  2. pickles;
  3. smoked meats.

As for anti-cellulite creams, they need to be selected with extreme caution. Read the ingredients carefully, even when it says on the tube that the product is intended for pregnant women.

During the period of bearing a child, every representative of the fair sex wants to remain as beautiful as before pregnancy. But, unfortunately, at this time a number of changes occur in her body, which become a provocateur for the development of cellulite. The cosmetology industry has not remained aloof from this problem, and today the expectant mother can independently take care of her body and get rid of the orange peel effect without much effort with the help of anti-cellulite creams.

Creams to combat sagging skin - benefit or harm?

A woman carrying a baby under her heart knows how important it is to protect her body from the harmful effects of various chemicals. During this period of time, it is prohibited to use hair dye, many medications and even cosmetics. But are anti-cellulite creams included in the list of contraindicated drugs during pregnancy?

Doctors insist that the fight against cellulite begins only after childbirth, and until the birth of the child, no drugs against sagging skin should be used. However, if you really want to, you can still use some cosmetic products. The only condition is the absence of allergies to certain plant components.

Choosing a safe cream

When purchasing a cream that helps get rid of the orange peel effect, a woman should pay attention only to products with a natural composition. In this case, it is better not to save on your purchase, because the more expensive the drug, the more likely it is that it does not contain chemicals.

A good solution would be creams that contain one or more of the following components:

  1. seaweed;
  2. calendula
  3. fir
  4. green tea;
  5. cloudberry;
  6. horse chestnut;
  7. cedar.

These ingredients are safe for the expectant mother’s body, but it is worth remembering that during pregnancy a woman becomes hypersensitive to many plants. It is not uncommon for her to develop allergy symptoms to herbs that previously did not cause any problems.

What to avoid

There is a list of substances that pose a particular danger to the body of a pregnant woman:

  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. clove oil
  3. retinols;
  4. phytoestrogens.

They can provoke a sharp change in hormonal levels and also cause uterine contractions, which can lead to the threat of miscarriage. Therefore, if the cream contains at least one of the listed components, then you cannot purchase it.

The safest anti-cellulite creams for pregnant women

Experts have made it easier for women who are preparing to become mothers to choose an anti-cellulite cream. They compiled a list of the best cosmetics, which included proven and inexpensive drugs from well-known manufacturers. They have no contraindications and can be used both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. The only prohibition on their use was the presence of individual intolerance to any ingredient.

“9 months” from Valenta Pharm

Cream for stretch marks 9 months with anti-cellulite effect is produced by the domestic pharmacological company Valenta. He contains:

  1. wheat germ oil;
  2. vitamins E, B, A, PP;
  3. carotenoids;
  4. elastin;
  5. soy hydrolyzate;
  6. echinacea;
  7. Shea Butter;
  8. jojoba extract.

This cosmetic product has a number of positive properties:

  1. accelerating the regeneration of epidermal cells;
  2. normalization of metabolic processes in fatty tissues;
  3. removing excess fluid from the body;
  4. moisturizing the skin;
  5. removal of swelling.

After several weeks of regularly lubricating problem areas with cream, the woman gets rid of stretch marks and gradually loses the orange peel effect.

Before applying the drug, you must take a shower and treat your body with a hard washcloth. After removing dead cells, the beneficial substances included in its composition will quickly penetrate all layers of the epidermis and begin to act almost immediately.

Cream-gel Green Mama

Anti-cellulite cream during pregnancy Green Mama is a 100% natural product that restores blood circulation in fatty tissues and also destroys the subcutaneous layer of lipids. After completing a full course of getting rid of the orange peel effect with the help of this cream, the body acquires velvety, elasticity and a healthy color.

It contains the following ingredients:

  1. kaolin;
  2. seaweed;
  3. lemon extract;
  4. wheat germ oil;
  5. Rhodiola rosea extract;
  6. sea ​​buckthorn oil.

The cream should be applied to problem areas every day after taking a shower. It will take up to three weeks to get rid of cellulite. This time can be reduced by 7-10 days if the formation of sagging skin is at an early stage.

To get better results, the manufacturer suggests using two more cosmetics from the Green Mama series - a body scrub and a mask. They are also based on natural ingredients and will help keep the body healthy throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Pregnacare from Vitabiotics (UK)

Pregnacare cream is a good remedy for getting rid of stretch marks and eliminating signs of cellulite, regardless of the stage of its formation. It is designed taking into account all the characteristics of a pregnant woman’s body and has a lot of advantages compared to other similar drugs.

The advantages of Pregnacare include the fact that it:

  1. has a unique formula that contains vitamins C and E, primrose oil, calendula extract;
  2. does not cause allergic reactions;
  3. does not contain any harmful chemical components, including dyes;
  4. soothes irritated skin;
  5. moisturizes the body;
  6. promotes rapid tissue regeneration and the disappearance of stretch marks.

In addition, this anti-cellulite cream is suitable for breastfeeding, since the substances in its composition do not accumulate in milk and do not harm the baby’s health.

The duration of getting rid of the initial and middle stages of cellulite with the help of this cosmetic product is at least 15 days. During this time, it is necessary to lubricate problem areas with the drug at least once a day. Do not wash off the remaining cream from the skin.

Sanosan Mama

Another safe way to deal with sagging skin is Sanosan Mama cream from the German company Mann and Schroeder. It is an excellent alternative to many professional skin care products during pregnancy and can replace a number of expensive cosmetic procedures.

Its composition includes three main active components:

  1. hibiscus seed oil;
  2. jojoba extract;
  3. chitosan.

Their action is aimed at restoring the skin on which stretch marks appeared, improving blood microcirculation inside fatty tissues, normalizing metabolism, and also increasing the elasticity of the upper epidermal layers.

To quickly get rid of cellulite, the manufacturer recommends using Sanosan Mama daily in the morning and evening. The duration of the course to eliminate the orange peel effect is from 2 to 4 weeks.

Elimination of cellulite during breastfeeding

Despite the fact that after the birth of a child, his body is no longer connected with the mother’s, a woman should not start using potent anti-cellulite products that include dangerous chemical compounds. Doctors explain this by saying that all harmful substances that enter the body of the fair sex are excreted during lactation with milk and passed on to the baby.

Therefore, doctors categorically prohibit the use of cosmetics without consulting a specialist and insist on continuing to use the same drugs that were purchased to combat the orange peel effect during pregnancy. If they do not bring the desired results, then they can be supplemented with other anti-cellulite procedures:

  1. cold and hot shower;
  2. seaweed or white clay wraps;
  3. salt baths;
  4. massage.

All this will allow you to make your body beautiful in a short time and not harm your child.

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