A wrinkle has appeared on the cheek

Over time, the skin changes, its natural elasticity disappears, its tone decreases, but there are unpleasant defects that can appear in youth, these are wrinkles on the cheeks; not everyone knows how to remove them. Wrinkles on the cheeks quite significantly spoil the aesthetics of a woman’s face, indicating age, so the sooner we start combating these changes, the better.

Causes of wrinkles on the cheeks

The formation of wrinkles is not always associated with age. They may occur due to:

  1. Physical overexertion, stressful situations and experiences, as they invariably lead to skin loss of moisture and dryness;
  2. Frequent reflection of emotions on the face – this manner results in the formation of facial grooves;
  3. Chronic fatigue, disturbances in normal sleep or constant lack of sleep;
  4. Poor nutrition, low-calorie foods or diets when the body has a pronounced deficiency of nutrients - vitamins and minerals;
  5. Harmful addictions – smoking, drinking alcohol, lack of proper daily routine and the habit of going to bed late at night;
  6. Progeria – a hereditary disease expressed in premature aging of the skin and internal organs.

In the case of congenital aging, wrinkles are located vertically on the cheeks, and this indicates inhibition of skin tissue restoration and, alas, aging.

Wrinkles may appear on the cheeks when smiling, and this, in turn, depends on the location and connection of the facial muscles. Each one has its own characteristics, and it is worth taking this into account when pleasant dimples begin to gradually turn into unpleasant deep folds. You can remove them by learning to smile not so widely or in a slightly different way, so as not to aggravate your facial expressions.

How to prevent wrinkles on your cheeks

To do this, just follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Eat well - include in your daily diet as many foods as possible that contain vitamins and mineral compounds, eat more greens, fruits and vegetables, not forgetting lean meat;
  2. Try to drink at least 2 liters of regular drinking water a day, because it is necessary for the skin;
  3. Do all sorts of things face masks from natural products, strictly following the recipe;
  4. Use a moisturizing, nourishing and sunscreen - these products protect the skin from the harmful effects of the external environment - the sun, critical temperatures, radiation;
  5. Try not to grimace too much - your smile may be more restrained, and you don’t have to sleep with your face buried in the pillow; unfortunately, this can also cause wrinkles.
  6. If you are unable to cope with your emotions, which have such a negative impact on the condition of the skin of your cheeks, consult your doctor about taking a mild sedative, preferably of herbal origin, this way you will save your nerves and at the same time take care of the appearance of your cheeks;
  7. You can do special exercises for facial muscles, or use massage, at home or in a cosmetologist’s office, it is important that a set of measures is selected individually for you and your face.

Exercises against wrinkles on the cheeks

In order to remove the wrinkles that have appeared from a smile, which are already noticeable and are a problem, enviable perseverance and daily work will be required, since the muscles of the cheeks have been in a state of relaxation for quite a long time.

  1. It is necessary to take in air, while strongly inflating your cheeks and exhale slowly, pursing your lips into a tube.
  2. Another option involves filling your mouth with air and “rolling” it in a circular motion from left to right. You can produce these “waves” by holding a small amount of water in your mouth.
  3. The next variation is to take a deep breath, filling your cheeks with air, and try to exhale, preventing yourself by tightly pinching your lips. At the same time, you should feel optimal resistance and even slight pain in the cheeks.

You can train your facial muscles with another exercise.

Open your mouth wide so that its shape resembles an oval, place your fingers on your cheeks and, trying not to disturb the oval shape, stretch out into a smile. Don't forget to hold your cheek muscles. Repeat the gymnastics several times.

Since it is always harder to correct than to prevent, start doing such gymnastic procedures against wrinkles as early as possible, before they appear. If time is lost, you will have to try very hard to correct the situation. Most likely, it will not be possible to completely remove cheek wrinkles, but you can make them much more invisible. Of course, this will require daily exercises, which must involve the cheek muscles, performed several times each.

Masks against wrinkles on cheeks

Homemade masks can be an effective remedy against unwanted folds and wrinkles on the cheeks.

If you have lost hope of smoothing out smile wrinkles, try the following recipes.

Yeast mask

Yeast as a cosmetic product is very effective against wrinkles on the cheeks. It is diluted in water at a temperature of +30-35 degrees, mixed with flour until thick and kept for 24 hours in a warm room. The mixture should be applied to the face for 7-10 minutes, then rinsed with water. It is advisable to create a contrast of warm water and cold water - the muscles will be provided with an increased tone charge.

Honey and cognac

In a glass bowl, mix cream, chicken egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of honey, the same amount of cognac and a teaspoon of lemon juice. The composition is applied to the face and left for 60 minutes.

Protein ointment

You will need three proteins, olive oil (two tablespoons), several leaves of dry laurel and burnt alum (two tablespoons).

A decoction of bay leaves is pre-cooked, to which the whites beaten with alum and butter are later added.

Saturate several cotton pads with the resulting substance and secure them on the cheeks and areas of the most pronounced wrinkles using adhesive tape. The procedure is performed in the evening and the mixture is left until the morning. A week of regular use gives excellent results - the skin of the cheeks becomes smoother, wrinkles are less pronounced.

Oatmeal mixture

Mix strong black tea with oatmeal and honey, add a little boiled water and heat in a water bath. Place evenly on the skin and cover with a warm cloth. The ingredients of this composition have a nourishing, softening and smoothing effect on wrinkles.

Gelatin mask

This is one of the fastest-acting recipes in the fight against wrinkles.

It is very simple to prepare the mixture - just soak natural gelatin in water or a decoction of medicinal herbs, let the solution swell, and then heat and stir. After cooling, the mixture can be used. It should be kept for at least 40 minutes. The composition well prevents both the early manifestation of changes in the skin of the cheeks and pronounced wrinkles.

How to remove wrinkles on the cheeks quickly and painlessly when they have already appeared? Unfortunately, it is not always possible to remove it quickly and not completely painlessly, if you use, for example, chemical or mechanical peeling, or inject Botox or hyaluronic acid.

In order not to bring your skin to such serious operations, it is wiser to take care of the condition of your appearance from a young age and not rely on doctors and cosmetologists. Especially since there are so many wonderful natural products and plants that you can use to maintain your beauty.

Wrinkles on the face have and will always cause women a lot of trouble. After all, they indicate not only the years lived, but also indicate the age of the owner. And even more so - wrinkles on the cheeks, which generally age a person, especially a woman. It’s all the more disappointing if they appeared much earlier than they could have been expected. This, unfortunately, happens very often.

Why do they appear on the cheeks?

However, wrinkles on the cheeks - whether they are premature or just due to age - are not a reason to give up on everything. This is a signal to begin a decisive struggle for your attractiveness and decent appearance.

Bad habits = wrinkles

Of course, folds on the skin of the face are not a disease. It’s just that with age, serious changes occur in the skin. Collagen and elastin, which provide elasticity and freshness to our face, are produced by cells in ever smaller quantities. Because of this, light folds of skin on the cheeks, formed during the work of facial muscles, are no longer smoothed out as before. And they turn into permanent wrinkles.

Bad habits such as smoking or drinking too many drinks generally weaken the facial muscles. In other words, quitting smoking is one of the real ways to remove wrinkles on the cheeks without using any ointments or creams.

Control your emotions

Another reason for the appearance of premature folds on the cheeks is emotional impulses. Anger, joy, surprise, etc. - all this is reflected on the human face. And the constant work of facial muscles, unfortunately, always leaves its indelible marks on the skin, forming, for example, when smiling, wrinkles on the cheeks. Try to curb your emotions, don’t laugh too much for no reason, don’t make cute faces and don’t wrinkle your nose, no matter how it suits your face.

By the way, even such an uncontrollable thing as sleeping on your stomach also adds unnecessary folds to your cheeks. To get rid of problems with wrinkles, you need to forget about bad habits and attract three allies to your side: desire, perseverance and patience.

Types of wrinkles depending on age

Wrinkles on the cheeks: Video

Let's get rid of wrinkles

There are many ways to remove wrinkles on the cheeks. Naturally, in order for the cheeks, like the whole face, to be elastic and attractive, they need to be taken care of from a young age. But at a young age, of course, you shouldn’t start using anti-wrinkle products on your cheeks. Like all other muscles, they require training.

And if wrinkles appear on them with age, then, of course, you need to see a doctor or a beauty salon. There are a number of appropriate procedures for this.


This is the easiest way to rejuvenate facial skin. Its meaning is that dead skin cells of the face, which can hang like a “dead weight” on the cheeks, are removed forcibly. The procedure can be mechanical, chemical and physical. During mechanical peeling, the keratinized upper layer of the epidermis is exfoliated with a special tool. Deep mechanical peeling is carried out in specialized clinics.

During chemical peeling, various fruit acids are used: salicylic, retinoic, glycolic. Acids, destroying the dead layer and exfoliating it, simultaneously accelerate those biochemical reactions that promote cell regeneration. A very good procedure for oily skin types.

Physical peeling includes ultrasound and laser. At its core, this is a procedure reminiscent of conventional grinding. The only instruments here are high-frequency sound and laser beam energy. A distinctive feature of the use of laser is resurfacing in the operating room under general anesthesia.


One of the most popular injection drugs today is Botox or its analogue, Dysport. These drugs, after being administered subcutaneously at the desired point on the face, for example, on the cheek, block the flow of nerve impulses from the brain into the muscles. The muscles remain motionless, wrinkles are completely smoothed out after two weeks. The effect of such injections lasts from six months to a year, after which the procedure must be repeated again.

Injections of hyaluronic acid into wrinkles on the cheeks. This acid itself is part of the skin, but with age its amount in the cells decreases significantly. By replenishing its quantity in cells, natural prerequisites for regeneration are created. This operation lasts no more than half an hour, the result is noticeable immediately, and is practically “written on the face.”

Anti-wrinkle cream

In many cases, ointments and creams are the best way to get rid of wrinkles on the cheeks. But these cosmetic products have one feature: they are all made taking into account age categories. If a woman is over 40, then you should not buy a cream with the “30+” index at all - it will not have the desired effect. The ointment or cream should perform the following functions:

  1. relieve skin fatigue;
  2. improve her nutrition;
  3. protect from excessive sunlight;
  4. tonify;
  5. activate cell regeneration processes.

Wrinkles on the cheeks, especially deep ones, need to be combated comprehensively. Consult a dermatologist: only he can tell you which cream is needed for daylight hours and which one is needed for the night. Together, their action will give the most effective results. Moisturizing, cleansing and toning must be used together with dermatological cosmetics.

Anti-wrinkle masks at home

Anti-wrinkle masks are a great addition to all other ways to get rid of wrinkles on the cheeks. We offer several effective recipes.

  1. Mix two spoons of oatmeal, a spoon of strong tea and two spoons of honey, add a little water, and heat for steam. Apply a thick layer of warm mixture to your face, cover with a towel. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  2. Mix a tablespoon of flour with mashed yolk, add milk. Bring to the consistency of sour cream, apply to face. Rinse off after five minutes, but not with water, but with weak warm tea.
  3. Dissolve yeast in warm water, add flour (preferably rye), stir until creamy, leave in a warm place for a day. You will get a leaven that needs to be applied to the face in a thick layer. The mask is washed off after 10 minutes alternately with warm and cold water.
  4. And this is a miracle cream! A tablespoon of honey, two dessert spoons of cognac, 100 g of cream, one yolk and a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice must be mixed thoroughly. The mixture is applied to the face with a cotton swab and left for an hour. Then it is washed off with warm water.

Take care of your skin at any age and don't let wrinkles age you!

Effective folk remedies for wrinkles under the eyes: Video


Most often, women begin to think about how to remove wrinkles on their cheeks when they already become noticeable. This needs to be done much earlier - at the age of 25 – 30 years. There are simple facelift exercises that help remove wrinkles on the cheeks of women. In the “Over 30” club we will tell you how you can prepare an effective cream at home that will help get rid of wrinkles on the cheeks and forehead and on other problem areas of the facial skin.

Who gets wrinkles on their cheeks?

Over time, the external condition of the skin on the face changes. All this happens due to the fact that the tone of the facial muscles, which give a person a certain facial expression, weakens.

The following factors predispose to the appearance of wrinkles on the cheeks:

  1. heredity – genetic predisposition;
  2. lifestyle - those who smoke have flabby and weak facial muscles;
  3. emotionality - those who grimace when talking, wrinkle their nose, protrude their lips, strain a smile - wrinkles on the cheeks appear even at a young age - 15 - 20 years.

All this leads to the appearance of facial wrinkles. These can be vertical wrinkles on the forehead, which we have already talked about in our women's club, wrinkles on the bridge of the nose, as well as vertical and horizontal wrinkles on the cheeks on either side of the nose.

We will talk further about how to remove wrinkles on the cheeks using facial gymnastics.

Wrinkles on the cheeks: facelift exercises

Usually the cheek muscles are relaxed. It is very important to train them and tone them in order to avoid the appearance of wrinkles on the cheeks. There are various exercises designed specifically for this. to maintain facial skin elasticity.


This exercise tightens the muscles of the cheeks and smoothes out wrinkles.

Close your lips in a circle (letter “O”). Place your index fingers in a horizontal position over your cheekbones. “Smile” with your upper lip, while pronouncing the sound “E”. The lower jaw does not move, only the cheeks under the fingers move. Repeat 20 times. Relax before starting.


Puff out your cheeks and, stretching your lips with a tube, blow out the air very slowly.

Let's move the air

This exercise can be done anywhere once you think about how to remove wrinkles on your cheeks. It also serves as a good prevention against sagging cheeks.

You just take a “ball of air” into your mouth and start pumping it in different ways: in a circle, from left to right, from right to left. Try to feel the air touching your gums inside, as if massaging them. If possible, the same exercise can be performed by taking a little water into your mouth.

Oval "with a smile"

Open your mouth strongly to form a regular oval. Place your index fingers on top of your cheekbones. Smile with your mouth open to maintain the oval shape. Slowly return your lips to their original position. Don't forget to hold your cheek muscles with your fingers. Repeat the movement 35 times.


Take a deep breath. Puff out your cheeks. Close your lips tightly. Try to release the air from your mouth while holding it tightly with your hand. You should feel your cheeks swelling and hurting a little inside.


Cream mask and wet massage

After you have done facial exercises, apply specially prepared cream mask made from proteins against wrinkles. If you use it regularly, even deep wrinkles disappear.

Cheek wrinkle cream - components:

  1. 3 squirrels
  2. 2 tbsp. olive oil
  3. 5 bay leaves
  4. burnt alum (2 tbsp)

Step 1. Prepare a decoction of bay leaves.

Add 5 pcs to boiling 300 g of water. bay leaf, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes.

Step 2. Preparing the cream

Beat 3 egg whites with olive oil.

Add 3 tbsp. the resulting cooled decoction of bay leaves.

Add alum (they are sold in pharmacies, but you will have to look for them).

Step 3. Using the cream

Dip cotton pads into the resulting cream and apply them to your cheeks. Cover with adhesive tape and leave overnight. This is also an effective remedy for wrinkles on the forehead and “pride” wrinkles between the eyebrows.

Wet massage for wrinkles on cheeks

Soak a towel (plain cotton) in water with diluted sea salt. Pat them on the cheek 30 times. Then do the same with the other cheek. This massage tones the skin. It must be done carefully, until slight redness occurs, so as not to cause harm.

According to physiognostics (a system for determining a person’s character and diagnosing diseases based on the study of external facial features), deep vertical wrinkles on the cheeks indicate that you are hard worker or suffer from hypotension.

It's good if you pay enough attention to wrinkle prevention. Don't strain your face and laugh only sincerely. The site komy-za30.ru wishes you that the wrinkles on your cheeks are only from joy: if a person frowns, then 72 facial muscles are involved, and with a natural smile - only 14.

After all, as D. Carnegie said: “A smile costs nothing, but it is highly valued.” Take care of yourself at work, pay enough attention to rest, take care of your health and smile!