Top 10 films that promote weight loss

Many of us struggle with excess weight and would like to lose weight. Inspirational films can be a good motivator along this path. Here are the top 10 films that will help you overcome yourself and achieve the desired result.

  1. "Food Corporation" (2008)

This documentary explores the US food industry and the powerful corporations that run it. It will make us think about what we eat.

  1. "Fat Men" (2009)

Spanish comedy about a support group for overweight people. The film explores the causes of obesity and ways to solve this problem.

  1. "Dance is more valuable than life" (2001)

A drama about a ballerina who goes to extreme measures for success on stage and suffers from anorexia. The film shows the dangers of being too thin.

  1. "Hunger" (2001)

A mother drives her daughters to exhaustion with endless diets and workouts. Her manic desire for thinness leads to tragedy.

  1. "Fat Girls" (2004)

A funny comedy about two plump friends who suddenly become celebrities. The film talks with humor about accepting ourselves as we are.

  1. "The Mirror Has Two Faces" (1996)

Barbra Streisand's melodrama about a girl who turns from an "ugly duckling" into a beauty. An inspiring story about overcoming complexes.

  1. "My Mom's New Boyfriend" (2008)

A comedy about a mother who, after separating from her husband, radically changes her image. The film motivates you to start a new life.

  1. "Perfect Figure" (1997)

A sports drama about an obsessive gymnast who exhausts herself through dieting and training to win. Shows the dangers of overcommitment.

  1. "Fast Food Nation" (2006)

A film about the impact of the fast food industry on society. Makes you critically evaluate your eating habits.

  1. "200 Pounds of Beauty" (2006)

Korean comedy about an overweight girl who radically changes her image after hearing hurtful words. Inspires change.