Scabies Earthen

Scabies is one of the most common parasitic diseases. The main causative agent of this disease is microscopic worms - hookworms. For this reason, this disease received its other name - skin ankylostrosis. Adults range in size from 5 mm to 2 cm and live in the upper layers of the skin, feeding on human blood. Small black or brown worms live mainly in the subcutaneous tissue, reaching 4 cm in length. The female can lay up to 38 thousand eggs in one clutch. Over the course of several days, small worms eat the stratum corneum of the skin and then come out along with the feces. This process is absolutely painless for humans, but it looks like a small rash with light contents in the intercellular space of the skin. A single attack of the rash ends after 1-2 weeks, after which the disease becomes chronic.