Retinol acetate for wrinkles reviews


However, not everyone is in a hurry to buy retinol, knowing its side effects in the form of peeling and irritation of the skin. Indeed, some varieties of vitamin A in their pure form can cause negative consequences in the form of chemical burns. We’ll talk about the rules for using retinol in the fight against wrinkles and what retinoids are below.

Vitamin family

Retinaldehyde or retinal, true retinol, retinoic acid are all fat-soluble substances (lipovitamins), collectively called vitamin A. This is one of the first vitamins discovered by scientists. Its history began in 1920.

The progenitors of vitamin A are considered to be provitamins A - carotenoids (the main one is beta-carotene). Vitamins of group A are found in foods of animal origin, carotenoids are found in foods of plant origin.

The benefits of vitamin A for the body are great:

  1. supports the body's protective functions;
  2. takes part in metabolism;
  3. needed for development and growth;
  4. necessary for normalizing the functioning of the visual organs;
  5. regulates the balance of minerals in the body;
  6. supports the health of the epidermis;
  7. is a natural antioxidant.

Due to the extensive serious work that the vitamin carries out in the human body, retinol is sometimes classified as a hormone.

During pregnancy, vitamin A is contraindicated. Excessive consumption can have disastrous consequences for the developing fetus. Other people should not use vitamin A uncontrollably. Excess of the substance has a detrimental effect on the body. Therefore, before you start taking the vitamin, it is recommended to consult your doctor.

Retinoids - what is this substance and what is it intended for?

Retinoids are a synthetic analogue of vitamin A. Its invention is due to the fact that in its pure form the vitamin could cause unpleasant effects. The group of retinoids includes the following substances:

  1. retinol;
  2. tretinoin (retinoic acid);
  3. alitretinoin;
  4. isotretinoin;
  5. etretinate;
  6. tazarotene;
  7. acitretin;
  8. bexarotene;
  9. adapalene retinal.

All these substances are synthesized in chemical laboratories and are widely used in cosmetic skin care products.

More than 1,500 varieties of retinoids are known. However, not all of them have therapeutic properties. Only a few dozen synthetic analogues have these. They are used to treat:

Some types of retinoids are used in the fight against cancer. Thus, isotretinoin was originally used in the treatment of leukemia. Today it is used to combat acne in some patients. Tests of another synthetic derivative called tretinoin against acne began to be carried out in the late 60s of the last century by Albert Kligman, a dermatologist. Testing lasted a little more than a decade; in 1973, the doctor created the drug Retin-A, which was effective against this skin disease, and patented the formula.

After 12 years, Dr. Kligman and his colleague discovered that Retin-A not only effectively fights acne, but also improves facial tone and smoothes wrinkles. The dermatologist received patents for these formulas. After this, retinoids began to be included in cosmetic creams aimed at combating skin aging.

Synthetic substances similar to vitamin A actually prevent wrinkles and smooth out some existing wrinkles. Creams with retinoids will not help 100% get rid of age-related changes on the skin of the face, especially if the wrinkles are deep and old. In principle, modern scientists have not yet invented a remedy that makes it possible to remove all signs of aging.

The magic of rejuvenation contained in vitamin A

When vitamin A is applied externally to the skin, it manifests itself in the following way: the stratum corneum of the dermis becomes thinner by exfoliating dead cells, and the dermal layer, on the contrary, thickens. Thus, the facial skin is peeled, making it soft, smooth and radiant.

The action of retinoids is not limited to the superficial. The substance penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, where it slows down the decomposition of collagen, an important protein that gives the skin elasticity. Retinol is one of the few substances studied today with a clear anti-aging effect.

The beneficial effect of vitamin A and its varieties is explained not by the influence of the substance itself, but by its derivative, retinoic acid. It is formed during a chemical reaction of retinoids and special cellular enzymes. The difficulty is that not every analogue can be converted into retinoic acid equally quickly and easily. For some forms of the vitamin, such transformation takes a fairly long period of time.

And this is the formula for transforming retinoids:

Retinol acetate (palmitate, propionate) True retinol Retinaldehyde Retinoic acid.

It follows from this that the greater the number of cycles of conversion of the original form of retinol into retinoic acid, the less pronounced the effect it has on the skin. That is, retinol palmitate and retinol acetate are weaker and less effective forms of vitamin A. True retinol is stronger than its esters, but not as powerful as retinaldehyde, which is just one step away from becoming retinoic acid.

In addition, the amount of retinoic acid in the skin after transformation is insignificant. This is due to the fact that the transformation always occurs incompletely and to the fact that retinoids are a rapidly degrading and unstable compound.

Difficult choice

It is precisely because of the complexity of converting retinol that the choice of effective cosmetics is difficult. It is impossible to imagine exactly how many retinoids are transformed into retinoic acid on a given skin. This process depends on many factors - skin type, age, the amount of enzymes needed for conversion.

A clear example is this situation: a woman purchased a cream containing retinol ester (acetate or palmitate) and after a few days of use she felt a noticeable effect of the drug. Her friend bought the same cream, but there was no positive result even after a month of use. In this case, to improve the condition of facial skin, you will need cosmetics with retinaldehyde, which is quickly converted into retinoic acid.

Before purchasing any anti-aging cosmetic product for facial skin care, you need to assess the condition and type of your skin.

You also need to carefully read the component composition of the cream, find out the type of vitamin and in what dosage it was used. If you need a strong product, you should choose a product with true retinol.

The minimum retinol content in anti-aging products is 0.2%. For retinol acetate/palmitate, the value is many times greater.

Retinol, even in small dosages, will have a beneficial effect on the skin. However, in this case the result will come much later. If the cream does not contain retinol or it is at the end of the list of ingredients, this means that the concentration of the substance in the drug is not significant. Experts recommend starting with creams with a low content of retinol and its derivatives.


Retinol in the pharmacy

There is not a single manufacturer that does not produce products containing vitamin A. It is included in creams, serums, ointments, and is available in capsules.

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find vitamin A preparations in the form of injection ampoules, capsules and oil solution. Wide choice and reasonable price are the advantages of pharmacy products. Thus, a 50 ml bottle of retinol acetate (3.44% substance content) can be purchased for 60 rubles, a similar product made in Israel, Anna Lotan Renova (80 capsules) costs 4,000 rubles. The Israeli drug contains vitamin complexes, mineral components and various oils.

Which means to choose is a purely personal matter. It depends on individual preferences, age, financial income and, most importantly, the condition of the skin and its type.

When choosing a form of a drug with vitamin A, it is worth remembering that retinoids are unstable and quickly break down. The substance retains its properties best and longest in ampoule and capsule preparations.

Precautionary measures

The main advantage of retinol can also be its disadvantage. The vitamin helps exfoliate dead skin cells. This process is accompanied by peeling and redness of the skin. The reaction usually appears 2-3 hours after using the substance. This may be accompanied by dryness and irritation of the skin. It takes time for the skin to get used to it - most often several weeks. That is why it is important to follow safety precautions when using drugs and cosmetics containing retinol and its derivatives.

The opinion that vitamin A is harmful to young skin is wrong. Retinol - copes well with acne, all kinds of rashes and other skin diseases characteristic of young facial skin. In addition, wrinkles are an insidious thing; sometimes the first small folds appear before the age of 30.

Retinol in liquid form can be added in small quantities (1 drop) to day and night creams, to make face masks, adding vitamin A to the main composition. For masks, substances from the retinol family are recommended to be mixed with oils - olive, peach, almond, coconut, jojoba and others, since the vitamin belongs to the fat-soluble group.

For those who love and know how to experiment with cosmetics, the following facial skin care regimen is suitable:

  1. Days 1 and 2 – use of a product containing vitamin A;
  2. Day 3 – face serum and cream containing fruit acids (alpha hydroxy acids, AHA);
  3. Days 4 and 5 – use of a product with retinol;
  4. Days 6 and 7 – rest for the skin – use regular creams to moisturize the skin.

Let's take a closer look at the operating principle of this circuit. Lipovitamins of group A cannot be used daily, because their main effect is exfoliation of dead particles of the epidermis. During the first 2 days, vitamin A will actively exfoliate unnecessary particles. On the 3rd day, cosmetics with fruit acid will cleanse the facial skin of excess particles. Peeling will contribute to more active work of the vitamin in the deep layers of the skin on days 4 and 5 of the program. For the next 2 days, your facial skin needs to rest and use mild moisturizing cosmetic products.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure no less than 14 days later. The technique described above can be used constantly, alternating the procedure phase with rest.

Even if you want to get quick results in a couple of days, you shouldn’t risk the health and beauty of your facial skin. Too intensive use of vitamin A can lead to undesirable consequences, which will be difficult to get rid of. Only proper use of vitamin A, a healthy diet, an active lifestyle and giving up bad habits will help you slightly rejuvenate and cleanse your face. A woman is beautiful at any age!

Vitamin A, or retinol acetate, can clear the skin of rashes, smooth out wrinkles and even tighten the oval. This is an effective remedy in the fight against the aging process. It is impossible to overestimate the benefits of retinol acetate for facial skin. This unique substance is often used in the production of anti-aging cosmetics, as well as in preparations for the treatment of acne.

Benefits of retinol for skin

Vitamin A was one of the first to be discovered. That’s why it got its name. At first it was used to treat such pathologies as “night blindness”. Much later, doctors noticed that this substance strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the epidermis.

Retinol acetate for skin is a powerful biogenic stimulant. Its small molecular weight allows the vitamin to penetrate deep into the epidermis. It has the following positive effects there:

  1. Improves the skin's ability to resist the negative effects of free radicals.
  2. Cleanses from toxins and impurities.
  3. Protects against ultraviolet exposure.
  4. Strengthens blood vessels.
  5. Relieves itching and inflammation.
  6. Prevents the destruction of elastin fibers.
  7. Stimulates collagen production.
  8. Accelerates cell division and protein synthesis.
  9. Relieves peeling.
  10. Eliminates dry skin.
  11. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  12. Accelerates skin healing.
  13. Eliminates scars and post-acne.
  14. Evens out skin microrelief.
  15. Eliminates wrinkles.
  16. Lighten pigmentation.

In some cases, retinol acetate can be dangerous for the skin. Sometimes it provokes the development of allergic reactions. For example: redness, severe peeling and itching. Therefore, before using it, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test. The vitamin or cosmetics containing it are applied to the skin of the wrist and its reaction is observed.

Forms of release of the drug

Retinol acetate for skin can be used in its pure form. You can also prepare face masks, lotions, creams and scrubs based on it. The vitamin can be purchased at a pharmacy; it has the following release forms:

  1. Oil capsules. The gelatinous shell is easily pierced with a needle. The contents of the capsule can be used in pure form or added to masks and creams.
  2. Ampoules with solution for injection. Contains the highest concentration of retinol. The solution does not leave any oily residue. It is most often used to make lotions.
  3. Retinol acetate oil solution. For skin it is used in the preparation of homemade scrubs. Packaged in dark glass bottles.
  4. Pills. Used exclusively for oral administration.

Features of application

Skin care with vitamin A is not recommended to start with large doses. Firstly, it can trigger the development of allergic reactions. And secondly, the dermis will quickly get used to the vitamin and its reaction will be less pronounced.

Before using retinol acetate for facial skin, you need to make sure that even a small dose will not provoke an allergic reaction. It must be remembered that the vitamin penetrates well deep into the epidermis. In some cases, even external use can lead to an excess of this substance in the body. Therefore, you will need to avoid cosmetics with retinol in the following cases:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. Pathologies of the kidneys and bile ducts.
  3. In active sun.
  4. In case there are wounds and extensive purulent rashes on the skin.

Retinol acetate breaks down quite quickly when exposed to heat, light and some other factors. Therefore, masks and scrubs with vitamin A should be used immediately after they are prepared.

Pharmacy drugs

Retinol acetate for facial skin can be found in some pharmaceutical ointments. Medical preparations contain a higher concentration of the vitamin compared to cosmetic products. Therefore, many women believe that for skin rejuvenation it is more effective to use ointments that are sold in pharmacies. Despite the fact that they are intended to treat certain pathologies.

Preparations containing vitamin A:

  1. Retinoic ointment. Used to prevent age-related changes. The ointment is applied before bedtime. The drug should not be used more than twice a week. Applying ointment to the periorbital area is not recommended.
  2. "Radevit." In addition to retinol, the ointment contains vitamin E and D. The drug is used to combat the signs of skin aging. The use of ointment can reduce the depth of wrinkles and increase skin turgor. In addition, collagen production is stimulated. It is recommended to use "Radevit" in a course of 45 days, at night. After this, you should take a break for a month.
  3. "Relief". Ointment for hemorrhoids. It contains oil obtained from shark liver. It is known that fish oil is one of the richest sources of vitamin A. The use of Relief can smooth out wrinkles and eliminate dry skin. The ointment also stimulates cell regeneration and eliminates swelling.
  4. "Regetsin." In addition to retinol, it contains zinc. This remedy is most often used to combat acne. However, it can also rejuvenate the skin.

The best cosmetics with retinol

Anti-aging cosmetics with vitamin A effectively eliminate wrinkles, age spots and other signs of aging. This is confirmed by numerous positive reviews. Retinol acetate for facial skin works well in the following cosmetic products:

  1. Liftactive Retinol HA from Vichy. In addition to retinol, the product contains hyaluronic acid and water from thermal springs. The use of the cream stimulates the dermis to produce more collagen. Wrinkles and unevenness are smoothed out, and skin tone is evened out.
Redermic R from La Roche-Posay. Eliminates deep wrinkles, pigmentation and uneven complexion. It is recommended that you additionally use sunscreen while using this product. Eluage by Avene. Improves metabolism in the dermis and blood circulation. Increases skin elasticity and makes the oval shape clearer. L'Oreal Revitalift. An affordable cream that contains retinol. Absorbs quickly. Improves skin microrelief and smoothes wrinkles.

Anti-aging homemade masks

Retinol acetate for facial skin at home can be used to prepare anti-aging masks. For these purposes, it is better to purchase an oil solution in gelatin capsules. You can eliminate the signs of aging using the following recipes:

  1. Prepare in advance a teaspoon of any night, nourishing cream that matches your skin type. Add the contents of two ampoules of vitamin A and five drops of aloe juice to it. Mix everything. Apply the mixture to clean and steamed skin. Dry your face with a napkin after 20 minutes.
Mix half a tablespoon of quality olive oil with two retinol capsules. Apply to skin. It should be taken into account that olive oil has a moderate comedogenic coefficient. Therefore, it is better not to use this recipe for oily or problem skin. Fifteen grams of homemade fatty cottage cheese are ground with a tablespoon of sour cream or cream. Then an ampoule of retinol is added to the mixture and distributed over clean facial skin. For the next mask you will need to prepare full-fat cottage cheese, olive oil and retinol. This recipe is suitable for very dry skin that is prone to flaking. A tablespoon of oil is mixed with 20 g of cottage cheese and two ampoules of vitamin are added. Pour a teaspoon of almond oil, 10 drops of burdock and a retinol capsule into 15 ml of natural liquid honey. The mixture is carefully distributed over the face and left for 30 minutes.

Vitamin A for treating rashes

Retinol acetate is also useful for skin if it is problematic. Regular use of masks with vitamin A will normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanse and tighten pores, and relieve inflammation. The most useful masks will be:

  1. Whipped egg white is mixed with 20 g of white cosmetic clay. Then add a retinol capsule and five drops of lemon juice. The mixture must be left on the face until completely dry and then washed off.
  2. Grind a teaspoon of dry lentils in a coffee grinder. A retinol capsule and a little zinc ointment are added to the powder. Everything is mixed. The composition should remain on the skin until it dries. Then it is washed off.
  3. Two capsules of retinol are mixed with low-fat kefir and applied to the skin. This mixture is suitable for girls with very oily skin and large pores.

Scrubs and lotions

Cleansing the skin with scrubs allows you to cleanse pores, eliminate dead cells and improve skin microrelief. In addition, the breathing of the dermis and blood circulation in its tissues improves. A scrub with retinol will be beneficial for all skin types. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Oat flakes - 25 g.
  2. Milk (fat for dry skin and vice versa) - 25 ml.
  3. Retinol oil solution - 5 ml.

The flakes must be ground in a coffee grinder. Oatmeal powder is poured with hot milk. When it cools to room temperature, add retinol and mix. The mixture can be used as a scrub.

An oil solution of retinol or vitamin from injection ampoules can be added to ready-made tonics or lotions. In addition, it is easy to prepare such care products yourself from cucumber juice or the pulp of aloe leaves.


Every woman who decides to use retinol in skin care should remember that this substance is toxic in high concentrations. Therefore, you should not swallow vitamin A by the handful and apply the oil solution to your face every day.

The use of ready-made and homemade cosmetics with vitamin A allows you to rejuvenate and cleanse your face. This is confirmed by numerous reviews. Retinol acetate will be beneficial for the skin, provided that cosmetics are used correctly. Before using a new cream or mask, be sure to test for an allergic reaction.

To date, only retinol has proven effective in its ability to rejuvenate the skin. No other substances, when applied superficially, have such stimulation on the epidermis. Only injections can be more effective.

Greetings, guests of my blog. Today I want to tell you how vitamin A works for the face and its derivative forms. By the way, since 1968, about 1,500 retinoids have been synthesized. This vitamin is a real magician in the fight against wrinkles and other manifestations of skin aging. And it can also treat acne! Seriously, the sooner you incorporate it into your routine, the more grateful your skin will be.

Benefits of vitamin A for the face

Retinol is a multi-tasking superhero that literally transforms the appearance of your skin. It is very popular in cosmetology.

How retinol helps our skin:

  1. Accelerates cellular metabolism - encourages cells to move into new phases and quickly renew themselves. This is so that new, healthy ones can take their place.
  2. Boosts collagen - prevents destruction and thickening of the skin.
  3. Has antioxidant properties - fights free radicals that cause premature wrinkles and dark spots.
  4. Treats acne - Helps get rid of whiteheads and clogged pores.

To sum up all the benefits, retinol reduces wrinkles and large pores. It also makes dark spots and hyperpigmentation disappear, and refreshes the complexion. This vitamin also strengthens the skin and helps treat acne.


It definitely makes your skin look better. It sounds great, but there are a couple of nuances to using this substance:

Sensitivity to the sun. Retinol may make your skin more susceptible to sun damage. Therefore, use products with it only at night.

Irritation. It can irritate the skin and cause itching. At first, use products with a small concentration of the active substance, gradually increasing the dosage.

May make acne worse. May help with acne, but not with red, painful, inflamed acne. If you have any, it will only worsen the inflammation.

Not recommended during pregnancy/breastfeeding. Vitamin A causes birth defects in mice. No one has tested it on pregnant women (for obvious reasons). Therefore, no one knows for sure whether it has an effect on people. But I don't think it's worth the risk.


Use at home

This vitamin can be used from the age of 25. But there is one caveat - the skin should not be too sensitive. In this case, I recommend a softer form - retinol palmitate or microencapsulated retinol.

The best results of using retinol in combination with vitamin C. That is, retinol at night, vitamin C and cream with SPF protection in the morning

For girls who have acne, I advise you to start using retinol at an earlier age. Judging by the reviews, this product copes well with them. This vitamin can also reduce wrinkles. Typically you need to complete a 3-6 month course to see noticeable improvement. The deeper the wrinkles, the longer it will take.

I have prepared small instructions for use vitamin A for facial skin:

  1. If you are a beginner: use 0.01% - 0.03%;
  2. If you have already used: 0,04% — 0,1%;
  3. If you're a pro: 0,5% — 2%.

If the skin does not peel and nothing unusual happens, it means that it is accustomed to retinol. At least to a small dosage. Only then can you increase the percentage.

How often to use the product depends on various factors. We are all different. Some people may use it four to five times a week or even daily. For others, once a week is more than enough. I recommend you start with twice a week. If it doesn't bother your skin, try using it more often.

What is the difference between retinol acetate and retinol palmitate?

Not all forms of vitamin A are created equal. Some are more easily converted into retinoic acid than others.

A typical conversion pathway is as follows: Retinyl palmitate <> Retinol > Retinaldehyde > Retinoic acid (acetate)

Retinol itself doesn't do much for the skin. The magic happens when enzymes in the skin convert it into retinoic acid (acetate). This is the most active form of vitamin A, destroying wrinkles and acne. And palmitate is weaker than acetate.

But Retinoic acid is very irritating to the skin. But retinol works slower than retinoic acid, but is more gentle on the skin. A good compromise, don't you agree?

If you want to reduce the signs of photoaging and rejuvenate your skin, choose retinol or retinaldehyde. And for the treatment of acne, acne, and acne - choose the form of Retinoic acid. These include medicinal products Tretinoin or Retin-A. But they are not sold in our pharmacy. If you want to get rid of acne, I recommend seeing a good dermatologist.

The pharmacy sells retinol acetate made in Russia. This can be an oil solution or something that is sold in capsules. The price may vary slightly. But remember that vitamin A is unstable - it oxidizes when exposed to light. Therefore, in the summer it is better to postpone the use of the product.

Tips on how to use retinol

I hope these tips help you incorporate vitamin A into your routine in a gentle and easy way.

  1. Away from sunlight. Light and air quickly render vitamin A completely useless. Buy retinol products in an airtight, opaque container. They will keep it stable longer.
  2. Use at night. We already know that sunlight minimizes the effects of the vitamin. If it's in your day cream, be sure to apply sunscreen, especially in the summer.
  3. Start with a low concentration. When we start running, we don’t immediately participate in a marathon. It's the same with retinol. As the most potent and effective ingredient, it can be quite strong. When first used, it may cause redness, peeling and even burning. Start in small concentrations once or twice a week.
  4. A pea is enough. When you hear how effective retinol is for wrinkles and other signs of aging, it can be easy to get carried away. And smear yourself generously with this product. But don't do this. A pea-sized amount is more than enough.
  1. Eliminate other powerful components first. Vitamin C, glycolic acid and other AHA/BHA acids. All powerful antioxidants can irritate the skin. If you are new to vitamin A, stop using other antioxidants. Give your skin time to adjust. As soon as she gets used to it, you can return other active ingredients to her care. This way you will minimize the likelihood of side effects.

Of course, you should avoid irritating products that contain alcohol. It always has a bad effect on the skin.

Homemade vitamin A masks

The good thing about homemade cosmetics is that they are completely natural. In addition, available ingredients are usually used for their preparation. But they have a significant drawback - shelf life. As I already said, retinol is unstable. Therefore, prepare such a volume of cosmetic mixture that it is enough for one use.

There are many recipes for masks on the Internet. They are designed to solve various cosmetic problems. So be sure to consider your skin's needs. Below I have prepared several proven recipes for you.

How to make a mask with aevit

By the way, my friends, aevit is a double blow to skin problems. They treat rashes and acne. This drug contains two powerful substances: vitamin A and E.

This drug is used in its pure form. Apply Aevit onto the area of ​​skin affected by the rash and leave. There is no need to rinse off the product. Just after a quarter of an hour, blot the remaining residue with a dry cloth. After 1.5-2 weeks, the condition of the skin will significantly improve.

At first, use a product with a concentration of active substance of 1%. Look for such products on Iherb or other sites. How to use is written in the product instructions.

Retinol eye mask

This product is a real find for delicate eye skin. It will help remove crow's feet and moisturize the skin. To prepare it, you will need pharmaceutical retinol and glycerin. For 1 capsule of vitamin A, take 3 ml of glycerin. Mix thoroughly and apply with gentle movements to clean, dry skin. After 10 minutes, wash your face.

You will be convinced that this cocktail is very beneficial for the eyes after using it for the first time. Make such masks no more than 1-2 times a week.

Rejuvenating mask

Her recipe is:

  1. ½ teaspoon of retinol oil solution;
  2. 1 teaspoon almond oil (sweet);
  3. 1 teaspoon honey;
  4. 1 teaspoon of burdock oil.

Mix the oils and enrich the mixture with honey and vitamin. Apply to prepared skin and leave for half an hour. Then blot the residue with a napkin and wash.

Acne cosmetic product

You will need 1/4 teaspoon of vitamin A oil solution. Also prepare half a glass of water and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile inflorescences.

First we make a chamomile infusion. Pour boiling water over the raw material and leave for about half an hour. We filter the infusion and enrich it with vitamin. Wipe your skin with this mixture at night. This product does not need to be washed off.

Rating of the best creams with retinol

Vitamin A is present in many commercial cosmetics. Since its main effect is skin rejuvenation, many brands use this component in anti-aging products. And of course remember that it decomposes quickly when exposed to light and air. Be smart and only choose products in opaque, airtight bottles.

Life Flo Health Retinol Face Cream. This cosmetic product contains 1% vitamin A. This is a strong concentration. In addition, it contains other useful components: glycerin, camellia extract, shea butter. The reviews about it are amazing. The skin glows, becomes younger and healthier.

And here is a video review of this product. Be sure to check it out.

Cream Super Retinol 0.5%. This product contains slow-release retinol in a low concentration. Promotes activation and natural regeneration of the skin. The product contains hyaluronic acid for moisturizing, vitamin E and oils of rosemary, geranium, and meadowfoam. Plus peptides for powerful hydration and prevention of fine lines and wrinkles.

Multi-Action Serum. Here the active substance is in the form of retinol palmitate. The product perfectly tones, strengthens and evens out the skin. Expression wrinkles soften, pores become less noticeable. The composition also contains ethyl esters of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, glycerin, olive oil, grape seed oil, bird cherry and sweet almond oil. The serum is gentle and spreads easily over the skin. It is not absorbed immediately due to the presence of oils. Therefore, wait before applying the cream. The volume of the product is 150 g, it is used very economically.

I think I’ve convinced you why dermatologists consider vitamin A the “gold standard” of anti-aging. It really works! Add it to your skin care routine. And you will always look better. Goodbye wrinkles 🙂

Yes, tell your friends about this vitamin. Now you can show off your knowledge to them. Tell them the difference between retinol acetate and retinol palmitate. And what creams with retinol are better to use after 35? And don't forget to subscribe for updates. And that’s all I have for today: bye.