My whole forehead is covered in pimples, what should I do?

Welcome to the blog, my name is Gosha Shubin, and today we will talk about small pimples on the forehead. I’ll say right away that they are treated very quickly, literally in 5-7 days the skin will be like new! But what are the pitfalls?

As in other cases, there are also nuances here, which I will try to explain clearly. explain. Especially so that you don’t make my mistakes, and due to my inexperience I made quite a few of them :). But now I have more experience and I don’t make stupid mistakes. Therefore, please read and follow these tips carefully. You will definitely succeed!

small pimples on forehead causes

There are four main causes of acne:

  1. Excess testosterone due to adolescence.
  2. Overactivity of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Skin keratinization.
  4. Bacteria.

All these reasons dependent from each other. For example, during the period of growing up, the body begins to intensively produce testosterone, this hormone stimulates the sebaceous glands to actively produce sebum, sebum clogs the pores, bacteria accumulate under the pores and because of this inflammation appears, which is called acne.

As you can see, everything is interconnected, therefore, in order to get rid of acne on the forehead, you need to solve the above problems. Will influenceYou can’t use hormones, because the consequences can be unpredictable, but killing bacteria and preventing clogged pores is very simple! This is what we will do.

Diseases of the body

Also, the reasons for pimples popping up on the forehead include: diseases liver and gastrointestinal tract.

As a rule, these diseases complicate the progression of acne, as the absorption of nutrients worsens. Those people who suffer from such diseases have very problematic skin, including on the forehead.

Especially worth noting alcohol, alcohol has a detrimental effect on the liver, which in turn leads to deterioration in blood quality, decreased immunity, and as a result, the appearance of acne, because the immune system cannot cope with bacteria.


I would also note such a factor as nutrition; many people underestimate its importance, but it is nutrition that can provoke rapid pore clogging, excess fat.

How this happens in practice. When it enters the body a lot of fatty foods, our cells are oversaturated with this nutrient, and accordingly, the sebaceous glands in the sebaceous glands begin to produce a lot of fat, as the body tries in every way to remove excess fat.

What's the conclusion? Necessary adjust nutrition, first of all, remove fatty and sweet foods. I discussed the topic of nutrition in more detail in this article; you will also find there what you can eat and what is better to exclude.

How to get rid of small pimples on the forehead, my experience

Getting rid of such acne is very simple, it will take just a couple of days, a maximum of a week. As you learned from the paragraph about the causes of acne, the main reasons that we will act on are bacteria and clogged pores. Let's start with the acne that has already appeared.

My top most effective means for killing bacteria.

I used these products to treat minor pimples myself, and they helped me very well! The same talker removed almost all the pimples from my face in a week, and there were a lot of them.

How to use

Let's start with the talker. After preparing this medicine, you will have a whole bottle of a miracle cure :). Dip a cotton swab and apply 1-2 times a day to problem areas. Since it contains an antibiotic (it kills bacteria), it can arise getting used to this component. To avoid addiction, you should rest from treatment for 2-3 days. In practice it looks like this: you use it 2-3 times, rest 2-3 times.

For example, I use it for 3 days and rest for 2 days, and the effect of this treatment is very good. Acne disappears within a week, and then I use it as necessary.

The situation is similar with other medications, because their principle of action is identical, the only differences are in the components and speed of treatment. To choose a more suitable drug for you, read the above articles.

Prevent acne

To prevent small pimples, use masks. I will give an example of the most effective for cleansing pores. I use them myself, so I am 100% sure of the effect.

The effect of the masks is similar, they remove keratinized areas and age spots, cleanse pores, refresh the complexion, nourish with vitamins, and can also remove small pimples, since all the components are antiseptic.

Very easy to use select one of the masks and apply to your face, hold for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water (you need cool water to close the pores). Apply 2-3 times a week, as a rule, you don’t need to use it too often, but if the situation requires it, then you can more often.

After the masks, use any moisturizer, be especially careful when choosing a cream if you have sensitive skin.

I especially like using these masks to get rid of acne spots. This is an age-old problem, but I found a solution, I use one of these products, and the stains are very fast disappear.

There are subcutaneous pimples, and there are ordinary, small ones. The difference is immediately visible, subcutaneous ones are deeper, and therefore take longer to treat and are much more difficult. The small ones look like a rash. The forehead becomes strewn with small inflammations, but they are easier to treat. It is important to start solving this problem in time.

The topic of treating subcutaneous lesions on the forehead was discussed in the above article.


Getting rid of small pimples is quite simple, the main thing is to start treatment on time and use antibacterial agents. But the most important thing is to be able to prevent acne, for this, follow the following rules.

  1. Cleanse your pores regularly
  2. Eat right.
  3. Treat the gastrointestinal tract (if there are diseases).
  4. Give up bad habits.

Stick to it these rules, and acne will bypass your skin.

Each of us has experienced acne on the forehead at least once in our lives. This problem is especially common during adolescence and adolescence. Any similar rashes on the skin of the face indicate negative processes occurring inside our body. Therefore, before you start fighting this hated enemy, especially if acne on the forehead is regular, you should consult a doctor to find out the cause. If acne is a fairly rare phenomenon, and they appear in small quantities, then you are quite capable of dealing with them at home.

Causes of acne on the forehead.
Each skin gland has its own duct through which its secretion (sebum) is brought to the surface of the skin. It happens that for various reasons this duct becomes clogged, thereby causing the accumulation of sebum and, as a result, the appearance of acne. If microbes join this process, an inflammatory process begins, which significantly aggravates the situation. The central part of the face, the so-called seborrheic or T-zone, is an area where a huge number of sweat and sebaceous glands accumulate, which is why various inflammations and acne are most often observed in this area. Often the cause of this disgrace lies within us. So, if acne is on the forehead, it is worth checking the functioning of the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder and intestines.

It should be noted that the appearance of acne on the forehead is often provoked by treatment with medications (including vitamins, antibiotics and hormonal agents in large quantities) for any disease. Direct treatment, while simultaneously having a positive effect on the diseased organ, can have a negative effect on other internal organs. As a result of disruption of at least one of them, it provokes increased activity of the sebaceous glands, which begin to produce subcutaneous fat at an accelerated pace. Well, then the process of development of acne is already known to us.

Another important factor influencing the appearance of acne on the forehead is hormonal imbalance. Usually, most of us first encounter the problem of acne during adolescence, when the body experiences great changes. Often, acne that occurs due to hormonal imbalances develops into a severe form of the disease. However, most experts agree that juvenile acne goes away on its own over the years. It is also worth noting that pregnancy and menstruation can also trigger the appearance of acne, since during both these periods there are hormonal changes in the body.

Proper skin care and the use of cosmetics appropriate to your age and skin type are also of no small importance. Skin infections and the use of oily cosmetics can cause acne, and not just on the forehead. This is due to the fact that excessively oily cosmetics contain harmful chemicals and too much fat, which provoke an increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and, as a result, the appearance of acne.

Dandruff and oily hair can also cause acne on the forehead. In this case, it is not recommended to wash your hair more than once a week with a special anti-dandruff shampoo. It would be good if such a shampoo contained the antifungal substance ketoconazole. If you are making oil masks for your hair, make sure that the oil does not get on your forehead. Apply oil to your hair, being careful not to get it on your forehead.

Poor nutrition, abuse of sweet, fatty, smoked, canned and salty foods can also cause acne. Wrong lifestyle and bad habits are the main culprits in the loss of beauty of the skin.

Some girls and women have the bad habit of touching their faces with their hands, and sometimes even “picking” something. This activity, at best, provokes acne, and at worst, leads to inflammation and infection of the skin.

Excessive skin cleansing and frequent washing can also lead to acne. The skin reaction in this case will be an increase in sebum production.

Treatment of acne on the forehead.
When pimples appear, it is very important not to squeeze them! Even if all hygiene rules are followed, the risk of infection and skin damage remains high. As a result, most often self-squeezing leads to an intensification of the inflammatory process and the appearance of several new “relatives” of the pimple at the site of squeezing. As a result of inaccurate squeezing, scars and unevenness on the skin can form.

Many people mistakenly perceive acne only as a skin defect and use cosmetics to combat it, which either give a short-term effect or only mask the problem, further clogging the skin pores. Meanwhile, acne is a disease that requires serious complex treatment, including special medications that not only relieve symptoms, but also affect the cause of acne. At the same time, it is important that the product gives the fastest possible visible result, and that it is proven and safe. Among such products, complex preparations for external use based on adapalene and clindamycin, for example, Klenzit S, have proven themselves. Due to the gel-like consistency of the drug, these substances penetrate deep into the affected area of ​​the skin and have an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect.

Treatment of acne on the forehead must begin with identifying the cause that led to the problem. To do this, you should undergo an examination and, if necessary, restore the normal functioning of the internal organs. To consolidate the effect obtained, you should carry out special cosmetic procedures and choose the right cosmetics for daily skin care. In the latter case, an experienced cosmetologist can help. Treatment of acne on the forehead should be comprehensive and include, among other things, a healthy diet with the selection of a balanced diet rich in vitamins and microelements, taking the necessary vitamin complexes (in winter and spring). Nobody canceled the drinking regime either. For beautiful skin, it is important to drink at least one and a half liters of clean drinking water daily! Rest and healthy sleep will also have a beneficial effect.

Our skin needs oxygen, so we can’t do without daily walks in the fresh air, and this is necessary not only in the treatment of acne, but also in general to maintain the freshness and beauty of the skin.

High-quality skin care will help get rid of acne on the forehead and prevent its occurrence. In this case, for washing it is necessary to choose alcohol-free cleansers, since alcohol greatly dries the skin, against which the sebaceous glands increase the production of sebum.

Salicylic acid also helps get rid of acne on the forehead. In this case, it (a one percent solution) should be applied in dotted strokes directly to the pimples. But here it is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can dry out the skin, as a result it will begin to peel off, and there will be even more acne. By the way, various pharmaceutical preparations against acne with salicylic acid are effective; they soften and dry the skin, providing an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

Cleansing and steam baths.
To prevent acne on the forehead, it is important to regularly cleanse the pores of the skin. Twice a day it is necessary to carry out cleansing procedures using a high-quality cleanser (gel, foam, cream, etc.). In the morning and evening, apply a small amount of product to damp skin and massage the skin with light circular movements for five minutes. Then, to completely cleanse the pores, it is recommended to use a steam bath. This procedure is usually done for ten to fifteen minutes, after which the skin is scrubbed for three minutes and washed off with warm water. At the end of the procedure, the skin is wiped with a tonic, which will help tighten the pores, or with a lotion with an antiseptic effect.

Medicines for the treatment of acne.
Medicines for the treatment of acne should only be prescribed by a doctor. Most often in the treatment of acne, such well-known drugs are used as: Benzoyl peroxide, Zenerit, Adapalene, Baziron, Azelaic acid (Skinoren), Differin, Klenzit and some others.

Cosmetological methods for treating acne on the forehead.
Effective and affordable methods of skin cleansing and acne treatment in the field of cosmetology are ozone therapy and mesotherapy. Face masks and folk remedies will also help get rid of acne and make your skin clean and beautiful.

Folk remedies for treating acne on the forehead.
Lemon juice has always been used in the treatment of acne. Mix lemon juice and rose water in equal proportions, lubricate the affected area with the mixture, leave for twenty minutes; if the skin is excessively oily, wait half an hour, then wash with cool water.

You can also use freshly squeezed lemon juice in combination with water to wipe your face every day. You can use apple cider vinegar instead of lemon juice. This toner will reduce oily skin and dry out existing inflammation and pimples.

The following tincture is also suitable for daily wiping problem areas: take 50 g of birch buds, add 50 ml of vodka and infuse the resulting mixture for 24 hours. Then add a tablespoon of three percent hydrogen peroxide and 50 ml of water to the composition; wipe the skin with this product at least three times a day.

Oatmeal has a beneficial effect on oily skin and eliminates inflammation and acne. Mix two tablespoons of oatmeal crushed in a coffee grinder with a small amount of honey. Apply the mixture to areas of the forehead affected by acne, leave for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water. Carry out this procedure twice a week.

Oatmeal-based gel is excellent for eliminating acne, tightening and cleansing pores. To prepare it, you need three tablespoons of chopped oatmeal, pour 200 ml of warm water and leave for five hours. Wash your face with the resulting product every morning and evening.

Chamomile gel is effective as a daily cleanser. To prepare it (it is better to do this in a thermos), you need to add three tablespoons of chamomile flowers, pour half a glass of boiling water and leave for twenty-four hours. Then the mixture should be strained through cheesecloth and squeezed out the flowers. Mix the mixture with baby shower gel and use twice a day, like a regular wash gel.

A compress based on a decoction of birch buds will eliminate inflammation and improve the appearance of affected skin. To prepare the decoction, you need to take a tablespoon of dry birch buds. Pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Then take a gauze napkin folded in several layers and with pre-prepared slits for the eyes, nose and mouth. Soak a napkin in the broth and apply it to your face for twenty minutes. There is no need to wash your face after the procedure; you can apply a medication to treat acne. For compresses, you can use a decoction of chamomile and sage (two teaspoons per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for fifteen minutes) or linden and horsetail (one teaspoon per glass of boiling water).

Aloe juice is also an effective treatment for acne, as everyone knows its antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. In this case, it is necessary to cut off the leaves of the plant, wash them thoroughly and dry them, wrap them in paper and place them in the refrigerator for a week. After this, squeeze the juice from the leaves and wipe the affected skin with it twice a day.

Masks based on blue clay perfectly cleanse oily facial skin and cope with acne. A tablespoon of powder should be diluted with warm boiled water (for greater effect, you can use rose water) to the consistency of thick sour cream, add a teaspoon of lemon juice, calendula tincture and tea tree oil, and boiled water to the resulting mass. Apply the composition to areas with acne, or to the entire face. And leave for fifteen minutes, at the end of the procedure, rinse off the composition with cool water.

Tea tree oil is an excellent acne treatment. It is applied in dotted strokes directly to the pimples. You can use the oil two to three times during the day.

Sandalwood paste will also help get rid of the hated pimples on the forehead. You can take a small piece of sandalwood, moisten it with water and grind it to a paste, or purchase sandalwood powder and make a paste according to the preparation method indicated on the package. Add a small amount of rose water or cucumber juice to the prepared paste and distribute evenly over problem areas of the skin. Leave on for fifteen minutes, then rinse off.

The forehead is one of the favorite places for inflammatory elements to be located, be it small rashes or long-lasting subcutaneous pimples. Maybe give up flour or go for laser resurfacing? Let's figure out what causes acne on the forehead and what to do to get rid of the problem.

  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. Types of acne on the forehead
  3. Types of acne on the forehead
  4. How to get rid of acne on forehead
  5. Cosmetological methods
  6. Cosmetical tools
  7. Prevention

Reasons for appearance

Pimples on the forehead are a problem that almost everyone has encountered. But while for some they passed quickly and without a trace, for others they suffered greatly. Pimples (or acne) should be treated by a dermatologist, and the cause of their appearance may be hormonal imbalance or high sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to their own hormones.

Pimples on the forehead in teenagers. A surge in hormonal activity during puberty leads to increased production of sebum, which clogs sebaceous ducts and clogs pores, which causes the formation of comedones: open (blackheads) and closed (pimples). Often it is on the forehead - in the area where the concentration of sebaceous glands is especially high. Usually the problem disappears on its own when a person reaches a “tender” age. However, you shouldn’t ignore it, especially since today entire lines are being produced to care for skin with acne.

Pimples on the forehead in women. The activity of the sebaceous glands is associated with hormonal fluctuations. Imbalances caused by age-related changes can also cause rashes on the forehead. To control and correct hormonal levels, you need to consult a doctor, but we must not forget about thorough cleansing of the skin and appropriate care.

Pimples on the forehead in men. Men's skin is naturally oilier and thicker, which means it is more prone to breakouts. Plus, it is male hormones (androgens) that stimulate the activity of the sebaceous glands, especially in the T-zone, which includes the forehead. Therefore, men need to take a very responsible approach to skin care, in particular to cleansing it.

Isolated inflammations sometimes occur for everyday reasons, the main ones of which are listed below.

Inappropriate cosmetics

To prevent your skin from reacting with “blooming” to a new cream, choose products labeled “non-comedogenic.” Pay attention to the texture: thick nourishing creams are good in winter, light fluids are good in summer.

Poor nutrition

Acne can appear from exposure to aggressive cosmetics. © Istock

Carelessness in everyday life

Do you dry your hands and face with the same towel? Letting your pet sleep on your pillows? Do you keep your brushes in your makeup bag and wash them once a week? Do you often sit with your chin resting on your palm? All this can worsen your skin condition.

Illiterate skin care

Skin overdried by aggressive cosmetics begins to secrete even more sebum in order to protect itself, that is, the effect will be exactly the opposite of what you wanted to achieve.

To avoid this, moisturize your skin more often - especially after sunbathing, using cleansing masks, or when using acid-containing products and retinoids in care.

Cell renewal with exfoliants is one of the key components of your beauty routine if you want to achieve even skin tone and texture. Exfoliants speed up exfoliation, which normalizes sebum production.

Types of acne on the forehead

In this area, different elements can be distinguished: comedones, papules, pustules. This skin condition can be accompanied by an oily sheen, sallow color and uneven texture.

Squeezing pimples yourself is dangerous. © Istock

How to find out the severity of the problem? If a couple of uninvited guests visit you before your period, there is no reason to worry. It’s another matter when your entire forehead is covered with pimples or you observe persistent subcutaneous inflammation.

Visit a dermatologist, he will prescribe the necessary tests.

If necessary, make an appointment with a gynecologist-endocrinologist and gastroenterologist.

A cosmetologist will help if the situation is far from catastrophic: he will recommend a skin care program and, possibly, carry out procedures.

Types of acne on the forehead

Let's take a closer look at what acne can look like in this area.

Comedones (blackheads)


Papules are dense red formations that appear due to blockage of the canal and the accompanying inflammatory process; they are also called subcutaneous or internal acne. You shouldn’t remove them yourself if you don’t want to end up with a scar or age spot.


Pustules are spherical inflammations with a white head that can be painful. They are effectively dealt with by targeted drying agents based on salicylic acid.

Nodules and cysts

Occurs in severe forms of acne. Sebaceous plugs form nodes (inflammations with a diameter of more than 1 centimeter), which then grow together into cysts and are difficult to treat with home methods. Serious measures will help to defeat them: the use of antibiotics and retinoids in combination with procedures from a dermatologist and/or cosmetologist.

How to get rid of acne on forehead

Try to follow these simple rules and soon you will most likely notice positive changes in the condition of your skin.

Oily skin needs hydration no less than dry skin. © IStock

Check out your makeup bag. If the inflammation is small and caused by the introduction of a new product, for example, a cream, temporarily discontinue it and look at the result. Sometimes it’s a matter of the comedogenicity of the formula, and sometimes it’s a matter of individual intolerance to the components.

Leave the cleaning procedure to a professional. Cleaning your face on your own can lead to more breakouts and worsen your skin condition.

Maintain good hygiene. Wash your makeup brushes regularly, change your pillowcases at least once a week, and replace cloth face towels with paper ones.

Cleanse your skin the Asian way. For Korean women, for example, the first stage of skin cleansing is makeup removal using hydrophilic oil and/or micellar water. And only then - cleansing the skin with a gel or foam cleanser.

Cosmetological methods

If you are only bothered by a couple of inflammations during the PMS period, it is hardly worth going to a cosmetologist. But for those who have more serious problems, specialists may suggest one of the procedures described below.

Laser resurfacing

Being a direct descendant of dermabrasion, laser resurfacing also works on the principle of mechanical damage: the microburn effect causes accelerated exfoliation in the treated area and stimulates cellular renewal.

Chemical peeling

Such peelings are carried out using acids (glycolic, lactic, azelaic, salicylic) or retinoids. These components can accelerate the process of cellular renewal.

Attention: the rehabilitation period after medium chemical peels takes a lot of time - up to a week - and is accompanied by severe peeling of the skin, irritation and redness.

Cosmetical tools

Let's take a closer look at the different types of cosmetics that you should pay attention to when acne appears on the forehead and for their prevention.

Moisturizer or serum

Clay-based cleansing mask

Clay perfectly absorbs dirt and sebum, cleansing pores. Using clay masks 1-3 times a week, within a month you will notice an improvement in the quality of your skin and a decrease in the number of inflammatory elements.


Mechanical exfoliants (scrubs) should not be used on skin with inflammatory elements. When using chemical exfoliants (with acids, retinoids), special attention must be paid to sun protection, because these components increase the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.


There are a number of cosmetics that help prevent rashes on the forehead and other areas of the face.

Apply morning and evening to previously cleansed facial skin, spreading the texture with your fingers.

Salicylic acid renews the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect, probiotic bif >.

Use on cleansed face morning and evening, avoiding the eye area.

Green tea is a natural antioxidant that protects skin cells from free radicals. Zinc regulates sebum production.

Use once a day after cleansing the skin. You can apply moisturizer on top.

Salicylic acid helps exfoliate dead cells, reduces skin oiliness, preventing the formation of inflammatory elements, and vitamin B3 softens the skin and works as an antioxidant.

Apply a thin layer to face after cleansing and toning.

The natural mineral perlite absorbs excess sebum, and sebulis regulates its production.