Homemade anti-cellulite cream recipes

Anti-cellulite massage is most effectively performed using a special anti-cellulite cream and oil. Anti-cellulite cream can be prepared at home. A cream prepared independently will be in no way inferior to factory-made products. All you need to stock up on is essential oils and liquid coffee extract.

Before applying the prepared anti-cellulite cream, perform an allergy test. To do this, drop a few drops of the selected essential oil onto the crook of your elbow and wait a while. if nothing happens (itching, burning, blisters), then feel free to use the prepared cream.

Anti-cellulite cream at home

An effective anti-cellulite cream prepared at home.

DIY anti-cellulite cream

An anti-cellulite cream prepared according to this recipe at home will perfectly improve blood circulation, relieve tissue swelling, and increase skin elasticity.

  1. Take 20-30 ml. any body milk, add a few drops of juniper essential oil to it. This proportion is enough for 1 massage procedure of the problem area.
  2. Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a ceramic container. Then add 1 teaspoon of coffee extract for a better warming effect and mix again. Stir until the consistency becomes homogeneous.
  3. Then we take the resulting cream in the palm of our hand, warm it up and begin to perform anti-cellulite massage on problem areas.
  4. Instead of juniper essential oil, you can add grapefruit or blood orange oil. One anti-cellulite massage procedure should last at least 10 minutes.

Anti-cellulite cream based on olive oil

This cream is prepared as follows: take 10 ml. olive oil, add 1 teaspoon of any cream, 3 drops of orange or lemon essential oil. Mix everything well and perform an anti-cellulite massage.

Before you take a shower, take 5 minutes to perform a simple, but no less effective anti-cellulite massage: put your foot on the edge of the bath, and with both hands begin to perform smooth circular movements from the knee to the thigh. We perform this technique 10 times on each leg.

You can achieve amazing results with the help of pinch massage, especially for the buttocks, abdomen, and thighs. Apply the prepared anti-cellulite cream to the problem area, then use your thumb and forefinger to slightly pull the skin up and release. Continue until the skin turns pink.