Bile Bladder

Gallbladders are small organs located in the abdominal cavity. One of the main components of bile, secreted from the corpus luteum and liver, which is a yellow liquid mass. The gallbladder is used to store bile and allow it to be released when needed.

Bile is made up of water and insoluble compounds such as salts, proteins, acids and bile pigments. It is produced by the liver and accumulates in the bile ducts, from where it is released immediately before eating. Bile has several functions: it aids in the digestion of fats, increases the activity of digestive enzymes, and is involved in the creation of bile acids, which aid digestion.

Bile is formed in the liver and is then excreted through the bile ducts into the gallbladder for storage. The amount of bile produced daily is within certain limits, but the amount can be changed due to lifestyle and other factors.

People with bile-related health problems may experience abdominal pain, liver discomfort, and digestive problems. If bile is not produced properly or supplied in sufficient quantities, a condition called gallstones can occur, which can cause gallstones or appendicitis.