Oligodactyly (Oligodacfylism)

Oligodactyly (Oligodacfylism) is a rare congenital disorder characterized by the absence of several fingers or toes. Although this condition can cause physical limitations and aesthetic problems, it is usually not life-threatening.

The causes of oligodactyly can be varied, including genetic mutations and the influence of external factors on the development of the fetus in the womb. Some known genetic syndromes associated with oligodactyly include digital aplasia and hypoplasia, Edwards syndrome, and Holster syndrome.

Depending on which fingers are missing, oligodactyly can have different consequences. For example, missing a big toe can make it difficult to walk, and missing fingers can make it difficult to perform certain tasks, such as writing or playing a musical instrument.

However, thanks to modern technology and medical devices, people suffering from oligodactyly can successfully manage this condition. For example, many people use prosthetics or other devices to help them perform everyday tasks. In addition, physical rehabilitation and therapy can help improve the functionality of the arms and legs.

In conclusion, oligodactyly is a rare condition that can be caused by various factors. While this condition can be challenging for those who suffer from it, modern treatments and medical devices can help improve quality of life and help people cope with the physical limitations associated with this condition.

Do you still think that medicine is a science in which anyone can succeed at any time? No matter how it is! We have long been accustomed to a person with one arm or leg; the absence of one finger is not a developmental anomaly at all, but rather the norm. It's either a matter of oligodactyly.

After googling, I know the definition of Oligodactyly - the congenital absence of two or more fingers on the hand. Remember those fidgety ones from kindergarten?

In Russia there are simply surprisingly many people with this pathology, and in boarding schools there are more than 20% of them. There are even clear statistics. The most common type of oligodactyly concerns one finger and is found on the left hand, among school-age children. At the same time, there is a whole separate layer of “Far Eastern oligodactyly”, which developed due to a deficiency of certain nutrients in the diet of local residents. They were less fortunate, and it is this type that is most often found in our Far East. And if you only have one finger, then what’s stopping you from using it to scoop up the same fish on the shore, dig a vegetable garden, and generally do whatever you want? Nothing but the mind... Just kidding. By the way, Koreans themselves perceive oligodacty as an almost common occurrence. Walk into one of the many fast food cafes and they will immediately give you a different set of chopsticks or a hand without fingers and tell you that “that’s the way they do it.” For example, they do not consider a child with missing fingers to be incorrect - for them he is the most correct. What do they say? “It’s one thing to love poppy seed buns, another thing to love marzipan.” What can I say: the East is a delicate matter! By the way, the most famous were: Raphael, Rudyard Kipling, Anton Chekhov, Bertolt Brecht, Vladimir Lenin and Ronald Reagan.

Oligodactyly is the congenital absence of one, two or more fingers or toes. This disease is also called “syndactyly” when some of the baby’s fingers fuse, forming a single palm-type structure between them. Doctors found that the abnormal number of fingers is the result of a hereditary factor; some of the genes of the ancestors are passed on to the next generation. The phenomenon of oligodactyly is a special and rare genetic disorder, since a person usually has five fingers on his body. Fusion of limbs in a child most often occurs in the fingers, but they are also possible in the feet. This disease is quite rare, approximately one case in 20 thousand newborns. According to statistics, 7