Saima Foot Isolation

Saima, or disarticulation of the foot bone. As a rule, this operation is performed when the fracture of the foot bones is located in the area of ​​the m/f angle. And also when there is a deep traumatic separation of part of the fleshy phalanx of the finger, accompanied by damage (usually significant) to the articular capsule of the joint. At the same time, doctors often name various circumstances as the cause of injury (nail breakage, fall from a height, traffic accident, etc.), but they do not take into account the fact that, as a rule, this occurs with a direct blow to the foot or the entire patient on any objects - steps, stones, ramparts on a sports field, etc. As soon as a traumatic factor occurs and part of the fleshy skin is torn off along the distal part of the nail phalanx, and in addition the joint capsule is damaged, the foot is literally jammed with a bone fragment of this capsule : the foot “does not bend” and becomes like it has been shot through with an axe. The injury is rare, therefore, the injury cannot be detected in time (up to 7-14 days), as a result of which, over several years of being in a cast, significant contractures and arthrosis form in the joints. The joint is deformed, and aseptic necrosis of the bone