Pemphigus Exfoliative

Exfoliative pemphigus is an autoimmune dermatosis (dermatitis characterized by the appearance of blisters filled with transparent contents and opening to form erosions), caused by an “attack” of the immune system on its own epithelium (surface layers of the skin) and its fragments called keratinocytes. Blisters appear on any part of the skin except the palms, soles and mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals, and do not affect hair and nails; the blisters are small and large, they hurt a lot, increase somewhat in size upon palpation, merge into large groups - usually red or blue, up to a centimeter in diameter or more - bursting, forming painful erosions and ulcers. The disease lasts 1–1.5 months. After 6 months, a recurrence of the disease is possible, that is, a second attack, six months later, the next attack of the immune system on the same or another area of ​​the skin - recurrent pemphigus disease does not occur, it will follow the first.