Vitamin responsible for skin

As a woman ages, changes occur in her body due to a decrease in the production of sex hormones. This negatively affects well-being and leads to cell aging, in particular to photoaging of the skin.

Specialized biologically active complexes for women after 40 years of age may contain genistein. It has antioxidant properties and protects the cells of the female body from aging, including skin cells.

The active components of Complivit ® Calcium D3 GOLD help improve the condition of the skin and protect it from photoaging.

Read more.

Hormonal changes in women aged 40–45 years often lead to increased irritability, increased volume of adipose tissue, increased fatigue, stiffness of movement, and skin aging. A comprehensive solution to problems can be taking supplements with genistein, enhanced with calcium and vitamins D3 and K1.

Taking dietary supplements can help women aged 40–45 years minimize the risk of micronutrient deficiencies in the body.

Complivit ® Calcium D3 GOLD is an opportunity for women over 40 to maintain good health and mood during the period of age-related hormonal changes.

Read more.

After about 45 years, with the onset of menopause, a woman's ovaries gradually stop producing estrogens. This process has a certain effect on the entire body, including the skin. In particular, as ovarian function declines, the production of collagen, the protein that forms the framework of the skin, slows down. How to maintain youthful and beautiful skin after 40?

With age, the skin becomes thin and dry, it loses elasticity, wrinkles and sagging skin - ptosis - begin to appear. To keep your skin young and healthy, you need to act not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Undoubtedly, cosmetic procedures, creams and serums help maintain the beauty of the skin. But they will be even more effective if you additionally take vitamins and minerals that promote skin health, as well as drugs that stimulate estrogen production.

Causes and types of skin aging

Why does our skin age, where do wrinkles, enlarged pores and age spots come from?

  1. Lack of moisture. Our skin is covered with a thin lipid mantle that retains moisture. Young skin produces a sufficient amount of lipids, and this film is restored very quickly, even if we use aggressive detergents and abuse exfoliation. But with age, the enzymes necessary for the production of lipids in the body become less and less. Skin dehydration begins early, long before the first serious wrinkles appear - around the age of 30.
  2. Free radicals. This is the name given to molecules with high oxidative capacity. They react with collagen molecules, causing the protein to harden and the collagen fibers that support the skin to lose their elasticity. Free radicals affect not only collagen, but also enzymes and lipids. Moreover, free radical attacks cause a chain reaction - as a result of their contact with lipids, more and more free radicals are formed. To resist these molecules, special substances are needed - antioxidants. Antioxidants include many vitamins and minerals, as well as enzymes, amino acids and peptides.
  1. Ultraviolet. On the one hand, sunlight is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin D. On the other hand, excessive tanning leads to photoaging - ultraviolet radiation damages the deep layers of the skin, leads to the destruction of capillary walls (which causes spider veins), the appearance of age spots and the formation of deep wrinkles .

The manifestations of skin aging are different. The type of changes largely depends on the individual characteristics of the face. There are several types of aging:

  1. "Tired face." It is characterized by mild swelling, especially in the eye area, drooping of the outer corners of the eyes and corners of the mouth, small facial wrinkles and an increase in the depth of the nasolabial fold. With this type of aging, all the described signs are much more noticeable in the evening, but after a full sleep they are somewhat smoothed out. People susceptible to this type of aging look young for a very long time. This is usually how athletic people age, those who have adhered to the principles of a healthy diet all their lives.
  2. Fine wrinkled type of aging. With this type of aging, the skin becomes dry, pores become enlarged, and numerous fine wrinkles appear around the eyes and lips. At the same time, the oval of the face is practically not deformed. Swelling and bags under the eyes are also uncharacteristic of the finely wrinkled type. This type of aging is typical for lean people with thin skin, a thin layer of subcutaneous tissue and a “sharp” face.
  3. Large-wrinkled type of aging. It is characterized by a significant change in the oval of the face - the skin droops, a double chin, the so-called jowls, appear, and pronounced bags appear under the eyes. With this type of aging, nasolabial folds, wrinkles between the eyebrows, on the forehead and around the eyes are pronounced. Characteristic for overweight people and for those who have developed subcutaneous tissue.
  4. Combined type of aging. Combines individual signs of all three types of aging mentioned above.
  5. Muscular type of aging. Characteristic for people with developed facial muscles and a small volume of subcutaneous tissue. The most obvious signs of this type of aging are very deep nasolabial folds and eyelid folds; the face becomes more prominent. This type is more typical for people with Asian appearance.

What vitamins are needed for the skin?

Vitamin therapy plays a huge role in the prevention of aging. Here are the most basic vitamins our skin needs:

  1. Vitamin A: for sun protection. This vitamin has antioxidant properties and is also able to resist photoaging, strengthen capillaries and maintain skin tone.
  2. Vitamin C: to combat free radicals. One of the most effective antioxidants that blocks the action of free radicals. In addition, vitamin C is necessary to maintain normal levels of vitamin E. Vitamin C is not synthesized in the human body; we can only get it from the outside - with food, medications or dietary supplements. Being a water-soluble vitamin, it does not accumulate in tissues and must be replenished daily.
  3. Vitamin E: to eliminate dry skin. This is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps maintain the lipid mantle and prevent skin dehydration. In addition, vitamin E is an antioxidant.
  4. Vitamin B1: for skin elasticity. It is necessary to prevent dryness and flaking, and effectively fights fine wrinkles and irritations.
  5. Vitamin B2: for skin regeneration. It improves cellular metabolism and relieves inflammation, improves skin restoration after microtrauma, maintains healthy color and radiance.
  6. Vitamin B9: for beautiful skin. Vitamin B9, better known as folic acid, is one of the most important vitamins for maintaining the beauty of the skin: it has an antioxidant effect, protects the skin from the effects of ultraviolet radiation, promotes accelerated synthesis of amino acids necessary for the formation of collagen fibers, prevents the appearance of pigmentation and accelerates the healing of microtraumas, and also relieves inflammation.
  7. Vitamin F: against pigmentation. A deficiency of this vitamin leads to the appearance of age spots.
  8. Vitamin PP: for skin elasticity. This vitamin takes part in the removal of excess fluid and prevents the appearance of edema and swelling, improves blood microcirculation and has a lifting effect, smoothing out fine wrinkles.
  9. Vitamin D: for youthful skin. This fat-soluble vitamin is essential for collagen synthesis. During menopause, its amount in the body decreases sharply - by 75%. Additional intake of vitamin D can slow down the process of skin aging, maintain its healthy color, smoothness and radiance.
  10. Vitamin K: for spider veins. Vitamin K is necessary for the health of blood vessels and capillaries, it strengthens their walls and prevents the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, spider veins and stars on the cheeks and nose. Our body synthesizes very small amounts of this vitamin, so it is best to take it additionally.

It is quite difficult to get all these vitamins in sufficient quantities from food, especially in a modern metropolis. The onset of menopause is a period of blossoming career and family life, so women do not always have time to carefully think through their menu and regulate the amount of vitamins. Therefore, every woman over 40 years old should consult a doctor and choose vitamins for youthful and beautiful skin. Fortunately, today this is not difficult - the pharmaceutical industry produces a lot of different vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements, aimed specifically at women during menopause.

How to choose a complex of vitamins for the skin for women over 40?

The main reason for age-related skin changes is a decrease in the production of female sex hormones. Almost all skin problems that begin to appear at the age of 40–45 are just the result of a lack of estrogen. Therefore, when choosing a vitamin-mineral complex, you should give preference to those dietary supplements that, in addition to the vitamins and microelements themselves, contain phytoestrogens - substances of plant origin that force the ovaries to work and produce their own estrogens. Such dietary supplements affect the very cause of age-related changes.

Such products include “Complivit Calcium D3 Gold” - a dietary supplement created for mature women. It contains such important elements for beauty and health as:

  1. calcium, which improves the condition of hair and nails, as well as strengthens bone tissue;
  2. vitamin K, which normalizes microcirculation and maintains an even complexion;
  3. vitamin D3, which stimulates the production of your own collagen and improves calcium absorption;
  4. active genistein is a phytoestrogen isolated from soy, which has an estrogen-like effect and has a pronounced anti-aging effect on the entire body. Stimulates the production of collagen, helping to improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and has a photoprotective effect [1].

Taking Complivit Calcium D3 Gold allows you to prolong the youth of your skin, as well as cope with menopausal problems such as hot flashes, sleep disturbances, anxiety, mood swings, and decreased libido. In addition, this complex helps strengthen bone tissue and can be used to prevent osteoporosis, another pressing problem after the age of 40.

It is not a medicinal product. There are contraindications.

Consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Our skin reacts most sensitively to any changes in the body. The lack of certain vitamins and minerals becomes especially noticeable.

One has only to remember the winter period, when constant dryness and tightness become constant companions.

To restore your skin to its former health and beauty, you should eat right, so that the maximum amount of vitamins enters the body.

No less Taking vitamin and mineral complexes is also important. We will discuss below exactly what vitamins are needed for a particular skin problem.

Causes of lack of vitamins in the body

Vitamin and mineral deficiency is called hypovitaminosis. Every person encounters this phenomenon sooner or later.

The greatest likelihood of hypovitaminosis manifestation is under the following factors:

  1. Uniformity of diet.
  2. Insufficient consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  3. Incorrect preparation of dishes, which destroys most of the beneficial elements.
  4. Alcohol and smoking abuse.

Also, a lack of vitamins can cause a serious disruption in the processes of food digestion and absorption of nutrients. This is typical in the presence of various diseases of the digestive tract (both acute and chronic) or with helminthic infestations.

Deficiencies of vitamins and minerals are no less likely with prolonged or unsystematic use of strong medications. These may include: sulfonamides, antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis drugs, etc.

It is also important to remember that the consumption of vitamins increases during heavy physical work, during prolonged mental work, during hypothermia or overheating of the human body.

During pregnancy and while breastfeeding It is also important to monitor the level of nutrients. They should be enough for stable functioning of both the mother and baby.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency in the body

Depending on the lack of a particular vitamin, a person may experience various symptoms.

With a lack of vitamin A, the skin tends to become very dry, constantly peeling. Rough areas may appear in some areas. After washing, you may experience an extremely unpleasant feeling of tightness.

Vitamin A regulates the activity of sweat glands and also helps cells retain moisture.

If roughness of the skin is noted, then you should increase the consumption of products that contain vitamin B3, PP.

Lack of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is manifested by pale skin, unattractive sallow complexion. Cracks may also appear in the corners of the lips.

A lack of this vitamin can lead to various inflammatory skin diseases.

If wounds and various abrasions take a very long time to heal, and the skin becomes noticeably less firm and elastic, this indicates a lack of zinc and vitamin C. Also, with a lack of zinc, the skin reacts with various allergic rashes, pimples and comedones.

With a lack of vitamin B6 the skin becomes dry, tight, and dermatitis or eczema may appear.

What vitamins and minerals are needed for healthy skin?

To avoid skin problems, you should pay special attention to the following beneficial substances:

  1. Zinc. First of all, this element is a wonderful antioxidant. It reduces the activity of androgens, which helps improve skin condition and reduce inflammation.
  2. Vitamin A. This element has an anti-inflammatory effect, it eliminates dryness and flaking. Often, a lack of this vitamin can also be caused by a lack of vitamin E.
  3. B2 (riboflavin). It has a healing effect and strengthens the epidermis.
  4. AT 6. This element is especially effective for premenstrual acne. Taking this vitamin one to two weeks before the onset of menstruation can significantly reduce the number of rashes.
  5. PP (niacin). This element normalizes the condition of the nervous and muscular systems, and also helps improve the skin.
  6. Omega-3 allows the body to replenish the smell of unsaturated fatty acids necessary for its normal functioning.
  7. Biotin. This element is responsible for good skin condition. It takes an active part in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, and also stimulates the regenerative ability of the skin.
  8. Hyaluron. This element helps maintain the skin's water balance. It has a healing effect, antiviral. Thanks to this element, the skin becomes elastic, smooth and toned.
  9. Folic acid. Extremely necessary for problem skin. It helps reduce the number of inflammations and improves the healing of existing ones.
  10. WITHAndEare antioxidants and are essential for the skin. Vitamin C promotes collagen production and also improves skin elasticity. Vitamin E smoothes the surface of the skin, stimulates cell renewal, and also slows down the aging process.

Video: "What beneficial substances help preserve facial skin?"

What foods can you use to compensate for the lack of vitamins?

Vitamin A (retinol) contains in animal and fish liver, in dairy products, in eggs, carrots, various greens, beans, prunes and mushrooms.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is found in sprouted wheat grains, in oatmeal and barley flour, in meat and fish, as well as in legume products.

The deficiency of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) can be compensated for by eating pears, tomatoes, peaches, dairy products, eggs, spinach.

Vitamin B5 is contained in legumes, in rice, in bran. Vitamin B6 There is in avocado, fish, bananas, rice.

If you eat cottage cheese, cheese, fish, beef and tomatoes, you will not experience vitamin B12 deficiency.

Vitamin C (or ascorbic acid) is in citrus fruits, rose hips, sauerkraut, black currants, and also in viburnum berries.

Vitamin E is found in various oils: olive, pumpkin, corn, sunflower, etc.

To compensate for vitamin D deficiency, you should eat fish (sea), eggs, cod liver. This element also has the ability to be synthesized independently under the influence of sunlight.

Vitamin K contains in cabbage, spinach, whole grains. Vitamin PP (or nicotinic acid) found in brewer's yeast, buckwheat, wheat, soybeans.

Review of vitamin and mineral complexes for healthy skin

  1. Alphabet Cosmetics.This series was created specifically to improve the quality and beauty of skin, as well as hair and nails. The composition includes all the essential vitamins (A, C, E, D, coenzyme Q10, etc.). The advantage of this series is the division of all substances into three groups, which when taking vitamins has a positive effect on their absorption.
  2. FuturaBeautyRoyalN60. This complex was created specifically to improve skin, nails and hair. It is positioned as hypoallergenic. Since this complex has virtually no contraindications, it can be taken by almost everyone.
  3. Vitrum Beauty. The complex contains all the vitamins and microelements required by the body (A, C, E, K, D, H, B vitamins, etc.). The list is also supplemented by: iodine, magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, selenium, etc.
  4. Revalid. This drug is complex, that is, it contains not only vitamins (groups B, H) that are important for the beauty and health of the skin, but also essential amino acids, minerals, etc. This complex is considered one of the most effective for getting rid of eczema and dermatitis of various origins, as well as for improving the condition of the skin and hair.
  5. Laura (Evalar company). This product is a biologically active food supplement. The complex contains all the essential vitamins and minerals. But the main advantage of the product is hyaluronic acid. Thanks to it, as well as the vitamins C and E included in the composition, the skin is better moisturized and restored. The use of the complex has a positive effect on the color of the skin, as well as its evenness.
  6. Vitamin complex Perfectil. This remedy is medicinal. The complex includes: B vitamins, vitamin A, C, H, E, D, iron, iodine, zinc, copper, potassium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, chromium, silicon. Also available: burdock and echinacea extract.

Despite their undoubted benefits, vitamin complexes can still cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before starting to use them, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Traditional medicine for solving skin problems

Various masks to which certain vitamins are added have a positive effect on the skin (in particular, facial skin). (produced in special capsules or in the form of oil solutions).

Of course, these methods cannot completely eliminate all imperfections, but in combination with other treatments they have a good effect.

Here are some recipes for such masks:

Cooking method Mode of application What to use it for
1 teaspoon of sour cream should be mixed with 0.5 teaspoon of jojoba oil (you can take wheat germ oil instead). Add a couple of drops of vitamin E to the mixture (or one capsule, previously crushed). The resulting product should be applied to cleansed facial skin and left for 15-20 minutes. After this time, the mask should be washed off with cool water. This product helps combat dry skin and also improves the healing of inflammation.
You need to mix 1 tablespoon of sour cream, one egg yolk, a few drops of oil solutions of vitamins A, C and E. The resulting product should be applied to pre-steamed skin and left for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with water. This mask has a good rejuvenating and healing effect on problem skin.
1 teaspoon of glycerin should be diluted with two tablespoons of warm boiled water. Then you need to add 4-5 drops of vitamin E to the resulting liquid. Mix everything thoroughly. Apply to face for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. This mask helps to moisturize the skin and relieve dryness and flaking.

Preventing skin problems

To avoid various skin problems, you should first eat right.

This means that the diet should be dominated by vegetables and fruits, dairy products and meat, and the amount of junk food should be greatly reduced.

Also recommended twice a year (autumn and spring) take a course of vitamins, since it is at this time that the body may experience a deficiency of useful elements.

You should drink more clean water, Walk a lot in the fresh air, play sports and be sure to get enough sleep.

If you follow all these rules, you can avoid a huge number of problems with the skin and the body as a whole.

Video: "How to combine pharmacy vitamins for the skin?"


Often, skin problems are directly related to a lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body.

Even with a varied diet, unpleasant symptoms (tightness, dryness, flaking, inflammation) may occur, since the condition of the skin is also negatively affected by bad habits, poor environment, inactive lifestyle, etc.

In this case, various vitamin and mineral complexes that can compensate for the lack of necessary elements can help.

Hello, dear readers! Today we will talk about the best vitamins to take for the skin of the body. You may ask – what does this topic have to do with losing weight? The most direct. We all strive to be slim, and therefore beautiful.

And one of the tasks of vitamins is precisely to make our face and body well-groomed and healthy. How do they do this and which ones are best suited for solving certain skin problems? First things first, join us!

On guard of beauty

The cosmetics industry today offers a huge selection of all kinds of creams and masks to maintain the youth and beauty of the body. But it is naive to believe that this can be achieved only with creams.

The fact is that any cream contains only a small concentration of these substances. And, for example, vitamin C, which is difficult to process, is often present in inexpensive creams only on the packaging - it is extremely volatile and quickly breaks down in the air.

You can’t do without vitamins; they help to cope with many tasks of making your body shine at once, nourish it, protect it, promote cell renewal, and maintain a healthy appearance.

General information about them can be gleaned from this video.

Signs of ill health

We get vitamins from food or by taking them in the form of capsules or pills. It is important to remember that not all of them are synthesized in our body; some, like those belonging to group B, are washed out quite quickly and their supply must be constantly replenished.

And the lack of one or another element is reflected in the condition of the skin, which in this case acts as a kind of “mirror”. By the way, hair and nails, as well as the general condition of the body, can be a litmus test here.

Of course, only a doctor can give you the most accurate diagnosis. But if you think that you are fine, pay attention to some signs that can easily determine vitamin deficiency.

  1. Dry and flaky skin, the appearance of inflamed areas on it, dermatitis.
  2. Chapped lips and so-called “jams” in the corners and ulcers.
  3. Dull, brittle nails, the appearance of dimples, stripes, spots on them.
  4. Brittle hair prone to loss. Presence of dandruff, itching.
  5. Decreased vision, swelling and redness of the eyelids can also be the cause of vitamin deficiency.
  6. Depression, apathy, inability to concentrate, insomnia, loss of appetite.

If a problem exists, it's time to think about what to do to get everything back to normal? First, you need to figure out exactly what vitamins you need.

Because thoughtless consumption of everything in a row can do more harm than good. It is also worth considering that many of these elements work best in combination. Their close interaction enhances each other's effects and accelerates absorption.

Which vitamins are better

So, in general, these elements can be divided into the following groups. Why conditional, you ask? Because each of them “works” in several directions at once.

For youth and accelerated regeneration

Vitamins A, C, E actively fight skin aging, help maintain its elasticity, reduce dryness and flaking.

These are natural antioxidants that prevent free radicals from interacting with elements of skin cells.

The number of free radicals increases sharply during illness and during the cold season. Accordingly, the intake of such elements during these periods should be increased.

This group, in addition, improves tissue regeneration after microtrauma or other damage, healing of acne wounds, and helps spots and small scars disappear faster.


  1. Tocopherol (E) actively helps fight skin sagging and slow down the aging process. Pale, rough, dry skin indicates its deficiency.
  2. Retinol (A) – contributes to a greater extent to moisturize and protect it from harmful environmental factors, and helps against flaking.
  3. Ascorbic acid (C) is responsible for its elasticity and promotes the synthesis of new collagen fibers.

In addition to direct multivitamin complexes - in food products.

Cabbage, green salad, mushrooms, green peas, carrots, pumpkin, and tomatoes are rich in retinol. As well as products of animal origin - yolk, fish, liver, fermented milk products.

Ascorbic acid, as you know, is worth looking for in citrus fruits; in addition, it is found in apples, spinach, cauliflower, berries, rose hips, and nuts.

Sources of tocopherol are unrefined vegetable oils (especially corn, peanut, flaxseed, soybean, nuts), beans, sunflower seeds, red fish, and especially sprouted cereals.

Its highest concentration is in sprouted wheat, which also contains a whole complex of other useful substances - A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 and micro- and macroelements.

To prevent and combat wrinkles

Structural disorders of the skin cannot be avoided over time, but reducing them is quite possible. Representatives of group B are especially useful in this direction.

Each of them has its own characteristics, and their lack is indicated by itching, irritation, pimples and blackheads, as well as hair loss.

It is worth paying attention to this group (as well as the previous one, however) for those who are actively losing weight. Vitamin complexes with their composition should be taken in order to tighten the skin, which was discussed in particular in the article “Real ways to get rid of sagging skin after losing weight.”


  1. Thiamine (B1) helps strengthen the nervous system, and almost all diseases, as we know, are caused by nerves (including skin diseases). In addition, it protects against allergic and inflammatory reactions, removes excess fluid, preventing swelling.
  2. Riboflavin (B2) helps improve metabolism and cell respiration. And its deficiency also causes dandruff.
  3. Nicotinic acid, niacin (B3 or PP) - its deficiency leads to a serious illness - pellagra, dermatitis, the severe form of which results in serious rashes, itching, diarrhea and even mental disorders.
  4. Pantothenic acid (B5) – accelerates skin renewal and wound healing.
  5. Pyridoxine (B6) Famous for its nourishing and moisturizing properties, it helps protect against harmful environmental influences.
  1. Biotin (B7), also known as vitamin H. One of the most important elements for the body, it is no coincidence that its name contains the prefix “bio” - life. Participates in the regeneration of skin, nails and hair cells.
  2. Folic acid (B9) helps cells renew themselves, and protects the walls of blood vessels from destruction.
  3. Cyanocobalamin (B12) – participant in the process of cell division. It is an essential component of procedures for dermatitis, and is also very useful for affecting mature skin. Its deficiency can cause nervous tics, spasms of the facial muscles, which leads to the formation of wrinkles.

In multivitamin complexes, as well as in food products. Your diet should include whole grain cereals, brown rice, sprouted grains, green onions, cauliflower and white cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, peanuts, soybeans, figs, dates, and fruits.

If there are products of animal origin on your table, then you can recommend eggs, cheese, salmon and tuna, pork and beef kidneys, and liver.

For face and eye area care

This is a special zone, since it is the one that is exposed to maximum exposure to harmful environmental factors.

In addition, this is where the most visible wrinkles are located to everyone around us (and to ourselves, first of all, of course), which we so want to part with.

In general, the complex of elements here is the same as for the whole body. But there are some features, especially for caring for the area around the eyes.

There are numerous traditional methods that I have come across, some of which I want to share with you.

Ascorbic acid (C) for masks around the eyes .

In its pure form, a solution of ascorbic acid for injection is advised to simply apply to the face, rubbing, and a few minutes later, after drying, apply the cream.

A pure solution is not suitable for the eyes; ascorbic acid is very stinging and can cause irritation. Experts recommend mixing it with mineral water or yogurt. Among the recipes there is this:

Tocopherol (E) for the eye area .

The principle is the same - apply under the eyes and on the eyelids. The procedure is called rejuvenating and tightening; it helps to remove “crow’s feet” and saggy folds on the eyelids.

In general, blood circulation and oxygen supply to cells improves, the skin is toned and looks healthy.

It is better to take pharmaceutical vitamin E oil; the solution in ampoules is not recommended - it is too concentrated and, as in the case of axorbic acid, can cause irritation. Apply for 10-20 minutes.

This is just a small part of the advice. If anyone has their own beauty recipes, share them in the comments, I’m sure the readers of my blog will be grateful to you. In conclusion, I would like to point out the following:

What to remember:

  1. Vitamins certainly help keep the whole body in good condition.
  2. Their deficiency is reflected directly on the skin itself, which takes on a painful appearance, flakes, and itches.
  3. Only a doctor can help determine the exact cause of the problem. You should not self-medicate.
  4. To avoid vitamin deficiency, you should adjust your diet - it should contain everything necessary for normal life.

Well, that's all I have for today. See you again in new articles on my blog!