Stomach Cancer Diffuse (Linitis Plastica, Leather-Bottle Stomach)

Diffuse Gastric Cancer (Linitis Plastica, Leather-Bottle Stomach) is a form of gastric cancer characterized by diffuse infiltration of the gastric submucosa with malignant tissue. This leads to compaction and thickening of the stomach wall, as well as a narrowing of its lumen.

With this form of cancer, diagnosis by endoscopy can be difficult, since the tumor spreads submucosally and does not form visible tumor masses. However, the X-ray shows fairly clear changes in the form of thickening and compaction of the stomach walls, like a “skin bag”. This was the basis for one of the names of the disease - “leather stomach”.

Thus, diffuse gastric cancer is characterized by infiltrative tumor growth in the stomach wall without the formation of tumor nodes. This makes timely diagnosis difficult, but the x-ray shows characteristic signs in the form of thickening and compaction of the stomach wall.

Diffuse Stomach Cancer (Linitis Plastica, Leather-Bottle Stomach): Characteristics and Diagnosis


Gastric cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, accompanied by high mortality. Among the various forms of stomach cancer, diffuse gastric cancer, also known as linitis plastica or "gastric skin bottle", is a rare but aggressive form of tumor. In this article we will look at the main characteristics and diagnostic methods of this disease.


Diffuse gastric cancer, or linitis plastica, is characterized by diffuse infiltration of the gastric submucosa with malignant tissue. This leads to rigidity of the stomach wall and narrowing of its lumen. This type of cancer is different from more common forms such as adenocarcinoma or papillary cancer, which form discrete tumors or ulcers on the surface of the stomach.

Characterized by infiltration of malignant tissue into the submucosa, it leads to thickening of the gastric wall and a reduction in its elasticity. This leads to a change in the shape of the stomach, becoming similar to a leather bottle, which gave this disease an alternative name - “stomach leather bottle”. Such changes make diagnosis difficult using endoscopy, but x-ray examination methods can clearly identify changes in the structure of the stomach.


Diagnosis of diffuse gastric cancer can be difficult due to its characteristics and similarities to other gastric diseases. However, with the right approach, it is possible to achieve an accurate diagnosis. Below are the main diagnostic methods for identifying this disease:

  1. Endoscopy: Endoscopic examination is an important method for visualizing the inner surface of the stomach and identifying changes characteristic of diffuse gastric cancer. However, due to the rigidity and narrowing of the gastric lumen, endoscopic examination may be difficult. In cases where endoscopy cannot be performed or cannot reliably confirm the diagnosis, other methods are required.

  2. Radiology: X-ray methods, such as a barium contrast study of the stomach or two-phase esophagogastroduodenoscopy, can identify characteristic changes in the structure of the stomach with diffuse cancer. On x-rays, you can observe a thickening of the stomach wall, a decrease in its volume and a change in shape, giving it a resemblance to a leather bottle. These changes usually appear quite clearly and can help in making a diagnosis.

  3. Biopsy: A biopsy, in which a tissue sample is removed for further examination under a microscope, is the definitive method for confirming the diagnosis of diffuse gastric cancer. A biopsy may be performed using an endoscopic examination, followed by examination of the tissue for the presence of malignant cells.

  4. Additional tests: Additional tests, such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or positron emission tomography (PET), may be ordered to evaluate the extent of the tumor and the presence of metastases. These methods help to assess the degree of tumor involvement of surrounding tissues and organs, which is important for determining treatment tactics.


Diffuse gastric cancer, also known as linitis plasty or “gastric skin bottle,” is a rare but aggressive form of cancer. Diagnosis of this disease can be difficult due to the characteristics of its manifestation, however, x-ray examination methods can quite clearly identify changes in the structure of the stomach. A biopsy and additional tests are used to confirm the diagnosis and determine the extent of the tumor's spread. Early diagnosis and timely treatment are critical to improve the prognosis and survival of patients with diffuse gastric cancer.