Vitamins for wrinkles on the face inside

Hello to all blog readers! I recently learned that collagen creams do not help with wrinkles. This is a publicity stunt. Collagen molecules are too large to penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis. Let's talk about vitamins for the face against wrinkles. They will help us fight wrinkles. But again, if applied correctly 🙂 Therefore, read the article to the end.

TOP 3 most useful vitamins for wrinkles

Beauty must be maintained from within. I completely agree with this. The longer you stick to a healthy lifestyle, the more chances you have to stay healthy, beautiful and young.

Research shows that certain nutrients are important in preventing many signs of skin aging. Therefore, a balanced diet and healthy foods help keep your skin supple and glowing. But the fact is, the body provides our skin only a certain percentage of vitamins. Regardless of whether you eat a kilogram of carrots or spinach daily. Our body will release the amount of vitamins it deems necessary right now.

What to do? There is a solution: we need to apply vitamins locally to the areas of the body we need. That’s why we’ll talk today about the benefits of vitamins for improving skin texture, turgor and reducing dark circles under the eyes.

The best vitamins for skin are:

Vitamin C

It is the most abundant antioxidant found in the skin. In sufficient quantities, this vitamin stimulates collagen production. It makes the skin smooth and elastic. It is found in currants, kiwi, Brussels sprouts, citrus fruits, spinach, pomegranate, red cabbage, blueberries, sea buckthorn, rose hips and hot red peppers.

In one study, women who treated sun-damaged skin with a vitamin C cream reported a significant reduction in fine lines and improved complexion uniformity.

Consider creams containing vitamin C in your daily day care routine. For example, an excellent product is La Roche-Posay Active C.


Vitamin A

In the body in the right amount, this vitamin works wonders for skin and hair. It acts as an antioxidant. Protects skin from rashes and fights inflammation. There is a lot of it in liver, viburnum, broccoli, carrots, spinach, seaweed, cottage cheese, feta cheese, cheese, oysters. It is better to apply this vitamin at night, because... sunlight inactivates most forms of vitamin A. Look for retinol or retinoids in the ingredients. If you use vitamin A in oil, then look at the reaction.

Even better, vitamin A works in tandem with adenosine, which actively promotes the production of natural collagen. This is exactly the trend used in the contour cream from Vichy.

Vitamin E

This vitamin is a real anti-aging wizard, an antioxidant. Moisturizes, relieves dryness and invigorates the skin. This vitamin has even been given the nickname “defender” for its ability to quickly eliminate the damaging effects of free radicals.

There is a lot of it in nuts, dried apricots and prunes, rose hips and viburnum, spinach, sorrel, sea buckthorn, oatmeal and barley, squid, salmon, eel, pike perch and wheat.

How do you know if vitamin E cream is good? The best anti-aging products contain at least 1% of this vitamin. Therefore, it will be listed somewhere in the middle of the list of ingredients. Here is an example of such a tool.

Ways to use vitamins for facial skin

Against wrinkles, even the simplest remedies can be no less useful. The main secret in this is regularity of care. Magic will not happen just once a month. Try to set aside 15 minutes in the morning and evening. Just 30 minutes of daily care and after 2 weeks you will notice improvements in skin turgor.

Pharmacy products

Anti-wrinkle products can be purchased at the pharmacy. They can be taken orally in tablets. There are special vitamin and mineral complexes. Aevit is taken against skin aging. It is used externally and internally.

Pharmacies also sell professional cosmetics with carefully selected components of vitamins and anti-wrinkle active substances. Yes, the price is higher than Aevit. But these are more comprehensive and effective means. At first I used mono-products such as base oils and simple mass-market creams. Having tried professional medical cosmetics once, I noticed much better results. And I no longer want to switch back to consumer goods.

I myself have combination skin, but over time, testing cheap products, it dried out a little and became more sensitive. Especially during the winter and spring periods. I wash my face and moisturize my skin. There is a special product under the eyelids. And I always carry thermal water in my purse. I spray it on my face.

Mineralizing, Vichy

Cosmetic procedures

In the cosmetologist's office they will tell you that even the most expensive product may not be able to cope with deep expression wrinkles. After all, creams have a rejuvenating effect only on the upper layers of the epidermis. And the deep layers of the skin, where collagen is produced, remain untouched. Quite logical, wouldn’t you agree? Therefore, the specialist will advise you to do special injections.

Biorevitalization is very popular. This procedure most often uses hyaluronic acid and preparations based on it.

Experts advise starting “beauty injections” with the appearance of the first wrinkles

These procedures increase skin tone, even out the relief, correct the oval of the face, and increase turgor. The cosmetologist will advise you to do 3-5 sessions. The procedure has virtually no contraindications.

Reviews about this procedure are as follows:

Anna: I wanted to start the procedure for a long time, but doubts prevented me from going and doing it. I decided what to guess - I’ll go and find out everything. I have been to three cosmetologists. Everywhere they argued that there were very few side effects. I really liked the feeling of tightness and smoothness of the skin. I didn't regret it.

Lyudmila: The most important thing is to go to a good specialist. Everything must be sterile. The cosmetologist should open needles and ampoules only in front of you. And you need to find a good specialist so that they can actually prescribe the required number of procedures, and not siphon off money.

Irina: One of my friends, even when she was pregnant, had these injections. This substance does not cause any harm to the body. But an unqualified specialist can make a mistake. You need to be very selective when choosing a cosmetologist.

By the way, the procedures themselves can be done at a good discount. I periodically look at the sites of Biglion and Groupon nurseries. You can always find something interesting there!


This device is a roller with needles from 0.3 to 1 mm in length. The roller is attached to the handle approximately 15 cm. The needles are made of medical steel or titanium.

The mesoscooter can be used at home or undergo a procedure with a cosmetologist. Experts advise using the device yourself with needles from 0.1 to 0.3 mm. A mesoscooter with 1 mm needles can only be used by a specialist.

The essence of using the device:

  1. You (or a cosmetologist) thoroughly cleanse the skin
  2. Then use special cocktails in ampoules. They are applied to the entire surface of the face
  3. Next, you begin to roll the mesoscooter along the massage lines.

The skin receives microdamages. It is punctured and the substance applied to the skin penetrates into the deeper layers of the epidermis. This is how rejuvenation and overall improvement in skin condition occurs.

Only special cocktails should be applied under the mesoscooter. All products - cocktails, equipment, facial skin and hands must be sterile. Otherwise, there is a high probability of inflammatory processes or more serious consequences.

Here is an example of a home mesoscooter:

Almea Xroller mesoscooter for facial skin rejuvenation

The opinions of cosmetologists are divided on this issue. Some believe that this is an effective way to combat the signs of aging. Others do not find it an effective anti-wrinkle remedy.

Home treatments

I found out that masks with vitamin E have proven themselves well among cosmetologists. Reviews about this product are also quite good. The article about Aevit for wrinkles contains recipes for masks with this drug.

Vitamin E masks:

  1. Almonds are a rich source of fiber, vitamin E, folic acid, zinc and oleic acid. They delay the aging process naturally. To prepare the mask, you need to soak a handful of almonds in milk overnight. In the morning, remove the skins from the nuts and grind them in a blender into a thick paste. Apply directly to wrinkles. You can even apply this paste under your eyes. Wait 5-7 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  2. If you have almond oil, massage your face with it. Just wash your face first, but do not wipe off any droplets of water. After you have done the massage, wash your face with a face wash, dab your face with a paper napkin and apply a nourishing cream.
  1. Aloe + vitamin E. I have already written about the benefits of aloe for wrinkles. Now let's combine 2 useful components 🙂 Take 1 capsule of vitamin E and add a teaspoon of fresh aloe gel. Mix well and apply this mixture to the areas where wrinkles form. Leave on for 30 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
  2. Vitamin E with glycerin. It is better to do this procedure in the evening. Take 3 vitamin E balls, pierce them with a needle (preferably a syringe - it is sterile). Squeeze the contents into a bottle of glycerin (25 g). Cleanse your face and apply the mixture to the skin. After 10 minutes, wash your face and thoroughly remove the remaining mask with a napkin. Repeat the procedure every 3-4 days. Before the procedure, do a test on the bend of your elbow.
  3. Mask against wrinkles around the eyes with vitamin E. Chop the parsley. She should let out the juice. One tablespoon will be enough. Add the contents of 2 vitamin E balls to the greens. Stir the mixture and apply to problem areas around the eyes. 15-20 minutes is enough for the mask to have a rejuvenating effect. Remove the mask and refresh your face with cool water. The main thing is to repeat this procedure twice a week.

What vitamins should I add to the cream?

Cosmetologists and dermatologists recognize A, C, and E as the most effective supplements for facial skin. You just need to be very careful when using what is sold in a pharmacy for 50 rubles. An acceptable option is to buy from a manufacturer who has earned your trust.

Please use caution. Take a small single portion of your cream and mix with a drop of oil containing the desired vitamin. That is, make a sample. Apply to face. Check for 2-3 days to see if there is a bad reaction. There is no irritation, which means you can mix your cream with oil.
More videos on the topic:

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Vitamins are a source of strength and energy for the human body. Moreover, they can bring benefits not only from the inside, but also from the outside. The most effective vitamins for facial skin help smooth out wrinkles, get rid of pigmentation, and give the face a healthy and radiant appearance. The main thing is to know and be able to apply them correctly.

Concept and classification of wrinkles

Wrinkles on the face appear sooner or later in all people; they represent longitudinal and transverse folds on the skin. Their appearance in most cases is associated with age-related reasons, but it happens that even at the age of twenty-five, skin furrows can appear. This is due to various reasons: excessive facial expressions, poor ecology, bad habits. The most pronounced skin grooves are located on the neck, face, hands, that is, in places with thin subcutaneous fat.

There are types of wrinkles:

  1. By depth: superficial, mid-deep and deep. Epidermal wrinkles are located in the epidermis, closer to the surface. They are the easiest to get rid of. Over time, they go deeper into the skin tissue and become medium-deep, and then deep. The latter are the most difficult to deal with; you have to resort to hardware or injection correction.
  2. Based on the location area. Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead are called anxious because they evoke emotions such as anger and excitement. The folds located on the nose are called rabbit feet; they start from the nose and stretch to the lower eyelids. Around the eyes there are “crow’s feet” and wrinkles on the lower and upper eyelids, they are also called periorbital. The circular folds stretching across the neck are called the rings of Venus. The furrows between the eyebrows and on the top of the nose are glabellar wrinkles.
  3. Depending on the cause of their occurrence, wrinkles are classified into gravitational, facial and age-related (from old age). Under the influence of gravity, gravitational wrinkles form over time, for example, the corners of the lips droop and “bulldog cheeks” appear. The cause of facial folds is excessive activity of the facial muscles; first of all, they appear in the nasolabial area and the area around the eyes. Age-related skin furrows are distributed over the entire area of ​​the face as a result of the natural loss of elastin and collagen by the epidermis and a decrease in the elasticity of connective tissues.
  4. Dynamic and static wrinkles differ in the nature of their behavior. Thus, dynamic ones are noticeable to the human eye when certain facial muscles are tense, while static ones persist even in a relaxed, calm state.

There are different types of wrinkles, some are easier to deal with, others are more difficult. But if you start timely prevention and regularly care for your skin, for example, with vitamins, you can significantly improve your appearance.

The importance of vitamins in the fight against wrinkles

Vitamins support the health of the body not only from the inside, but also from the outside. With age, the skin becomes thinner and stops producing its own collagen, so additional nourishment and hydration is indispensable.

Deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the skin occurs not only with age, but also due to frequent stress, unbalanced nutrition, addiction to alcohol and smoking, and harmful environmental factors. As a result, metabolic processes in facial skin cells are disrupted, elasticity is lost and creases appear.

The role of vitamins in getting rid of wrinkles:

  1. fight free radicals;
  2. slow down the aging process of the skin;
  3. protect cell membranes from damage.

Vitamins that fight wrinkles

Of course, all vitamins are beneficial for the body, but not all are helpful in getting rid of wrinkles.

The most useful for eliminating and preventing wrinkles:

  1. Vitamin A or retinol is one of the most important for a healthy-looking face and tight skin. It reduces pigmentation and promotes the body's production of collagen, which smoothes the skin from the inside. Retinol also regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevents the appearance of acne and clogged pores.
  2. One of the main helpers in the fight against dry skin are B vitamins. They normalize the hydrolipid balance on the surface of the skin. The hydrolipid layer is a thin film of fat and acids that protects against the penetration of harmful bacteria into epithelial cells. Under the influence of alkali, this barrier is destroyed, as the effect of the acid is neutralized. B vitamins help maintain this barrier, thereby preventing precious moisture from evaporating from the surface of the skin. Also, these substances trigger cell renewal processes, which prevents the appearance of skin folds.
  3. Vitamin C's powerful antioxidant properties make it an excellent aid in cleansing the skin of toxins and impurities. It relieves swelling, protects against the negative effects of the environment, preventing the appearance of wrinkles on the face.
  4. Vitamin D must be synthesized by the body independently under the influence of sunlight, but since the latter is not enough in our climatic conditions, it is necessary to compensate for its deficiency from the outside. This vitamin maintains tissue tone and youthful appearance of the skin, regulates the process of cell division. Therefore, you can often find it in anti-aging creams and serums.
  5. Vitamin E (tocopherol) is very effective in smoothing existing wrinkles and preventing the appearance of new wrinkles. It is rightfully considered one of the most effective against wrinkles due to its regenerating, moisturizing, whitening properties, and the ability to synthesize estrogens.

Advantages and disadvantages of vitamins for facial folds

Vitamins are recommended by dermatologists and cosmetologists as a means of caring for facial skin and wrinkles. A very important condition is the regularity of procedures using vitamins.

A guarantee of the effective anti-aging effect of vitamin preparations on the skin is their correct use.

They have very few disadvantages:

  1. there is a possibility of an allergic reaction;
  2. An overdose when applied externally is expressed in dryness and tightness of the skin.

Benefits of anti-wrinkle vitamins:

  1. have a calming effect on the epidermis;
  2. activate regenerative processes and proliferation of skin cells, thereby promoting its constant renewal;
  3. treat acne, pimples on the face, give a healthy appearance;
  4. restore the elasticity of the skin;
  5. promote the healing of cracks and abrasions.

The benefits of vitamins can hardly be overestimated; their advantage is their complex effect on the skin, that is, in addition to reducing wrinkles, the complexion improves and rashes are reduced. The main problem can be an overdose, so don’t get too carried away with applying them to your face. Procedures using vitamin preparations should be carried out regularly according to prescriptions. If multivitamin preparations are taken internally, then external application should be limited.

Folk and pharmacy remedies

Nowadays, there are many recipes with vitamins for external use on the skin of the face. For these purposes, you can purchase multivitamin complexes or individual vitamins at the pharmacy kiosk, as well as prepare a cosmetic composition at home.

Pharmacy products

Drugs from the pharmacy in the form of tablets or capsules are used orally. Water and oil solutions can be used in pure form or in combination with other components externally.

Pharmacy vitamins that help smooth out wrinkles on the face:

  1. Aevit in the form of capsules, inside of which there is an oil solution of vitamins A and E, is easy to apply to the skin. To do this, just pierce the capsule with a thin needle and squeeze out the liquid. Use your fingertips to distribute it over your face, and for better absorption, perform a light massage with patting movements. It is better to carry out the procedure at night and wash off in the morning. Another method of using Aevit is to add the liquid squeezed out of the capsule to your daily cream, after which it is advisable to store it in the refrigerator. Aevit can also be mixed with a ready-made mask for skin rejuvenation; three to four drops will be enough for this. Wash off the mask after 25–30 minutes. Aevit is suitable for daily use, the course should last at least ten days, but after forty days you need to take a break. The effectiveness of Aevit will be noticeable after a week of use. Its rejuvenating effect is due to the antioxidant properties of vitamins, activation of metabolic and regenerative processes in epidermal cells, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, and reducing puffiness under the eyes. The price in pharmacies ranges from 20 to 50 rubles, depending on the number of capsules in one box.
  2. The drug Alpha-Tocopherol acetate contains an oil solution of vitamin E. It is available in the form of capsules or an oil solution in 20 ml bottles, the price is up to 20 and 70 rubles, respectively. The drug is effective in the fight against wrinkles, has a strengthening effect on cell membranes, prevents oxidative reactions, protects against ultraviolet radiation and peeling. The product can also be used in pure form or in combination with other beneficial substances, since both the oil solution and capsules are easy to mix and apply to the skin. You need to use the product at intervals, take a course of fourteen to twenty days, and then take a week off.
  3. Capsules of Retinol acetate or vitamin A are sold in 10 pieces and cost about 10–20 rubles. You can also purchase an oil solution of the product in 10 or 25 ml bottles, which is more convenient to use for external use. It costs from 40 to 100 rubles, depending on the volume of the bottle. You can purchase an effective anti-wrinkle product at an affordable price. The effectiveness of Retinol acetate for facial skin lies in its powerful antioxidant and firming properties. The effect of retinol is to improve the nonspecific immune response and increase the resistance of skin cells to adverse external conditions. Vitamin A molecules have a low molecular weight, which allows them to reach the deep layers of the dermis, strengthen connective tissue, and smooth out wrinkles. Methods of use are the same as for previous products: in pure form, added to masks or cosmetic creams. The duration of continuous use of retinol should not exceed thirty days, masks are applied 2-3 times a week for 1-1.5 months.

Retinol acetate is sold in the form of drops or an oil solution.

Traditional recipes with vitamins for wrinkles

Available anti-wrinkle vitamins can be used to make anti-aging masks at home.

Popular recipes for folk remedies with vitamins for wrinkles:

  1. Aloe lotion with vitamin E is prepared by mixing one tsp. aloe juice and the contents of one vitamin E capsule. Use the product to wipe problem areas on the face where wrinkles are visible. Rinse off after thirty minutes with warm water. Effective only against mild, superficial wrinkles. The effect of the lotion is due to the rejuvenating properties of aloe, which are enhanced in combination with the powerful antioxidant properties of tocopherol. Aloe juice slows down the withering of the skin, reduces purulent rashes, cleanses and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and moisturizes the epithelium. One such portion of the composition is enough for one procedure, since aloe juice must be freshly squeezed, and a new portion must be prepared each time. Apply 1-2 times a week for two months.
  2. A mixture of parsley and vitamin E will help smooth out wrinkles around the eyes. Mash the finely chopped greens to release the juice. You will need one tbsp. l. fresh parsley juice, to which squeeze out two ampoules of tocopherol. Apply the composition to the area around the eyes and leave for at least 15 minutes, rinse gently with cool water. Upon completion, perform self-massage with light patting movements. Carry out the procedure twice a week for two months. For the product to show its effectiveness, it must be used regularly. The composition has a rejuvenating effect thanks to a complex of micro- and macroelements, parsley phytoncides, supported by the benefits of vitamin E. Parsley juice tightens, prolongs the youth of the skin, and has whitening properties. For each procedure, it is necessary to prepare a fresh mixture, otherwise all the beneficial substances will be lost.
  3. An easy-to-prepare remedy is a potato mask, which contains large quantities of selenium, choline, vitamins, lutein, and starch. Potatoes in the mask have a whitening, cleansing effect, it relieves swelling and redness. For the mask you need to mix two tbsp. l. puree and liquid from three capsules of the drug Aevit. Spread the mixture evenly over the face, including the eye area, leave until dry for 15–20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Upon completion, it is recommended to apply an anti-aging cream. Use the mask at least once a week for two months. It will help smooth out wrinkles and refresh your complexion.
  4. To prepare a salt mask, you need to take 2-3 pinches of finely ground salt and add one egg yolk to the mashed yolk. Then pour in eight drops of vitamins A and E. Apply the thoroughly mixed mixture evenly over the face for three minutes, then rinse with warm water. Apply again and rinse twice more. The mask is best used before bedtime, when the processes of regeneration and renewal of epidermal cells are most effective. The action of the mask is aimed at activating blood flow, exfoliating dead cells and increasing skin elasticity. Carry out the procedure once a week, at least seven times per course, then pause for three weeks.

When using vitamins externally, you should limit their oral intake to prevent overdose.

Only regular systemic care using vitamins will achieve visible results. Don't expect an immediate effect.

Presence of contraindications and negative consequences during use

When starting skin care procedures with external use of anti-wrinkle vitamins, you should be aware of possible contraindications and side effects.

There are very few contraindications for external use of anti-wrinkle vitamins:

  1. simultaneous oral administration of vitamin preparations;
  2. tendency to allergies to vitamins;
  3. individual intolerance.

Side effects of using anti-wrinkle vitamins:

  1. allergic reactions in the form of local redness or rashes on the skin;
  2. an overdose causes intoxication, which has symptoms such as headaches, vomiting or nausea, drowsiness, hyperemia (excessive redness due to blood vessels overflowing) of the treated area of ​​the face.

In general, vitamins are safe to use as an anti-wrinkle cosmetic. The main thing is to remember the risk of overdose when taking drugs internally and externally at the same time. If you are prone to allergic reactions, you should do a test. To do this, you need to apply the product to the inner bend of the elbow, do not wash it off for 24 hours, if changes on the skin are not noticeable, then there is no allergy.

Which vitamin products are best for smoothing out wrinkles?

Liquid vitamins are most suitable for caring for facial skin and getting rid of wrinkles. Capsules, tablets and powder are for oral use.

Benefits of vitamins in liquid form for facial care:

  1. they are convenient to mix with other components to prepare a composition and apply to the skin;
  2. easy to dose, for example, using a regular syringe;
  3. the oil contained in the preparations helps soften and nourish the skin;
  4. You can add a few drops to the anti-aging cream and use it as usual.

Vitamins for wrinkles on the face inside Oil solution PAT Vitamins is sold in a dark glass bottle with a strong cap

The jar is quite small. The lid is strong. For example, on the cap of another vitamin A, the link to which is at the beginning of the review, the cap has already burst, unfortunately ((Well, here it seems intact)) Despite the fact that the expiration date is indicated until 09.2016, this vitamin has already Some unpleasant smell of old oil has appeared for a long time. Well, although, probably more than six months have passed since opening, and the expiration date, apparently, is indicated if the bottle is not opened. That is, until September 2016 you can open and use the product. And how long it will take is probably indicated in the instructions. Open the jar - to do this you need to unscrew the lid. I don’t see a dispenser here, just the neck of the bottle. But it will be convenient for someone to use it anyway, depending on what purposes. Mom was comfortable. This product can also be added to creams. So I still recommend this vitamin to you!


Ascorbic acid for the face - does it make sense? This is not the first time I have bought ascorbic acid in ampoules. Every autumn, during the period of exacerbation of ARVI, I try to pierce a course from one pack. Thanks to this, I have increased vigor and improved resistance to viral diseases - I practically do not get sick from influenza and ARVI. Of course, this may not be related to the course of vitamin C - but everyone is aware of its beneficial effect on the immune system. Ascorbic acid is cheap - about 50 rubles for 10 ampoules. I often see information in reviews and on other sites about the beneficial effects of ascorbic acid on the condition of the skin of the face and body. They also often write about the fat-burning properties of vitamin C when administered by injection. Personally, I tried several times to apply the contents of the ampoule to the skin of my face and added vitamin C to the cream. So, I can say that I personally did not see any effect on the condition of my skin. So for me, the optimal way to use ascorbic acid is still the intramuscular method (as the manufacturer advises).


Video: a cosmetologist’s opinion on whether it is worth using vitamin C in ampoules for the face

The most useful vitamins for facial skin rejuvenation are vitamins A, E, C, D and group B. They have virtually no contraindications when applied externally, you can purchase products in pharmacies, and it is easy to prepare skin care compositions yourself at home. Regular facial treatments using vitamins will help smooth out existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones, tighten the shape of the face, clear the skin of rashes and give it a healthy and radiant appearance.

Alas, anti-aging remedies have not yet been invented, and time moves inexorably forward: days turn into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years.

Looking at your face in the mirror, you can get another reason for frustration: new wrinkles have appeared again. Of course, aging must be accepted with dignity. But if it is possible to do something to hide its external signs, it is necessary to act.

The number of wrinkles can be reduced by correctly combining cosmetic procedures, lifestyle and taking vitamin complexes. It is the latter that significantly delay the appearance of unevenness on the skin and slightly “slow down” time.

The importance of vitamins in the fight against wrinkles

The presence of wrinkles is associated not only with natural aging, but also with a lack of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Their deficiency leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the skin, and they undergo early withering.

The use of vitamin complexes and cosmetics containing them will help cope with the problem.

These active substances are endowed with the following abilities:

  1. destroy free radicals;
  2. prevent damage to cell membranes;
  3. slow down skin aging and improve its condition.

With a lack of vitamins, the reactions of catabolism and anabolism slow down, the process of synthesis of fibers and intercellular substances of connective tissue is disrupted. As a result, the skin condition inevitably worsens.

What vitamins are effective against wrinkles?

A reasonable diet containing healthy foods helps maintain skin firmness and elasticity. But the skin does not receive enough vitamins from food. And nothing will change, even if you chew carrots or spinach all day.

Therefore, it will not hurt to use medications and cosmetics containing the following vitamins:

  1. retinol – A;
  2. thiamine – B1;
  3. pantothenic acid – B5;
  4. cyanocobalamin – B12;
  5. D;
  6. tocopherol – E.

If you completely fill your skin with these vitamins, wrinkles on your face will noticeably decrease.

Top 4 vitamins for wrinkles

Substances that help fight wrinkles are included in face creams, various masks, tonics and balms. Most often they contain vitamins A, E, C, and often B.

Vitamin A

In optimal quantities, vitamin A (retinol) can work wonders not only on the skin, but also on the hair. It can rightfully be classified as a beauty vitamin.

It enters the body with products such as:

  1. carrots and red bell peppers;
  2. sea ​​buckthorn and rose hips;
  3. parsley and spinach;
  4. chicken egg yolks and liver.

Vitamin A is absorbed from food only in combination with fats. Therefore, all food products containing it should be consumed with vegetable oil or sour cream or yogurt.

The effectiveness of retinol in the fight against wrinkles has been discovered relatively recently. Studies of the substance have shown that it helps even out the skin and increase its elasticity, regardless of age.

Daily use of products with retinol provides a result similar to the effect of filler (injection procedures): vitamin A is able to fill and completely smooth out fine wrinkles.

When choosing a product with retinol, you must pay attention to its concentration. A product with a higher content of vitamin A is more effective: the restoration of collagen and elastin fibers, and an increase in skin elasticity occur faster.

A topical preparation with retinol is used in the evenings. It can be applied directly to wrinkles or to the entire face. The skin near the eyes should not be touched.

Vitamin A preparations can be used in the morning, but then be sure to use sun protection products, since after applying retinol the skin's sensitivity to sunlight increases.

Vitamin B5

Products containing pantothenic acid nourish the skin with collagen and elastin. This makes it elastic and durable. Pantothenic acid also helps the skin quickly return to normal after possible damage and injury.

To nourish the skin from the inside, you need to consume products filled with vitamin B5. They are rich in:

  1. sea ​​fish and dairy products;
  2. legumes and cereals – buckwheat and oatmeal;
  3. strawberries and grapefruits.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol does a good job of preventing the appearance of wrinkles and unevenness on the face. It perfectly protects against ultraviolet rays. The vitamin also regulates skin oiliness and can eliminate flaking.

It is also effective in eliminating wrinkles around the eyes – “crow’s feet”.

The vitamin must be taken orally as part of food. It is contained in:

  1. fresh vegetables: carrots and all types of leaf salads; cabbage and spinach; radishes and cucumbers.
  2. berries: cherries and rowan; viburnum and sea buckthorn.
  3. provisions of animal origin: egg yolks, milk and liver.
  4. seeds and nuts;
  5. vegetable oil.

You can apply the vitamin to the skin after making sure it is safe, that is, there are no allergic reactions. Although they are rare, any vitamin E mask should first be applied to the wrist and not washed off for about twenty minutes. If there is no redness, burning or itching, it can be safely used.

Ascorbic acid

Vitamin C will help energize and tone the skin. To fight wrinkles, you can’t do without it.

Ascorbic acid helps ensure that the body synthesizes connective tissue, including collagen fibers. It protects against free radicals.

Vitamin C is especially useful for improving the condition of the skin around the eyes. Its presence prevents the formation of small wrinkles.

The following foods supply the body with vitamin C:

  1. kiwi and citrus fruits;
  2. currants, blueberries and sea buckthorn;
  3. rosehip and pomegranate;
  4. tomatoes and cabbage;
  5. fresh greens.

In addition to taking vitamin C orally, a variety of masks are used from the pulp and juice of the listed products.

Ascorbic acid powder can be added to nourishing creams.

Pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products

Vitamin capsules or tablets can be taken orally. Numerous vitamin complexes have been developed for this purpose. One of them is “Aevit”.

It is used as one of the comprehensive means of getting rid of wrinkles and rejuvenating the skin.

The drug contains two vitamins: A and E. They are able to stimulate the secretion of sex hormones, which helps to significantly refresh the skin.

Vitamin E improves blood microcirculation and prevents the destruction of vitamin A.

Retinol has a positive effect on metabolism in skin cells, significantly improving their condition.

  1. It prevents puffiness of the face, especially puffiness under the eyes, since it strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces their permeability.
  2. Suppresses the toxic effects of free radicals - highly reactive particles. These unstable oxygen molecules are the main cause of skin aging and wrinkles.
  3. Favors improvement of skin color, activates regenerative processes.
  4. Reduces skin dryness and restores its elasticity.

To prevent the appearance of wrinkles, you need to take one capsule a day for a month. The doctor can prescribe Aevit not only orally, but also in the form of intramuscular injections. The dosage and duration of the course depend on the condition of the skin.
"Aevit" can also be used externally. It is contained in creams and masks that are sold or prepared independently.

Vitamin E is sold in the form of transparent amber-colored capsules. It contains a clear oily liquid inside. Typically, capsules are taken orally. But they can also be used to make masks. The capsule is pierced with a needle and the contents are squeezed out.

For cosmetic procedures, it is convenient to use the drug “Alpha-tocopherol acetate” - a 50% solution of vitamin E.

Professional cosmetics are also freely sold in pharmacies. It contains a competent combination of vitamins and active substances. These products are more effective in fighting wrinkles.

Anti-wrinkle vitamins: home treatments

It is advisable to supplement the intake of vitamin complexes with masks containing these beneficial substances.

I. Masks with vitamin E are the most effective and popular.

  1. Almonds are filled with vitamin E. This stone fruit is rich in fiber, folic and oleic acid, and zinc. Together, these substances help delay the appearance of wrinkles on the skin.

To prepare the mask, you need to pour a handful of almonds with milk and leave overnight. In the morning, the skin is removed from the stone fruit, and the nut is crushed using a blender. The resulting thick paste should be applied pointwise to the wrinkles. The mask is washed off with warm water after seven minutes.

You can massage your face using almond oil. It should be clean and slightly damp.

After the massage, you need to wash off the oil, pat your face with a paper towel or napkin and apply a nourishing cream.

Vitamin E + aloe. Puncture the vitamin E capsule and mix its contents with freshly squeezed aloe juice (a teaspoon). Use the resulting mixture to wipe the areas on the face where wrinkles form. After half an hour, you need to wash your face with warm water. Vitamin E + glycerin. The contents of three vitamin E balls should be mixed with 25 grams of glycerin. Gently apply the resulting mixture onto a cleansed face and rinse off after ten minutes. This procedure must be repeated once every three to four days. Vitamin E + parsley. Finely chop the greens, mash and separate a tablespoon of juice. Add the contents of two vitamin E balls to it, stir and apply to the skin around the eyes. You need to remove the mask after a quarter of an hour and wash with cool water. Using this mixture twice a week will quickly reduce wrinkles around the eyes.

II. Mask with "Aevit". Add the contents of three Aevita capsules to two tablespoons of warm mashed potatoes. The mask should be placed around the eyes and kept for ten minutes. The mixture will relieve swelling and relieve swelling, smooth out wrinkles. The skin will become softer and fresher.
There are a huge number of types of masks. You need to choose the one that is most suitable.

A prerequisite for obtaining a positive effect is regular use of vitamins and constant skin care.

There will be no result if you use vitamins haphazardly.

It is necessary to pay attention to your facial skin every day, at least a quarter of an hour in the morning and evening. And after just a couple of weeks, you can notice a noticeable reduction in wrinkles.
