Vyvodtseva Method

The Vyvodtsev method is one of the most effective teaching methods for those who study foreign languages. This method was created by the Russian scientist D.I. Vyvodtsev at the beginning of the 20th century and subsequently spread throughout the world. In this article we will look at the basic principles of the Vyvodtsev method, as well as its advantages and disadvantages.

The Vyvodtsev method is based on the idea of ​​using rhythmic syllables to learn foreign languages, such as English or French. The proposed type of exercise is based on the theory that rhythmic syllables are easier to remember and faster to assimilate, which allows you to learn foreign words and grammatical rules with greater efficiency.

Basic principles of Vyvodtsev:

1. Use of rhythmic sounds. The method is based on the use of rhythmic syllables, which help to connect words into groups and memorize them faster. For example, instead of teaching the word "distinguish" as "ot-li-chat", you could use "ti-dle" or "sve-tch". This helps link words into larger groups and makes them more familiar. 2. Using emotions. The method also involves using emotions to help students remember foreign words. It is recommended to use vivid images to make words more memorable. You can use pictures, songs, films and other materials. 3. Use of the sensory channel. The principle of the methodology suggests using several sensory channels simultaneously to memorize foreign words. We are talking about organizing the learning process so as to involve all the main sensory channels of perception - visual, auditory, kinesthetic and muscular (for example, when learning through body movement), olfactory and gustatory (when learning based on sensations). 4. Application of visualization. The method uses