Wrinkles during pregnancy

Expression wrinkles are a type of wrinkle that appears as a result of the fact that the facial muscles actively contract. They form in the area between the eyebrows, on the forehead, and in the corners of the eyes. At a young age, the changes are presented in the form of thin and superficial lines, in adulthood - in the form of deep furrows that do not disappear if the muscles relax. This is a kind of skin damage that can occur at any time. They are often evidence that the skin is losing its elasticity. Their manifestation is due to genetic predisposition, environmental influences, certain physical activity, and health status.

Diseases by symptoms

Any symptom is a signal from the body that any organ, department or entire system is damaged. To find out why pronounced facial wrinkles occur in pregnant women, you need to rule out certain diseases. Get timely diagnostics, find out why pronounced expression wrinkles appear and how to quickly and effectively improve the condition.

The list of diseases in which pregnant women experience pronounced facial wrinkles:

  1. Metabolic disease;
  2. Avitaminosis;
  3. Lack of physical activity;
  4. Visual impairment;
  5. Emotional or mental disorder;
  6. Myasthenia.

Pronounced facial folds during pregnancy may not be a symptom of any disease. In many cases, they simply appear as a result of aging. Previously, they may occur due to bad habits and low levels of metabolism in the skin layers.

Treatment and specialists

Treatment of severe facial wrinkles in pregnant women should only be carried out by a qualified specialist. Only a doctor can tell you how to treat pronounced expression lines, how to get rid of the complications of pronounced expression lines and prevent their appearance. The following doctors can answer the question of what to do if you have obvious unevenness on your facial skin:

  1. Dermatologist;
  2. Cosmetologist;
  3. Plastic surgeon;
  4. Ophthalmologist;
  5. Psychologist.

Depending on what led to the appearance of pronounced facial wrinkles in the expectant mother, the doctor will select the appropriate restorative course. This could be vitamin therapy, antibiotic treatment, cosmetic procedures, plastic surgery. If the cause of skin changes is visual impairment, then appropriate measures are prescribed to eliminate it.


Arm yourself with knowledge and read a useful informative article about the disease severe expression wrinkles during pregnancy. After all, being parents means studying everything that will help maintain the degree of health in the family at around “36.6”.

Find out what can cause severe facial wrinkles during pregnancy and how to recognize it in a timely manner. Find information about the signs that can help you identify illness. And what tests will help identify the disease and make a correct diagnosis.

In the article you will read everything about treatment methods for such a disease as pronounced expression wrinkles during pregnancy. Find out what effective first aid should be. How to treat: choose medications or traditional methods?

You will also learn how untimely treatment of severe facial wrinkles during pregnancy can be dangerous, and why it is so important to avoid the consequences. All about how to prevent pronounced expression wrinkles during pregnancy and prevent complications. Be healthy!

We are taking action

As sad as it is to realize, the average age at which the skin begins to gradually lose its elasticity is 25 years. It is during this period that the first wrinkles appear, which, fortunately, are usually hardly noticeable. However, sometimes pregnancy can speed up the aging process of the skin.

Victoria Vikulova
Cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist, Moscow

The elasticity and firmness of the skin is provided by elastin and collagen fibers. With age, their synthesis slows down, and skin tone weakens. The very first to appear are superficial wrinkles - they occur in the very top layer of the skin (epidermis). At first, they are barely noticeable and can be easily dealt with, since the skin still has a high potential for self-healing and renewal. But if the process is started, the changes will affect the deeper layer of the skin - the dermis, then getting rid of wrinkles will not be so easy. Early wrinkles may arise for several reasons. Let's look at the main ones.

Cause of early wrinkles #1: hormones

The changes that occur in the body during pregnancy are extensive, and of course they also affect the skin. It is capable of changing its type even depending on the time of year, let alone the period when a global restructuring of all systems occurs. During pregnancy, the skin tends to become drier - this happens because the body begins to produce more female sex hormones (estrogens), which suppress sebum production. This is good news for those whose skin was oily and prone to inflammation before pregnancy - most often its condition improves and it looks much more attractive than before. But dry skin, unfortunately, usually becomes even drier, which does not add youth to it.

What to do? Products with a lifting effect in combination with facial massage will help improve the situation. It is important to take into account changes in skin type when choosing care products. It is useful to add more plant foods to your menu. Soybeans, legumes, and lentils contain isoflavones, which protect the expectant mother from the effects of free radicals - they are precisely what provoke early aging.

Cause of early wrinkles No. 2: prolonged stress

The skin also reacts to constant nervous tension. Adrenaline and cortisol, which are released into the blood during stress, cause spasm of the facial muscles, which impedes the flow of blood and oxygen to the tissues and skin cells. As a result, they do not receive enough nutrients, which makes the skin less elastic. It is not surprising that after hard work, so-called “fatigue wrinkles” appear, primarily in the eye area. They can also occur if a pregnant woman is constantly nervous, fears for the life of the child, or lacks sleep. Stress primarily causes facial wrinkles. They are formed in places of constant muscle activity during conversation, from the habit of frowning or raising eyebrows in surprise, or wrinkling the nose. In youth, when the skin is elastic, when the facial muscles relax, it straightens, returning to its original position, and remains smooth. But with age, losing tone, with frequent contraction of certain muscles, the top layer of skin is deformed, and wrinkles form on the forehead, bridge of the nose, in the corners of the eyes and near the lips.

What to do? It is impossible to eliminate emotions from life, but we can be less nervous and try to control our facial expressions. True, not everyone has the willpower for this, but you can use “outside help.” For example, if you like to frown, you can stick a strip of plaster on the bridge of your nose and walk like that for at least 3 hours, doing your usual things, you can fix the wrinkles at night. Frowning your eyebrows with a plaster on the bridge of your nose becomes uncomfortable; your consciousness records an unsuccessful attempt every time, and thus one habit is replaced by another.

Cause of early wrinkles No. 3: ultraviolet radiation

It has long been known that sun exposure has negative effects on the skin. The problem is that ultraviolet radiation destroys collagen and elastin, resulting in wrinkles. At the same time, the top layer of skin thickens, pigmentation appears, muscle tone and skin elasticity decrease.

What to do? To avoid the appearance of wrinkles after exposure to the sun, experts advise adding foods containing selenium (garlic, wheat bran, corn, rice, wheat), vitamins C and E to the menu, drinking green tea and spending less time in direct sunlight. To protect the skin, it is better to use a product with an SPF factor of at least 30. Optimal skin protection from the sun is provided by products based on zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. These substances do not penetrate the skin, are chemically inert, practically do not cause allergic reactions and are able to effectively reflect ultraviolet radiation. To avoid getting crow's feet around your eyes when squinting in bright light, you should try not to go out in the sun without sunglasses. In order to prevent hyperpigmentation, which often occurs in expectant mothers, it is better to exclude from everyday skin care products cosmetics containing components that increase sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation: oils of bergamot, orange, lemon, bitter orange, cinnamon, lavender, licorice, St. John's wort and clover extracts. .

Cause of early wrinkles No. 4: insufficient hydration

With age, the skin gradually loses its ability to retain water and loses elasticity, and during pregnancy this process intensifies.

What to do? There is a misconception that only dry skin needs to be moisturized. This is not so, both oily and dry skin need hydration, you just need to choose the right product: lighter textures (gels, fluids) are suitable for oily skin, and heavier textures (creams) are suitable for dry skin. The ideal moisturizing component in any cream is hyaluronic acid; it is capable of holding up to a thousand molecules of water with one molecule. After thirty years, more intense moisturizers are required: creams with a high content of proteins, in particular collagen, which restores skin elasticity. Skin protection is also provided by products with vitamins E, C, F or with plant extracts containing antioxidants (green tea, horse chestnut, gingko biloba, dark grapes and others). During pregnancy, the skin of the eyelids needs more careful care, which is more at risk of wrinkles due to the nature of its structure: it is very thin and constantly in motion, and during pregnancy it becomes drier. On the outer corners of the eyes, the skin is subjected to heavy facial stress, which also contributes to the formation of wrinkles. But don't use anti-aging products in advance - choose something that suits your age and the condition of your skin. Most often, a light gel or cream is sufficient. It is also important to hydrate your skin from the inside out by drinking enough fluids throughout the day.

Cause of early wrinkles No. 5: diseases of internal organs

The premature appearance of wrinkles can also be caused by: diseases of internal organs – gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, they reduce skin elasticity. For example, deep wrinkles on both sides of the nose are thought to indicate gastrointestinal dysfunction. Expectant mothers may experience swelling, wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes, which is often a consequence of chronic constipation or exacerbation of kidney disease.

What to do? When puffiness and bags under the eyes are not associated with diseases of the internal organs, eliminating them is not so difficult - you just need to give your eyes rest, get a good night's sleep, eat and drink in moderation. If such problems occur constantly, you should consult a doctor. You cannot get rid of these defects with the help of cosmetics. So, if the expectant mother pays due attention to her skin and health in general, such an unpleasant phenomenon as the appearance of early wrinkles can be easily avoided. And your face will delight you with its youth and freshness for a long time!

It is generally accepted that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. However, it is also a mirror of our well-being. By the eyes, for example, you can immediately see that a person is sick or simply tired. And of course, a woman expecting a child has a very special look.

It is generally accepted that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. However, it is also a mirror of our well-being. By the eyes, for example, you can immediately see that a person is sick or simply tired. And of course, a woman expecting a child has a very special look. Although it happens that it is the eyes during pregnancy that bring a woman grief: they look so that fatigue is almost literally written on the face.

During pregnancy, many women experience swelling around the eyes. The skin of the eyelids may become drier, which will inevitably lead to the appearance of small superficial wrinkles in the corners of the eyes - the so-called “crow's feet”. The reason for these cosmetic defects lies both in changes in the general condition of the body and in the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the skin of the eyelids. Thus, the fatty tissue that fills the orbits around the eyeballs and often forms hernial sacs is highly hydrophilic, i.e. ability to accumulate and retain liquid. Due to this, swelling is formed.

The problem of edema should be solved not only by a cosmetologist, but also, first of all, by an obstetrician-gynecologist. Rational management of pregnancy and adherence to the water regime prescribed by the doctor will help a woman avoid this deficiency, which is not only cosmetic in nature. In addition, you can try to reduce swelling with simple and affordable home remedies - for example, grate a fresh raw potato and apply the resulting mixture to your eyelids. Lotions made from infusion of parsley or chamomile are also effective. Six layers of gauze or soft, clean rags are soaked in infusion at room temperature and, after squeezing well, placed on the face for 4-5 minutes until the gauze warms up to body temperature. You can change the lotion several times, but the total duration of the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes. After using the lotion, it is recommended to apply a thin layer of moisturizer to the skin around the eyes. You should not use cold and, especially, ice lotions.

The skin of the eyelids is devoid of sebaceous glands, so its protective properties are reduced. Under the influence of changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman, the ability of the epidermis - the outermost layer of skin - to retain moisture decreases. Therefore, the skin on the eyelids becomes drier.

To prevent the skin of the eyelids from flaking and becoming covered with a network of fine wrinkles, it needs rational care, which includes three stages:

To cleanse the skin of the eyelids, it is advisable to use cosmetic cream. Despite the fact that some of their ingredients themselves are greasy, the cream cleanses the skin well without destroying its protective layer. You should not cleanse your eyelid skin with alcohol-containing tonics and lotions.

After cleansing the skin, it is necessary to restore its protective layer by moisturizing and nourishing. For this purpose, there are special gels, moisturizing and nourishing creams for the skin around the eyes. Cosmetics used by a pregnant woman should contain the simplest ingredients and be hypoallergenic. It is important to emphasize that it is better to use gel or moisturizer in the morning. Nourishing cream applied to the eyelids in the evening must be removed with a cosmetic napkin before going to bed.

Finally, you may experience eye fatigue after a long day at work. We offer you several ways to get rid of a tired look and feeling of discomfort:

  1. Make circular movements with your eyes several times, as if watching the second hand describe a circle, then repeat the same movement counterclockwise. This exercise can be done with both open and closed eyes.
  2. Place thin slices of raw potatoes on your closed eyelids and hold them for 5-10 minutes. During this time, try to relax completely.

Elena Shuginina
Deputy General Director of the Institute of Beauty, Ph.D.

Article from the September issue of the magazine.