Spa body treatments

If you ask a woman what gift would be especially pleasant for her, then eight out of ten, when listing what they want, will probably mention a trip to the spa. To feel the effect of relaxing procedures, to feel how the body is resting and nourished with vital forces - isn’t this a dream? But men have already appreciated the benefits of SPA therapy - among the representatives of the stronger half of humanity there are more and more fans of these miraculous methods.

SPA treatments - how much has merged in this sound for our hearts

In the modern, broad understanding, SPA is a procedure for healing the body, which uses water in all its forms - from seaweed wraps and salt peelings to thermal baths. But SPA today is not only and not so much a cosmetic procedure, but a whole ritual aimed at getting rid of toxins, rejuvenating and improving the condition of the skin, and activating metabolic processes in the body as a whole.

There are two interpretations of the term: some believe that SPA is an abbreviation of three Latin words Sanus per Aquam, which means “health through water,” while others are of the opinion that the complex is named after the Belgian Spa resort, famous for its healing springs.

Be that as it may, today SPA is one of the most popular cosmetic methods. Now almost every large (and not so large) salon has a separate SPA room, and many, even world-famous resorts, change their profile to suit fashion. All this speaks to the popularity of the service, not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. However, not everywhere, under the “cherished” words in the price list, SPA services in their traditional sense are hidden - many salons, especially in Russia, thus only draw attention to themselves, offering complexes that are far from suitable for the definition of “wellness with water.” Nevertheless, the market for such services in our country is actively developing, both in the premium and economy segments.

Types of spa treatments

There are a great variety of types of SPA events, and there are both complex programs and SPA procedures only, for example, for hands or face.

Today the most popular SPA programs include:

SPA treatments for hair

In the “kit”, specialists usually include such procedures as hot wrap to give hair elasticity and strength, mineralization to restore colored and bleached hair, lamination using various algae extracts, which thickens the hair structure and makes curls smoother. There are also other services, including measures for restoration, nutrition, moisturizing of hair, peelings and cleansing of the scalp, masks that stimulate growth, etc.

SPA facial treatments

Get rid of signs of fatigue and lack of sleep, remove the first wrinkles, make the skin more elastic - facial spa methods “cope” with all these goals. The salons will offer you scrubs and peelings, vitamin and clay masks, massages and hardware procedures. To consolidate the result, you should pay attention to lotions, creams and cosmetics based on sea minerals.

SPA treatments for hands

Often, SPA programs for hands include only a manicure, but, in fact, they include a whole ritual of hand skin care - relaxing baths with the addition of sea salt, rejuvenating masks, massage with aromatic oils. Paraffin therapy has become very popular in recent years, not only among women, but also among men, because everyone wants to have well-groomed hands. The salon will also help you choose the right hand cream that you can (and should) use at home.

SPA treatments for feet

Beautiful legs are a woman’s calling card, so various SPA complexes for legs have become a must-have for ladies of any age. Depending on your individual characteristics and needs, you may be advised to undergo decongestant and anti-varicose vein procedures. Baths with salt and essential oils will help get rid of tired legs, special wraps (mud, algae, even chocolate) will help get rid of ugly “stars” and overly noticeable veins, manual and hydromassage will help you gain ease of gait.

SPA body treatments

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of spa treatments for the body: it includes detox, rejuvenation, anti-cellulite measures, relaxation of the whole body, getting rid of minor inflammations, improving metabolism, and much more.

Popular spa treatments for the whole body:

  1. salt and algae peelings;
  2. wraps, ranging from mineral (using mud, algae and even healing silt) to pearl and silk;
  3. baths: sea, milk, modeling, relaxing;
  4. jacuzzi with hydromassage, phyto-barrel, hammam, sauna.

Massage deserves special attention, occupying one of the key places in the range of spa treatments. Among the most popular options are Thai, Balinese, stone and using aroma bags, anti-cellulite, relaxing, tonic and many others. Usually a massage is preceded by a set of skin cleansing procedures. For example, steaming in a hammam, scrub or wrap. The skillful hands of a massage therapist, a relaxing atmosphere, the smell of aroma oil - all this allows you to achieve an effect in three directions at once - psycho-emotional, aesthetic and therapeutic.

This is not a complete list of services that may be included in the SPA body care ritual. After the first session, you will feel the beneficial effect of the procedures and you will want to come again. However, this will only be for the better - regular SPA events will make your body not only more beautiful, but also healthier.

Comprehensive SPA programs

Nowadays, many SPA and regular beauty salons practice not only individual procedures for the body, hair or face, but offer entire SPA care programs: “profile” (anti-aging, weight loss, anti-cellulite, cleansing the body) and general: romantic rituals for two, hammam with massage and oil rubbing, Thai complexes, “SPA days” for a bachelorette party and various other services - as far as the imagination and professionalism of the masters suffices. Of course, such programs are more expensive than individual procedures, but the pleasure and benefits from them are worth it, and the complex will cost less than a “set” of events one at a time.

Prices for spa treatments in Moscow

What is the cost of spa treatments in salons? When answering this question, it is difficult to give average figures, since the price always depends, firstly, on the level of the beauty studio, secondly, on how wide the list of services is within one ritual and, thirdly, on the cosmetics that used in the salon. We can conditionally divide the classes of beauty salons into three segments: economy, middle and premium. Naturally, in the VIP-level salons, the cosmetics are expensive, brought from the medical resorts of Israel, Belgium, Switzerland, and France. Specialists from prestigious beauty institutes pay special attention to local brands that produce natural cosmetics by hand. In the economy and middle classes, cheaper cosmetics and raw materials (clay, mud, algae) are used.

Approximate prices in the premium class start from 15,000 rubles for a complex procedure lasting 2.5-3 hours, including bath, peeling, wrap, massage. Pleasure for two will cost about one and a half times more. In the “middle” segment, the cost of the program is approximately 8,000-10,000 rubles per person, while a spa bachelorette party will cost approximately 3,000-5,000 per person, provided that there are at least 4 girls in the company. Economical options, which nevertheless include a fairly large list of procedures: hammam, massage, mask or wrap, manicure - will cost from 2,000 rubles for one person for an hour and a half. A two-hour complex for two will cost approximately 6,000 rubles.

How to choose a SPA salon?

Perhaps every lover of SPA relaxation dreams of finding “his” salon, where he will be offered the desired set of SPA treatments at an affordable price and with good service. We can give you some tips on choosing a studio.

  1. Firstly, pay attention to the presence in the salon of conditions for a comprehensive SPA: massage room, swimming pool, steam room, bath;
  2. Secondly, ask whether massage therapists have the appropriate education. There is nothing worse than falling into the hands of a non-professional, who not only does not solve, but can also aggravate health problems;
  3. Thirdly, even before visiting the salon, do not hesitate to ask a question about the sterility of the conditions for the procedures;
  4. Fourthly, evaluate the range of services and their cost - is the proposed complex sufficient to meet your needs and whether the costs will be excessive;
  5. Fifthly, look for a studio close to home, because after a relaxing ritual it is difficult to plunge back into the crazy rhythm of life in the metropolis.

In the last point, however, a caveat is permissible: some salons, even those located on the other side of the city, can offer exclusive services that you will like more than those available nearby. Usually in a good studio you can relax, “cool down” after the ritual and only then hit the road.

So, we tried to figure out what a SPA salon is and what procedures are included in SPA programs, and also identified several criteria for choosing a suitable studio. In conclusion, it is worth adding that, having once appreciated the benefits and pleasure of the SPA, you will probably want to experience these unforgettable sensations again. We wish you to find a good master, and remember: beauty does not always require sacrifice!

A visit to the spa will help not only tidy up your appearance, but also relax, unwind, and support your immune system. After all, the salon offers treatments for every taste for the face, body, hair, as well as complex manipulations. There is only one problem - choosing from the many services that are available.

Read in this article

What are the procedures at the SPA salon?

All manipulations available in the SPA can be divided into several groups:

  1. Hair care. Includes measures to improve the condition of the scalp with peelings, moisturizing, nourishing masks. You can also restore the structure of your hair, restore its elasticity, smoothness, and density by laminating, hot wrapping, and applying oils. The spa has products to stimulate hair growth and protect after coloring.
  2. Facial care. The salon carries out multi-stage procedures to deep cleanse, moisturize and nourish the skin, and reduce the signs of age. For this, various cosmetics, hardware techniques, several types of massage, peelings, and masks are used.
  1. Body care. Treatments may be separate for arms and legs. These are different types of manicure, pedicure, massages, body wraps. Manipulations are also performed for the entire body. You can come for peeling, body wraps with cosmetics, baths with various additives, and massages.
  2. Comprehensive care. It includes several manipulations at once that not only improve your appearance, but also improve your health. These are the same baths, wraps, massages, masks, irrigations, smoothly replacing and complementing each other. They can be accompanied by aromatherapy, the use of healing mud, and sea water. This also includes different types of baths.

Best options

SPA treatments should be selected individually, taking into account contraindications. But their huge number will help everyone find theirs. Among the manipulations there are also those that are suitable for many people.

For face

The following will help make your facial skin fresher and more beautiful, regardless of its type and age:

  1. Oxygen therapy. This is the use of O2-based cosmetics. Serums, masks, eye and face creams are used. The procedure will rid the skin of bacteria and toxins, soften it, even out its texture, make the color radiant, healthy, and wrinkles less noticeable.
  2. Fortification. Cosmetics are selected in accordance with the existing problems and age of the visitor. For young people, formulations with vitamin C are suitable. For problem skin, a combination of ascorbic acid and retinol is needed. With age, concentrates, serums, and other products with vitamin E will be more useful.
  3. Clay masks. The type of main component is selected according to the needs of the skin. But usually clay contains a lot of minerals. The procedure deeply cleanses the skin, eliminating dead particles, saturates it with essential microelements, tightens and smoothes it.
  4. Alginate masks. They also come in different types: for dry, aging skin, problematic, age-related, dehydrated. Masks with alginates give rest to the facial muscles, provide high-quality moisturization, eliminate fatigue, and make wrinkles less noticeable.
  5. Massages. In the SPA you can make many types of them using oils, talc or special devices (ivory sticks, semi-precious stones, spoons, hot sinks). Facial massage will relieve swelling and toxins, help better absorb nutrients, increase blood supply to the skin, restore its tone, and get rid of wrinkles. With the help of some of its types, you can tighten the facial muscles and return the previous oval.
  1. Peeling. During the procedure using natural substances, it is possible to deeply cleanse the skin and speed up the process of cell renewal. Peeling also evens out the relief of the epidermis and gets rid of age spots.

For body

The body needs care just as much as the face. At the spa you should try:

  1. Peeling. The composition of the product used during the procedure may include sea salt, algae, honey, coffee, essential oils, citrus extracts, and medicinal herbs. Peeling will free the skin from impurities, improve blood circulation in it, and tighten it. The best results occur after salt and algae procedures.
  2. Wraps. The most popular type of procedure is performed using chocolate. It contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, helps break down and remove excess fat, stimulates intercellular metabolism, renewing the skin. Chocolate moisturizes and nourishes it well. And its aroma has a beneficial effect on the brain and nervous system, promoting the production of joy hormones.

Wraps with mineralized compounds, mud, algae, silk and pearl are also effective.

  1. Baths. Sea salt, minerals, and extracts of medicinal plants are added to the water for them. But for relaxation, restoration, improvement of skin condition, and rejuvenation, milk baths are best suited. In this case, essential oils are used (coconut, macadamia, grapefruit, lavender, etc.). Milk baths are indicated for sagging, dehydrated skin, vitamin deficiency, and stress.
  2. Massage. Among its many types, Thai can be called a favorite. It affects muscles, blood vessels, skin, and joints. Therefore, the effect is to improve blood circulation and the functioning of internal organs, get rid of swelling, relieve tension and fatigue, and general renewal of the body. After a Thai massage, the skin is smoothed, scars and stretch marks look less noticeable.

For arms and legs

SPA treatments for limbs are not only a traditional manicure and pedicure. Well-groomed hands, slender, light legs and feet will remain like this for a long time, thanks to:

  1. Paraffin therapy. It can be performed cold or hot. In any case, this procedure is multi-stage and includes cleansing, scrubbing the skin, and steaming. Paraffin therapy relaxes muscles, relieves fatigue and joint pain, and makes the surface of the hands and feet silky.
  1. Massage. The procedure can be performed on the arms and legs. Hand massage is done using aromatic oils. It will relieve dryness, fatigue, and moisturize the skin. A lymphatic drainage massage is performed for the legs, which will remove excess fluid, restore blood circulation, relieve pain, and make you forget about rapid fatigue.
  2. Skin pedicure. The procedure consists of a bath with sea salt, cleansing of the feet with a scrub, massage with essential oils, compress and nail treatment. After this, your legs will not only be well-groomed, but also rested.

To learn how a skin pedicure is performed in a spa salon, watch this video:

For hair

To keep your curls healthy, it is useful to do:

  1. Wrap. Healing mixtures are applied to the hair, which are selected taking into account its condition and problems. The head is covered with film and a heated towel. During exposure, the composition restores the structure of the hair, they become thicker, and their elasticity returns.
  2. Mineralization. The procedure is suitable for dry, nutrient-deprived hair. The composition is applied to them along the entire length. It envelops, nourishes and restores, relieves split ends. After the procedure, they look healthy and are easy to style.
  3. Lamination. The hair is coated in three stages with products that together form a protective film on the surface. As a result, they become smooth, heavy, silky, and less susceptible to negative external influences.

What do they do with complex programs?

In addition to individual procedures, spa salons offer a set of health and care activities:

  1. Thalassotherapy. During successive manipulations, sea salt, mud, water, and algae are used. During the treatment, the salon visitor has time to take a bath, do a body wrap, masks, applications, and water massage.
  2. Hydrotherapy. This is a series of water procedures. It includes different types of showers, including those with essential oils, medicinal plants, and hydromassage. Pearl baths with sea salt and herbal extracts become an obligatory part of it.
  1. Balneotherapy. It consists of baths, wraps, irrigation, hydromassage using chloride, iodine-bromine, sulfide waters, as well as radon and carbon dioxide.
  2. Steaming. The procedure is carried out using a Finnish, Turkish or Russian bath. It is complemented by the use of aromatic oils, scrubs, peelings, and various types of massage.
  3. SPA capsule. This is a device in which you can receive several procedures at once during a session: steaming, massage, aromatherapy, different types of showers, exposure to light, wrapping and others. The visitor simply lies down in the capsule, and the specialist sets the program.

To learn how thalassotherapy is performed in a spa salon, watch this video:

How to choose a salon

To get truly high-quality face and body care, you need to go to a good spa. You can recognize this by several signs:

  1. it has conditions for complex manipulations, that is, a massage room, baths, baths, steam room;
  2. specialists have appropriate education, confirmed by diplomas of massage therapists, cosmetologists, trichologists;
  3. procedures are carried out under sterile conditions, disposable underwear is available;
  4. the range of services is quite extensive, and the prices do not differ much from those in the price lists of similar establishments;
  5. the visitor is not escorted out immediately after the spa, but is given the opportunity to relax in a specially designated room.

Many salons, in addition to well-known procedures, offer something of their own and have a “zest”. Others use only care manipulations that are already known and well accepted by many. But having gotten used to a traditional spa, you shouldn’t be afraid to try something new, so that going to the salon becomes a real holiday.

Useful video

Watch this video about spa treatments for face and body:

A woman just needs to relax sometimes. Salons and spa treatments will help with this, which include massage and body wraps, which will normalize your hair and skin. A spa specialist will help you choose the right service. However, the main thing here is to choose a good salon. High-quality physiotherapeutic methods do not always come at a high cost; it is better to contact institutions that someone you know has recommended.

What are spa treatments

The letters SPA are an abbreviation from English “sanitas per aqua”, which means “health through water”. However, there is another version of what spa is. This method of care appeared in one Belgian city of Spa, which has healing thermal waters. Spa treatments are a complex effect on a person: cosmetic, psychologically relaxing.

What is a spa? This concept includes such little things as music, interior details, staff attitude, herbal teas, medicinal cocktails, light snacks, scented candles. Only by observing all these points does a beauty salon turn into a spa, where you can get complete relaxation. It’s pleasant to be in it, you can forget about home problems, troubles, stress and have fun.

Spa for women

This type of care is beneficial for women because it allows them to relax and improve their health. They can feel their body better and love themselves. If a woman enjoys her beauty, then everyone around her will love her. After cosmetic spa treatments, the skin becomes soft, wrinkles are smoothed out, the complexion is evened out, and the hair acquires shine and luster. And the mood becomes much better.

Salon services have beautiful, bright names, for example: “Orange Pleasure”; "Secrets of Cleopatra"; “Heavenly pleasure”, “Perfection”, “Chocolate madness”, “Milk tenderness”, “Golden tangerine” and other similar phrases. Spa salons provide various types of services:

  1. programs with massage;
  2. rejuvenation programs;
  3. for rest in order to recuperate;
  4. for figure correction.

For men in Moscow

It is a big misconception that only women do spa treatments. This will be very useful for men. It's nice to relax and unwind after a working day. It is much better to visit a cozy, comfortable place where experienced people will look after you than to drink beer. In the first case, you can get relaxation, rejuvenation, health benefits, and vigor. In the second case, there will only be harm to the body and a headache in the morning.

The range of services for men is extensive. It includes both simple activities like hand massage and complex ones: body peeling, masks, solarium, reflexology, tropical shower. All activities are necessarily accompanied by delicious herbal tea, pleasant music and atmosphere. This contributes to a dramatic improvement in well-being and mood. A set of activities may include, for example: hammam, foot washing, bath milk, peeling, salt body scrub, sports massage.

Spa programs for two

This will be a wonderful gift for a young couple; it is especially good to give such a vacation for a wedding, then no resort will be required. The newlyweds will be able to enjoy each other in wonderful conditions and surroundings. You can give such a vacation to your significant other for a birthday or just as a pleasant surprise. The set of methods may be different; each salon draws up a program independently, comes up with names and unique opportunities. Anyone can choose a service for themselves.

To visualize what complexes there may be, here are several options:

  1. Romantic bath with rose petals, champagne, candles, fruits, aroma massage, firming mask, acupressure of the feet and face, warming oil compresses, kneading the collar area.
  2. Romantic bath with rose petals, champagne, fruits, aromatherapy with your chosen scent, massage of your choice, body wrap, hot stone massage. During a spa treatment, you can order different drinks: champagne, tea, juices, etc.

What spa services do the salons provide?

We looked at what procedures are generally possible. It is worth describing each of them a little, so that those who want to seek such care for the first time in a specialized salon can decide in advance what they would like. All spa treatments in the hydrotherapy salon are divided into zones: for the body, for the face, for hands and feet, for hair. Based on the zones, a set of activities is selected, which can be supplemented or reduced.

Body treatments

The main zone is the human body. Massage ranks first among spa treatments. There are many different technologies and techniques, we will describe some of them:

  1. with hot stones;
  2. with aromatic bags;
  3. With butter;
  4. anti-cellulite;
  5. relaxing;
  6. four hands;
  7. Thai;
  8. Balinese, etc.

In addition to massage, the main types of services are:

  1. Steaming the body (can be carried out in a hammam, sauna, bathhouse, cedar barrel).
  2. Body wrapping using various means: medicinal mud, seaweed, herbs, honey, etc.
  3. Peeling cleanses the skin of dead cells; it can be different: with sea salt, algae, mineral, with essential oils or coffee.
  4. Ozone therapy – problem areas are pinched and ozone is introduced. Thanks to this, metabolic processes in cells are improved, hormonal levels are normalized, and the fat layer is reduced.

For face

Spa treatments help get rid of signs of lack of sleep and fatigue. In addition, special care can rejuvenate facial skin, smooth out wrinkles, and improve color. The salons offer massages, peelings, scrubs, vitamin and clay masks. Hardware procedures are possible. After care, it is good to use special creams and lotions based on sea minerals.

For arms and legs

Hand care includes a high-quality manicure with complete cosmetic care. Clients are offered relaxing baths, rejuvenating masks, and massages with oils. In recent years, paraffin therapy has enjoyed great success. Foot baths are given. There are decongestant and anti-varicose procedures to choose from. Mud, chocolate, etc. wraps save you from ugly stars. You can do regular or hydromassage.

Spa hair care

Hair care occupies a special place. In general, hair is of great importance to a woman, so she always tries to give it a well-groomed look. Many salons offer services such as hot body wraps. It gives hair strength, elasticity, and restores color-treated, dull hair well. Complexes of procedures have been designed that restore, nourish, and moisturize hair. This includes peeling, skin cleansing, and hair growth stimulation.

Complex of spa treatments

This is the most complete treatment, it includes several areas at once: for hair, for face, etc. It costs more than if you order separate services, but the effect of the procedures will be much more noticeable. There are complexes of a general orientation: romantic, for a bachelorette party, Thai. Such programs imply a specific direction:

  1. anti-aging;
  2. anti-cellulite;
  3. for weight loss;
  4. to cleanse the body.

What do they do at the spa?

One of the main directions of such salons is to improve the mood of clients. All procedures in the spa are aimed at this, eliminating painful sensations, and the result causes a storm of positive emotions. The environment of the room also has a good effect on the well-being of clients: interior, music, decor, various details. In a good salon, the staff must be polite and attentive, offer drinks and light snacks, and seek an individual approach. And in some salons you can buy cosmetics.

Figure correction

One of the services that spas offer is body shaping. There are programs aimed at losing weight, eliminating cellulite, and reducing body volume. There are also techniques that restore skin tone and elasticity. Such figure correction systems involve various massages, peelings, and wraps. Often, the body is steamed to relax before the main procedures.


This procedure involves targeted flows of water in a bath at a comfortable temperature. Thanks to an underwater massage, blood circulation is restored and relaxation occurs. Hydrotherapy can offer several types of treatments. Firstly, it is a full body massage that is carried out by water while you sit and enjoy a bath, a glass of wine or juice. Secondly, a swimming pool with a strong countercurrent. There is no time to relax here, but you need to exercise.


Doctors in any clinic will confirm that the benefits of aromatherapy cannot be overestimated. It creates a positive mood, promotes relaxation, and can serve as a preventive measure for certain diseases or even treat them. The last point is due to the fact that aroma therapy is carried out on the basis of essential oils, which are made mainly from beneficial plants. Aromatherapy can be carried out in the form of lighting candles or spraying scents in the room. However, there are more accentuated ways:

  1. aroma massage;
  2. aromatic sauna;
  3. aroma baths.


Even with the abundance of new effective procedures that are available in the practice of modern hydrotherapy salons, massage remains the main and main way of body care. However, a large number of different types of massage have appeared, here are the main ones:

  1. Classic Russian massage. It can be used to treat any diseases, such as cellulite.
  2. Anti-cellulite. Now the most popular among women.
  3. Spanish. All hand movements are made flexibly, using the entire surface.
  4. French (lymphatic drainage). The effect occurs on the lymph nodes, as a result, cellulite is reduced, varicose veins are prevented and the immune system is strengthened.
  5. Honey. All hand movements occur using honey.
  6. Shiatsu - acupressure. It is carried out by pressing the fingers.
  7. Thai yoga massage. This is a combination of massage and elements of the yoga system.
  8. Thai with herbal bags. Thai herbs are used as a filler, which have a healing effect.

Spa treatments in Moscow

Many spa salons in Moscow provide individual and complex services. Prices vary, so customers have plenty to choose from. This also applies to the abundance of different types of procedures. Some salons provide additional drinks, others offer fruit, and others select music according to the client’s wishes. Everyone tries to make their vacation as convenient and comfortable as possible.

The best salons include the following:

  1. Harmony SPA;
  2. Spa by Algotherm;
  3. Ego Spa;
  4. Spa Cocktail (SPA Cocktail);
  5. Asia Beauty SPA (Asia Beauty Spa);
  6. Pokrovka Royal SPA;
  7. Bourgeois SPA;
  8. Wai Thai;
  9. Thai Spa;
  10. Seng Tai;
  11. First Spa;
  12. Thai Club;
  13. Crown Thai Spa;
  14. Mahash;
  15. China SPA;
  16. VIP SPA;
  17. Palaestra;
  18. Siam Sea;
  19. Le Grand Spa;
  20. Viva SPA;
  21. Arena Spa;
  22. Phyto SPA;
  23. 7 Colors;
  24. Spa Tibet;
  25. Sunny Spa.

How to choose a salon

Now there are many different salons and even large health centers. The main points that you should pay attention to when choosing “your” spa salon:

  1. Is comprehensive care possible in the salon?
  2. Do the employees of the establishment have appropriate education?
  3. Are the conditions for the procedures sterile?
  4. How much do spa treatments cost: how affordable are the prices and quality of services?
  5. Distance to home. After the procedures you will relax, the location of the salon becomes important.

Cost of spa treatments

How much does a spa treatment cost? Here are a few examples from Moscow: