Why do stretch marks appear on the back of teenagers?


Stretch marks on the back are a fairly common phenomenon that occurs in both adults and adolescents. This is a cosmetic skin defect that is formed due to microscopic tears in the skin. Usually the problem appears in people who have rapidly gained weight or lost weight suddenly. In adolescents, they appear due to intensive growth, which the dermis cannot keep up with. Externally, stretch marks, which are also called striae, look like streaks that give the skin a loose, unaesthetic appearance.

Reasons for appearance

Stretch marks do not cause physical discomfort or pain, so they do not require specific treatment. But they cause psychological discomfort to many, especially boys and girls in adolescence. They do not want to wear a swimsuit on the beach or in the pool, which can gradually lead to the development of self-doubt. Stretch marks appear as a result of loss of skin elasticity, lack of collagen and elastane production.

But there are other reasons for the appearance of stretch marks:

  1. Weight change. Unsightly stripes appear on the back and abdomen only during a period of rapid body growth, with which the upper layer of skin simply cannot keep up. They can occur in both men and women. Stretch marks can also be observed after sudden weight loss.
  2. Dry skin. This problem affects people who drink a small amount of clean, purified water per day. Normally, an adult needs about 2 liters per day. With a deficiency, unaesthetic skin defects may appear.
  3. Poor nutrition. Usually, if your diet consists of only fast food, fatty and fried foods, and beer, this will invariably lead to stretch marks and excess weight.
  4. Genetic predisposition. This is not the main factor, but it also should not be excluded. If one of the parents had stretch marks, there is a high probability that the child will also develop them.
  5. Problems with the thyroid gland. They usually lead to hormonal imbalance, which affects the functioning of all systems and the general condition of the skin.
  6. Taking hormones. Striae often appear after taking corticosteroids. If they are taken for muscle growth, the dosage should be adjusted.

Stretch marks on the back in teenagers

Stretch marks on the back of adolescents can form during puberty, due to serious restructuring of the entire body. Growth and weight fluctuations lead to micro-tears. But there are also striae that appear as a result of the following:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Serious dietary errors or obesity.
  3. Pathological processes of the skin.
  4. Endocrine disorders.
  5. A sharp decrease in immunity.
  6. Excessive physical activity.
  7. Genetic predisposition.
  8. Vertebral displacement.
  9. Hidden pathologies of internal organs.

If parents notice other symptoms in a child besides stretch marks, then you should immediately consult a doctor. This may be high blood pressure, accompanied by heavy nosebleeds, or increased hair growth. Conventional cosmetic procedures will be ineffective here, since the cause must be sought internally.


Getting rid of stretch marks on your back is quite problematic, regardless of whether they are new or old. Although today there are many ways to combat them. Some are aimed at evening out colors, reducing their depth, and reducing visibility. It is necessary to approach solving the problem comprehensively, using all available methods in order to determine the most effective ones.

Cosmetology procedures

It is almost impossible to remove stretch marks from the back without using hardware techniques. Therefore, when they appear on the skin, first of all they turn to a dermatologist and cosmetologist. They will advise which methods will be the most optimal for restoring the aesthetic appearance of the skin. The following techniques work well to remove stretch marks:

  1. Laser skin resurfacing. It destroys the top layer of skin, which makes stretch marks less noticeable. The procedure is quite painful, so it is performed under local anesthesia. The effect is noticeable a month after the procedure.
  2. Deep peeling. With age, the skin becomes thick and rough; acidic compounds remove all dead cells and start the process of skin regeneration. As in the previous case, the result is noticeable only after some time, when the epidermis begins to recover.
  3. Microdermbrasion. It removes stretch marks thanks to the mechanical action of aluminum oxide. Polishing allows you to even out the skin, adjust its shade, and make stretch marks almost invisible. Only old stripes that are more than 8-9 months old can be treated in this way. Only 10 procedures are required.
  4. Chromopiling. A cosmetic procedure that involves exfoliation, which in the process gives the skin a tan. The effect is quite long-lasting, but it must be repeated periodically.
  5. Mesotherapy. An effective and modern way to eliminate any skin defects. But to get a lasting result, you will need at least 7-10 sessions. The downside is the fairly high cost of one procedure.

Home Recipes

At home, you can also deal with the problem of stretched skin no less effectively. It is better to treat it with natural remedies, which with regular use will provide lasting results. Proven recipes of traditional medicine include:

  1. One tablespoon of sugar is mixed with a couple of drops of lemon juice and almond oil. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, rub the stretch marks with it for 5 minutes, after which you need to take a shower.
  2. Potato juice renews the upper layer of the epidermis well, thanks to the large amount of vitamins and minerals it contains. One slice of potato should be rubbed into each stretch for 3 minutes. A large root tuber should be removed in one procedure.
  3. A homeopathic remedy is aloe juice mixed with vitamin A and several capsules of vitamin E. The resulting composition must be rubbed in a circular motion.
  4. Lemon juice is mixed with cucumber juice in equal proportions. After which the solution is applied to the skin. This must be done carefully so as not to cause redness.
  5. Alfalfa powder is mixed with chamomile oil. A compress is made from the resulting paste, which cleanses the skin and enriches it with vitamins K and E.

You can also use fresh apricots for rubbing if they are in season. Fresh fruits are divided into two slices and rubbed into the skin for 2 minutes. You can also make a paste from them and apply to the surface, leaving for a while. The above recipes should be used with caution, having previously tested the skin for sensitivity.

Striae in a teenager

If your son has stretch marks all over his back, then treatment should begin with the most harmless methods. An excellent remedy is olive oil. It is used as follows:

  1. The teenager lies on his stomach, on a flat surface.
  2. The oil is applied to the stretch marks in a circular motion with slight pressure. This must be done within 5 minutes.
  3. Wrap the area in a clean natural cloth, preferably cotton, to allow it to breathe.
  4. Take a bottle or heating pad and fill it with not too hot water. Warm up for 30 minutes.

The procedure must be repeated every day for 25-30 days. As soon as lasting results become noticeable, you can stop. In addition to oil, stretch marks in adolescents can also be lubricated with lemon juice if the skin is not hypersensitive to citrus extract.


Stretch marks or stretch marks (Latin striae - stripes) on the back are cosmetic skin defects formed as a result of microscopic tears in the reticular layer of the dermis. Most often, this problem worries people who have gained weight, lost weight, or sharply increased their height in a short period of time. Its victims are mainly women, teenagers and athletes. Why does this happen and how to deal with it correctly? Let's try to figure it out.

What stretch marks look like

The clinical and morphological picture changes at different stages of stretch mark development. At first, in appearance they resemble small scars of a pinkish or purple hue. Depending on the cause of occurrence, they can be either vertical or horizontal. Favorite places for stretch marks are the chest, abdomen, thighs or buttocks, and in some cases the skin on the back may also be affected.

Later, when the damaged tissue has lost its former elasticity, the stretch marks acquire a stable whitish color that does not change even after exposure to ultraviolet rays.


This is what stretch marks look like in the second stage

No matter where stretch marks are located, they are, in fact, just cicatricial changes in the skin - a cosmetic flaw that does not pose a health hazard. They do not cause any physical discomfort, but cause aesthetic discomfort, especially at a young age. However, in some cases, stretch marks can signal alarming changes occurring in the body.

What causes stretch marks on the back?

Most often, stretch marks in the back indicate a loss of skin elasticity due to a sharp increase in body fat or muscle mass, for example, during pregnancy or puberty. The skin simply cannot keep up with the growth of a changing organism, since the process of cell division in the epidermis occurs much more slowly than in the tissues of internal organs. This is especially noticeable in teenagers who have grown an entire head in one summer, and whose back is suddenly subjected to an extreme load, which subsequently adversely affects the condition of the skin. It's also common to see men quickly gain muscle mass through strength training (sometimes coupled with anabolic steroids). Together with them, they acquire scars that disfigure the body.

A special role is played by hormonal changes in the body. Complex biochemical processes, lack of collagen, wild growth or weight changes are the main culprits for the occurrence of micro-tears in the reticular layer of the dermis. There are other reasons for the appearance of stretch marks, and some of them are not so harmless and require close attention:

  1. insufficiently active lifestyle;
  2. errors in nutrition;
  3. obesity;
  4. skin features;
  5. endocrine disorders;
  6. decreased immunity;
  7. long-term hormonal therapy;
  8. genetic predisposition;
  9. excessive physical activity;
  10. vertebral displacement;
  11. hidden pathologies and diseases of internal organs.

It is good if parents help their children by contacting a qualified dermatologist or cosmetologist in this regard. Specialists will be able to determine the cause and select the most rational solution in each specific case.

How to remove stretch marks on your back at home

Today there are many ways to combat stretch marks on the back, but most of them are effective only when the stretch marks have not yet turned white. Otherwise, you can only reduce the depth of the stretch marks and make them less noticeable. Unfortunately, neither tanning nor decorative cosmetic products are able to disguise these stripes, so all that remains is to approach the problem comprehensively, using not only care products, essential oils or massage, but also changing your diet and even lifestyle. And if treatment at home does not produce an effect, you can try to resort to hardware techniques that will help get rid of cosmetic defects quickly and forever. Let's look at popular home methods for dealing with stretch marks.

Caring cosmetics

Today, pharmaceutical cosmetology produces various moisturizing and regenerating creams containing collagen, elastin, as well as a complex of vitamins necessary for skin restoration. They help reduce the depth of stretch marks on the back and prevent the appearance of new stretch marks on the back, increasing turgor. For example, Avent moisturizing cream, recognized as one of the best cosmetics for combating stretch marks and congestion.


Avent stretch mark cream has helped many women restore their skin elasticity. The product contains papaya and shea seed oils, as well as seaweed extract

You can moisturize your skin with it several times a day, paying attention not only to problem areas, but also to the surface surrounding them. Cosmetologists strongly recommend treating the body with a hard washcloth or soft scrub 2 times a week before applying the cream, thus helping to exfoliate dead cells and speed up their renewal.

You can replace the scrub with leftover ground coffee!

Sanosan mama cream, developed by German manufacturers, has also proven itself well.


Sanosan mama stretch mark cream contains beeswax, wheat proteins and jojoba oil

Despite the fact that most cosmetic products are designed to combat stretch marks during pregnancy, they can also be prescribed to adolescents, since they contain mainly natural ingredients and are safe.

Massage and essential oils

During puberty, the skin of a growing organism becomes extremely sensitive and quickly responds to any massaging influences. Thanks to careful treatment of problem areas, skin tone significantly increases, blood and lymph circulation improves. The main thing is to do it correctly, starting with soft kneading movements, smoothly moving to more intense actions, and ending with relaxing stroking. Be sure to include a variety of techniques. For example, tong-like kneading, felting or rubbing. Use additional devices (soft brushes, rollers). All manipulations should cause only pleasant sensations.

It is advisable to use special oils for stretch marks on the back or moisturizing creams during the procedure to ensure easy and quick gliding. You can prepare a massage mixture yourself by adding a few drops of lavender, neroli, rosewood or rosemary ether to 1 tablespoon of any base oil (almond, coconut, jojoba or even sunflower).


Back massage is easier to do with the help of various devices

Tangible results are obtained by cupping (vacuum) massage, during which lymph and blood circulation increases, and along with their influx, a large amount of oxygen and nutrients enters the tissues. However, this technique requires maximum caution, preparation and certain skills.

How to do cupping massage correctly to remove traces of stretch marks

The massage is carried out using silicone cups. First, the skin is thoroughly cleansed, generously moisturized with massage oil, and warmed with light hand movements. Some people use anti-cellulite cream instead of oil. The massage jar should be pressed against the surface being massaged, squeezed in your hands to force out the air, then carefully move in different directions along the lines of least stretch.


With your free hand, try to help by creating resistance.

It is important that the jar slides easily and quickly over the skin, otherwise it will leave severe bruises that will take a very long time to heal. After 5–7 minutes, it is better to complete the massage, not forgetting to wipe the affected areas with ice cubes. Ice contrast will reduce the likelihood of bruising and increase the effect of the procedure.

Properly organized nutrition

A diet containing healthy foods, fresh fruits and vegetables will help those who suffer from stretch marks on the back due to excess weight and everyone else. In addition, by eating a balanced diet, it is much easier for teenagers to endure the difficulties of hormonal surges, strengthen the immune system and prevent the appearance of not only stretch marks, but also acne.

To stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, as well as speed up metabolic processes, it is necessary to provide the body with enough water. The menu should include dishes high in vitamins A and E, C, D and K as often as possible, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis, promote accelerated cell renewal and healing of scars. In addition, it is important to provide the growing body with products containing zinc and silicon. These microelements increase the level of skin resistance to atrophy and other adverse factors.

The diet of young people must certainly contain proteins - building material for the formation of new epithelial cells. It is also worth buying at the pharmacy a suitable multivitamin complex with macro- and microelements, which allows you to develop harmoniously during adolescence. These are such popular drugs as Vitrum Junior or Alphabet Teen, specially designed to meet the needs of a growing body.


People who are predisposed to the appearance of stretch marks on their back should definitely strengthen the muscles of their back, arms, abdomen, hips and chest by regularly exercising. You should not choose complex strength exercises for this, which involve intense muscle work and physical overexertion, as this can aggravate the situation. It is better to give preference to water sports, during which there is a soft and deep massage effect of water jets on the skin, shaping, yoga or light jogging. The skin of teenagers who love sports is more elastic and toned, therefore it is resistant to adverse factors.

How to get rid of stretch marks on the back forever in the salon: before and after photos

Most specialists in the field of cosmetology and dermatologists who have studied this problem agreed that noticeable and lasting improvements can only be achieved with the help of certain hardware techniques. These include:

  1. radiofrequency therapy in combination with laser irradiation (photorejuvenation), as a result of which collagen synthesis is activated;
  2. mechanical dermabrasion - deep resurfacing of the skin, during which the damaged layers are gradually removed;
  3. mesotherapy - the introduction under the skin of special mesotherapy preparations containing biologically active substances and capable of accelerating collagen synthesis;
  4. Skin resurfacing using laser, chemical peeling or microdermabrasion are effective methods that quickly smooth out the skin texture.


These are the results obtained after the laser procedure using the FRAXEL ReStore DUAL device

Many clinics successfully treat even chronic stretch marks using the 3D method. It is based on a combination of laser technology with collagen injections.


Impressive results from 3D treatment of stretch marks

All of the above procedures are carried out exclusively by specialists after appropriate examination, since they have restrictions on their use.

How to prevent stretch marks on your body

The best way to deal with any problems is to prevent them in a timely manner. Prevention of microtrauma to skin fibers consists of following simple rules:

  1. balanced diet with enough water, minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates;
  2. active lifestyle;
  3. maintaining constant body weight in accordance with age standards;
  4. careful skin care, especially during adolescence;
  5. regular use of exfoliating products and cosmetic oils;
  6. hardening the body with water procedures, paying special attention to contrast showers;
  7. normalization of hormonal levels.

I want to share my personal experience. Even in the first trimester of pregnancy, I developed reddish stretch marks on the upper part of the mammary glands, most likely associated with hormonal changes in the body, since there was no tendency to be overweight. During my rare shaping sessions before pregnancy, I neglected exercises for the chest muscles, believing that everything was fine in this area, and put the main emphasis on working out the hips and abs. It is in these areas that the skin retained its elasticity and remained clean, without stretch marks. Exercises for the chest muscles, massage with essential oils, and contrast douches again helped to reduce the manifestations of stretch marks.

Precautions and contraindications

Before using any cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, it is better to consult with your doctor, read the instructions/instructions for use, and first test the products on a small and sensitive area of ​​skin.

Most hardware techniques have strict contraindications. Here is just a sample list:

  1. suspicious neoplasms;
  2. oncology;
  3. blood diseases and clotting problems;
  4. pulmonary tuberculosis;
  5. infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  6. cardiovascular diseases;
  7. heart, kidney and liver failure;
  8. severe forms of diabetes mellitus;
  9. mental disorders;
  10. feverish conditions;
  11. thyrotoxicosis;
  12. pregnancy;
  13. individual intolerance, etc.

Important! If the formation of stretch marks on a teenager’s back is accompanied by suspicious symptoms such as increased blood pressure or excess hair growth, it is worth examining him with a specialist and finding out if there are any disorders or ailments in the growing body.


Avent stretch mark cream is excellent at preventing stretch marks on the back, it is important to know how to use it correctly! In my review, I want to not only describe the advantages of Avent cream, but also give some tips and dispel some myths.

I started using Avent cream back in 2002, on the recommendation of my friend, who had already had two pregnancies and not a single stretch mark. My doctor confirmed that the cream perfectly prevents the appearance of stretch marks and gave me many recommendations for its use.

1. You need to start using the cream immediately when you become aware of pregnancy. The skin needs to be prepared for stretching in advance; the collagen contained in it accumulates gradually, and it helps prevent stretch marks on the back; the less collagen protein in the skin, the greater the chances of getting stretch marks. In pregnant women, the amount of collagen in the skin decreases under the influence of the hormone Cortisol. The substances included in the cream nourish and moisturize the skin more intensely than regular body cream.

2. Be sure to use the cream twice a day, every day after a shower! There is no need to shower with detergents every time, as you wash away the protective sebum and thereby cause dry skin. These procedures cannot be skipped. Use it before and after childbirth, for another couple of months.

3. For the cream to be more effective, a couple of times a week you need to remove dead skin layers using peeling or a medium-hard sponge.

4. It is recommended to apply the cream from the neck to the knees; it is from these areas that the skin begins to stretch towards the center. Rub the cream in with intense, circular, massage movements. This method will improve blood circulation and help the formation of new, young skin cells! The breasts need to be given special attention.

5. Finish your shower with a contrast douche on your chest, this will improve blood circulation and tone the skin, preparing it for applying the cream.

6. Itching on the skin indicates a moment of stretching. Don’t be lazy to apply a drop of cream to this place one more time!

Overall impression: Great for preventing stretch marks, it's important to know how to use it correctly!



This is some kind of miracle! Getting rid of stretch marks and tightened skin for PENIES and a minimum of time with the help of a badyagi! Advantages: 100% natural remedy, accessible to everyone, beneficial for the whole body, easy to use, effective. Disadvantages: somewhat painful, you need to force yourself to do it regularly.

I encountered the problem of stretch marks back in my teens—at about 14 years old. Stretch marks crawled up my outer thighs and along the sides of my abdomen. At first they were translucent, thin and white, but after about 6 years deep, wide dark stretch marks began to appear; there weren’t many of them, but they were very noticeable. At the same time, during the period when such stretch marks appeared, my weight did not change at all; most likely, this is just a feature of my skin.

I struggled with them for 2 years with the help of regular use of regeneration creams, but they did not help at all. I found one recipe, very simple, consisting of a bag of dry badyagi and any oil, even sunflower. The mixture is applied with rubbing movements to problem areas. The first time, leave it on for 5 minutes and wash off with water.

For the first time I observed slight redness 10 minutes after the procedure. On the second day, the feeling of discomfort decreases, but you can still see that the skin is slightly inflamed. After about 5-6 days, the skin began to peel and itch slightly, but it was quite tolerable. I began to actively use body milk so as not to dry out my skin too much.

According to the prescription, it is recommended to do the procedure every other day for 20 days, i.e. 10 times. But since the New Year was just around the corner, I stopped at 4. So, what have we achieved? The skin has become much more even, there are no pronounced stretch marks, the dark ones have become much lighter, the light ones have become less noticeable, as new skin has covered the top. By the way, I previously bought a badyagu for 8 rubles, and now I took some other one, more expensive - there is no difference!



Video: “Goodbye stretch marks!”

As you can see, stretch marks can and should be dealt with. And the sooner you declare war on them, the sooner the desired effect will occur. If one remedy doesn't help, try another. Do not give up. In conclusion, I would like to draw the attention of parents to the fact that teenagers are very vulnerable. They always react to any negative changes in appearance more painfully than adults. Under no circumstances should the problem that has arisen be ignored, as it can cause psychological trauma.

The back is a very important part of the human body; it contains a large number of muscles and supporting bones. During puberty, this part of the body also undergoes changes, so children and parents often have a question: how to remove stretch marks (striae) on the back of teenagers.


The transition period is quite dangerous because it causes the body to develop unevenly and not stably. The back is constantly required to support a fairly large, continuously growing mass, constantly changing and stretching, which can adversely affect the condition of the skin and muscles.

The skin does not always have enough collagen and elastin to maintain its elasticity and uniformity. A lack of tension-controlling substances leads to breakdown of the skin, followed by scarring and development into stretch marks.

The reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the back in adolescents can be different. The following factors can provoke the formation of red and white stretch marks:

  1. genetic predisposition to the appearance of striae. Sometimes a lack of collagen in the skin is a chronic factor that is passed down from generation to generation;
  2. insufficiently rapid growth of the skin following the body gaining height and volume. The skin is critically stretched and practically destroyed due to how strongly the growing body is bursting it from the inside;
  3. pathologies of internal organs;
  4. weakening of the body's defense system, decreased immunity;
  5. uncontrolled weight gain, obesity;
  6. hormonal diseases that can easily arise against the background of a strong release of hormones and enzymes during puberty;
  7. Sometimes the appearance of stretch marks on the back is a consequence of taking medications intended for hormonal therapy.

If you have stretch marks on your back in teenagers, you should consult a doctor.to conduct a diagnosis and find out whether the formation of striae is a symptom of diseases of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity and kidneys.

Video: Doctor's advice

What they look like and what they are like

According to their appearance, stretch marks are divided into red and white stretch marks. Red ones are fresh, newly formed scars. They have not yet had time to deeply penetrate the skin and resemble healing scars.

The main problem with stretch marks is that they are difficult to disguise with cosmetics or tanning; they will still appear strongly on the skin.

What to do with stretch marks on the back of teenagers

There are a large number of ways to get rid of stretch marks that form on the back of teenagers. It is important to remember that it is best to deal with them while they are still red.

If the stretch marks turn white, it will be very difficult to remove them from the skin. In this case, it is only possible to reduce their depth and intensity of manifestation.


How to choose a cream for stretch marks during pregnancy 9 months?

Read about stretch marks on the breasts during pregnancy here.

Creams and ointments

In order to remove stretch marks, modern pharmaceutical cosmetology offers a large number of products. They moisturize the skin, making it smoother and more susceptible to increasing tension and stretching.

To get rid of stretch marks, you will need to choose a high-quality, proven moisturizer that contains collagen and elastin molecules. Creams and ointments with a high concentration of vitamins A or E can also help improve skin health.

The high content of nutrients beneficial to the skin will contribute to its rapid recovery, improved appearance and a significant increase in elasticity.

In addition, it is advisable to purchase a soft scrub with fine pigments and treat the surface of the back skin with it 2-3 times a week. This will help speed up the exfoliation of dead cells and the formation of new ones.

Balancing your diet

This method is suitable not only for those teenagers whose stretch marks are caused by excess weight, but also for those who suffer from stretch marks for any other reason.

In order to smooth out existing stretch marks, stimulate the skin to form new collagen and prevent the subsequent appearance of stretch marks, you will need:

  1. to drink a lot of water. The liquid entering the body stimulates the acceleration of metabolism and the normalization of metabolic processes;
  2. diversify the menu with products containing vitamins A and E, which have a beneficial effect on the appearance and condition of the skin, zinc and silicon, which help increase the level of external resistance, vitamins C, D and K, which help accelerate the growth and division of cells;
  3. when building a menu, the main emphasis should be on products containing protein (lean meat, eggs, dairy products) - a building material for future epithelial cells.

If it seems that not enough microelements will be supplied with food, then you can purchase at the pharmacy a multivitamin complex designed specifically for a growing organism, such as Vitrum Junior or Alphabet for Teenagers.


During puberty, a person’s skin becomes very sensitive to any external influence, so the response to a massage will be almost immediate.

It is advisable to start with a soft, relaxing massage and only then move on to more intense kneading, since a sudden transition to therapeutic massage can only worsen the condition of the body, creating conditions of unnecessary stress and tension.

During the massage, you can also use a moisturizer or special oil for stretch marks.

Sports activities

Movement will help remove stretch marks on a teenager’s back, but not aggressively, but slowly, evenly, gradually picking up pace. You should not engage in intense sports that involve excessive stress, as this will have an even more adverse effect on the skin.

The best way to eliminate stretch marks during puberty is light running or swimming. Water sports are more preferable, since in addition to uniform tension of the whole body, this type of physical activity involves a soft and smooth massage effect of the water column on the human skin.

Exercising helps to quickly get rid of stretch marks, as the skin and muscles become more elastic, elastic, developed and always ready to be exposed to environmental factors.

Which doctor should I contact?

If stretch marks appear in a teenager, it is best to consult a dermatologist. After a thorough examination and consistent analysis, a medical specialist will be able to determine whether stretch marks were caused by normal accelerated growth or gain of fat mass, or whether the problem is a violation of the body's humoral regulation.

To make an accurate diagnosis and select the most rational solution, you may need to consult an endocrinologist or rheumatologist, depending on the clinical case.


In order to prevent the appearance of stretch marks in teenagers, you should follow a few simple rules:

  1. Less indulgence in unhealthy, sweet, fatty foods, which lead not only to weight gain and digestive problems, but also contribute to development. chronic pathologies;
  2. eat foods containing microelements beneficial for the skin or choose a vitamin and mineral complex;
  3. play sports and try to lead an active lifestyle. uniform, regular loads will help the body quickly adapt to stress factors and not provoke reactions that cause discomfort;
  4. You will need to take care of yourself during the transition period, use a massaging exfoliating washcloth in the shower, which renews the skin and increases the speed of blood and lymph movement, and also use a moisturizer or special cosmetic oil afterwards;
  5. If discomfort, skin defects, or poor health occur, consult a doctor in order to carefully observe how hormonal changes occur in the growing body. Sometimes some defects are explained not so much by puberty, but by the presence of developmental pathology or a malfunction in the production of hormones and enzymes.


In this article you will learn how to apply stretch marks during pregnancy.

How to remove stretch marks after losing weight at home? Follow the link.

How to remove white stretch marks? Find out more.

Paying close attention to changes in your own body will help you easily survive adolescence, keeping your skin smooth and beautiful.