Surgical Treatment of Pituitary Tumors

In most cases, a pituitary tumor requires surgery to remove. The operation allows not only to eliminate the tumor, but also to solve a number of additional problems associated with compression of surrounding tissues. One such problem may be decreased vision caused by compression of the optic nerves by the tumor. Vision often improves after surgery, and in some cases can be completely restored.

There are two main types of surgery to remove pituitary tumors. The first type - transsphenoidal approach through the nose - is more common and less traumatic. The surgeon makes an incision in the nasal mucosa and gets to the tumor through the bone structures. Sometimes, when performing such an operation, endoscopic equipment is used, which allows a more detailed examination of the tumor and bone structures. The tumor is removed, after which gauze swabs are left in the nasal cavity, which are removed after a few days.

The second type of operation - transcranial access through the frontal bone - is used less frequently and is used only in cases of large tumors or when it is impossible to remove the tumor using a transsphenoidal approach. In this case, craniotomy is performed, after which the tumor is removed and the bone is restored to its original location. This type of operation is more traumatic and dangerous, so its use is limited.

After removal of a pituitary tumor, in some cases a course of radiation therapy and hormone replacement therapy may be prescribed. A combination of surgical, radiation and hormonal treatment can cure the disease in 90% of cases.

If a patient has a pituitary tumor, surgery is often the most effective treatment. Depending on the size and location of the tumor, the surgeon may choose one of two types of operations: a transsphenoidal approach through the nose or a transcranial approach through the frontal bone. After surgery, the patient may be prescribed a course of radiation therapy and hormone replacement therapy. However, thanks to modern treatment methods, it is possible to cure the disease in 90% of cases.