
Restaurant Survival 4 Kids: Tips for Healthy Dining Out

Weight loss and healthy eating can be challenging, especially when dining out with kids and navigating busy schedules. However, with a little planning and awareness, it is still possible to make healthy choices and achieve your goals. In this article, we will provide you with practical tips to ensure that your restaurant visits support your child's weight loss journey.

  1. Choose the Right Restaurant:
    When selecting a restaurant, it's important to avoid establishments that offer huge portions, such as buffets. These oversized servings often translate into excessive calories and potential weight gain. Before making a decision, ask yourself if it's worth it and whether you'll be able to resist the temptation of extra food once you're there.

  2. Control Portion Sizes:
    To manage portion sizes, consider ordering an appetizer as the main meal or sharing an entrée with another family member. This not only helps in controlling calorie intake but also saves money. By splitting a larger dish, you can ensure that your child consumes an appropriate portion size.

  3. Inquire About Food Preparation and Substitutions:
    When placing your order, don't hesitate to inquire about how the food is prepared and whether substitutions can be made. Many restaurants offer a vegetable of the day, which can be a healthier alternative to extra bread or potatoes. However, make sure that the vegetable option is not french fries in disguise. Opt for steamed, roasted, broiled, poached, or tomato sauce-cooked dishes, as they tend to be healthier choices.

  4. Dressings and Sauces on the Side:
    Request that sauces and dressings be served on the side. Salad dressings, for example, can contain a surprising amount of calories and unhealthy fats. By having them on the side, you can control the amount you use and reduce your child's calorie intake. This simple step can make a significant difference in the overall healthiness of the meal.

  5. Smart Choices to Curb Appetite:
    If your child is feeling hungry, encourage them to select a lower-fat appetizer, a side salad, or a soup. This will prevent them from overeating bread or their main course. You can even ask the server not to bring bread or crackers to the table at all, reducing the temptation for mindless snacking.

  6. Manage Leftovers:
    Once your child is full, request that any leftover food be removed from the table. This helps to prevent ongoing nibbling and mindless eating. Alternatively, you can ask for a take-out box as soon as the meal arrives and portion out the leftovers immediately. By doing so, you can avoid the temptation to finish the entire plate and save it for later.

  7. Avoid Unhealthy Cooking Methods:
    When selecting items from the menu, opt for dishes that are steamed, broiled, roasted, poached, cooked in tomato sauce, or served au jus. These cooking methods generally involve less added fat and are healthier choices for your child. On the other hand, it's wise to steer clear of items that are cooked in or contain large amounts of butter or cream sauces, gravy, au gratin or scalloped mixtures, cheese sauce, or fried foods. These options tend to be higher in calories, unhealthy fats, and sodium.

By following these tips, you can make dining out a healthier and more enjoyable experience for your child. Remember, making mindful choices and being aware of portion sizes and cooking methods can go a long way in supporting your child's weight loss goals while still enjoying meals at restaurants.

Холиномимистиками называют лекарства, которые имитируют действие ацетилхолина. Относится это не к ацетилхолдипам, а к самм ацетилхлоииовым рецепторам - при помощи них он воздействует на соответствующие участки мембран нервных клеток. Явление гормезиса - сокращение дозы лекарства путем увеличения чувствительности к