Top 5 most harmful New Year's products

New Year is a time of fun, celebration and, of course, treats. But not all products that are usually present on the New Year's table are healthy. Nutritionists have named the top 5 most harmful New Year's foods that should be consumed with caution or abandoned altogether.

  1. Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is one of the most common ingredients in many salads, including the beloved Russian Olivier salad. However, mayonnaise is one of the most harmful products on the New Year's table. It contains a lot of fat, salt and preservatives, which can negatively affect your health. Instead of mayonnaise, nutritionists recommend using vegetable or olive oil.

  1. Alcoholic cocktails and champagne

Alcoholic cocktails, which usually contain strong alcoholic beverages and carbonated drinks, are also on the list of unhealthy New Year's foods. Their consumption can cause severe heartburn, hangover and negatively affect the stomach. Champagne is also not recommended to be consumed in large quantities, as it can cause irritation of the stomach lining and headaches. Instead, choose red wine.

  1. Fatty meat dishes

Fatty meat dishes such as lard, sausages, fried pork or beef are not the best choice for the New Year's table. They contain high amounts of fat and cholesterol, which can negatively affect your health. Nutritionists advise replacing fatty meat dishes with chicken or rabbit dishes.

  1. Tangerines

Tangerines are a must on the New Year's table, but they can also be harmful to health. They contain a lot of acid, which irritates the gastric mucosa and can cause fermentation. People suffering from stomach problems should be especially careful.

  1. Sweets

Sweets such as candy, cookies and cakes are also on the list of unhealthy New Year's foods. They contain a lot of sugar, fat and calories, which can negatively affect your health. Instead, choose fruits or nuts.


New Year is a time when we want to enjoy delicious food and drinks, but we should not forget about caution and healthy eating. If you want to make your New Year's table healthier and safer, follow the recommendations of nutritionists and give up unhealthy foods in favor of healthier alternatives. And remember that moderation in consuming any food is the key to the health and well-being of your body. Bon appetit and happy new year!