Speech Inner

Inner Speech: How Our Voice Helps Us Think and Remember

Speech is not only a means of communication with other people, but also an important tool in the inner world of each of us. There is constant speech activity in our minds, which helps us think, remember and organize information.

Internal speech is a form of speech activity that is involved in the processes of thinking and memory and is not intended for direct communication with other people. This form of speech is manifested externally only by micromovements of the articulatory apparatus, but real speech activity occurs inside our brain.

When we think, we talk to ourselves mentally, formulate thoughts into words, and take internal actions that help us solve problems and make decisions. For example, if we are trying to remember a new word, we mentally repeat it several times, which helps to consolidate it in memory.

Inner speech also plays an important role in our ability to self-regulate and control our behavior. We can use inner speech to motivate ourselves, convince ourselves of something, or calm ourselves down in a stressful situation. For example, if we are afraid of speaking in public, we may tell ourselves internally: “I can do this, I have prepared well, I am confident.”

Inner speech also helps us focus on a task and get rid of extraneous thoughts. If we are trying to solve a difficult problem, we may tell ourselves internal instructions aimed at completing that task. This helps us maintain focus and not be distracted by other thoughts.

Research shows that inner speech may be useful for improving cognitive functions such as memory, attention and problem solving. It can also help manage emotions and behavior.

However, like any tool, inner speech can be a source of problems. For example, if we constantly tell ourselves internally negative and destructive thoughts, this can lead to depression and anxiety.

Overall, inner speech is of great importance to our inner world and is important to our success and well-being. Understanding how it works and how to use it can help us improve our lives and achieve our goals.

Internal speech is a person’s speech activity aimed at formulating thoughts and managing them when solving any problems, carrying out an internal monologue, reflection, etc. It differs in that it does not involve communicating with people or using language for communicative purposes. Expression of emotions, perception of information, control of thinking - these functions