Vicious Circle: How to Avoid Getting Into It?

"Vicious Circle: How to Avoid Getting Into It?" - an article about how to avoid obsessing over breastfeeding and not getting into a vicious circle that can lead to problems for both mother and baby.

Breastfeeding is a natural and healthy way of feeding newborns. However, many mothers often find themselves in a vicious feeding cycle, where feeding becomes the only way to soothe the baby and satisfy his need to suck. This can leave mom feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, and baby becoming attached to the breast and unable to sleep or calm down without her.

To avoid the vicious cycle of breastfeeding, here are some tips:

  1. Feeding on demand. Feed your baby when he wants, not on a schedule. This will help him satisfy his need for feeding and sucking, and will also help avoid breast fullness and discomfort.

  2. Give your baby the opportunity to suck on something else. In addition to the breast, you can give your baby a pacifier or other objects to suck on. This will help him satisfy his need to suck and not become attached only to the breast.

  3. Don't be afraid to use other calming methods. When your baby cries, it doesn't always mean he's hungry or needs to be breastfed. Use other calming techniques such as rocking, singing, or simply cuddling.

  4. Don't be afraid to give a bottle. If you feel that breasts are not meeting your baby's nutritional needs, don't hesitate to give him a bottle of breast milk or formula.

  5. Don't forget about your health and well-being. Breastfeeding can be tiring and draining for moms. Remember to rest, drink enough water and get support from loved ones.

In general, you can avoid the breastfeeding cycle by following simple tips and being open to different methods of feeding and soothing your baby. This will help maintain the health and well-being of both mother and child.