
Smog is the result of the accumulation of various impurities in the atmosphere: dust, smoke and soot, called aerosols. There are several types of smog. This is a toxic fog, which is a mixture of sulfur dioxide gases produced by incomplete combustion of coal. These gases contained in smog seriously affect people's health. Smog should be distinguished from the so-called fog - a gaseous suspension of water vapor with air, earth, water, and a non-toxic impurity.

Smog became a pressing problem due to the active economic development of the 20th century. The first industry to release large amounts of gaseous toxic emissions into the atmosphere was coal. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, coal production increased significantly and the first gradual smoke pollution of large cities by industrial enterprises occurred. A striking example of this is the London fog of the early 20th century, caused by emissions from coal-fired power plants. In addition, smog is observed in other periods of time if the environment