Recognizing days of crisis when it is doubtful

Recognizing days of crisis is necessary for many purposes. If the crisis is close, you need to prescribe a certain regimen to the patient, and if it is far away, you prescribe a different regimen. During the days of crisis and shortly before them, the patient should be subjected to a special regime and absolutely not move the juices in him with the help of medicine. It sometimes helps nature with regard to emptying, and the emptying becomes too immoderate, and sometimes it opposes nature with regard to the direction of matter, and this gives rise to mutually opposite demands; then emptying does not occur, and this causes great harm. When recognizing the days of crisis, you should also keep in mind the already known circumstances that change the days of crisis.

The recognition method has two sides: one concerns the crisis of the disease in general, the other concerns the isolation of the day of the crisis from the entire period of time during which the crisis occurs, for the crisis state often lasts two or three days, and it is doubtful which of these days it follows attribute.

As for the first side, there are two opinions; based on the shortness or duration of the disease and on the properties and strength of the disease. Based on the signs of duration or brevity, conclusions are drawn based on the end date of the illness. If, for example, the illness is not one that can end on the fourth or nearest day, but it can end on the seventh day or later, then if distinct signs of maturity appear around the fourth day, there is hope that the crisis will occur on the seventh day, and if the signs of a long illness appear, as mentioned in their place, this shows that the crisis is delayed or the outcome will come without a crisis. If neither one nor the other signs appear, then there is hope that the illness will end between the seventh and fourteenth day.

And with regard to the conclusion on the properties of diseases, you already know that an odd day of crisis is more consistent with diseases that come into motion on an odd day, and hot, acute diseases, and an even day - with diseases with opposite properties.

As for the second side, the conclusion is drawn in many ways: from a comparison of periods of illness, by the number of days of crisis, by the time of crisis, by the merits and strength of crisis days. In relation to the comparison of periods, for example, it is known that an even day is more suitable for one disease, and an odd one for another, and the time of the crisis is judged by determining which of the two days the patient suffered more, and the crisis is attributed to this day, if it does not interfere something stronger in quality than a given attribute. This also includes the rule that prescribes that a crisis should be classified as the average of three days, bearing in mind the condition just mentioned.

Regarding the conclusion on the strength and properties of days, we will say that if, for example, the patient began to sweat on the night of the seventh day and sweated without ceasing throughout the entire eighth day, then the crisis was on the seventh day, and not on the eighth, although the fever stopped on eighth day. If this is not the case, and the perspiration began on the thirteenth day, and the patient sweated without ceasing until the fourteenth day and the fever stopped on the fourteenth day, then the crisis is attributed to the fourteenth day, because the eighth and thirteenth days are not as strong as both others regarding well-being. Death occurs more often on the sixth day than on the seventh, and on the tenth more often than on the ninth.

The conclusion based on the combination of several qualities is similar to what was discussed above, when we talked, for example, about the fourteenth day, because on this day both the appearance of perspiration and the cessation of fever are combined. When drawing up a conclusion on the days of the omen, you need to see if you can find an omen on the fourth day in the examples mentioned; if so, then be sure that the crisis will be on the seventh day, and if you find omens on the ninth or eleventh day, then consider that the crisis will be on the fourteenth.