Rejuvenating facial massage

Every girl dreams of preserving her beauty, youth and freshness for many years to come. Massage is a procedure that can maintain skin tone, providing a general strengthening and rejuvenating effect. A rejuvenating facial massage will painlessly prevent the appearance of the first signs of aging and skin aging.


In some way, almost every massage technique can be called “rejuvenating”, since each of them has this effect. Our task is to highlight the most effective and efficient methods of massage rejuvenation, to tell in more detail about the technique.

Asahi rejuvenating massage

This rejuvenating massage is particularly “aggressive”, the effect of which is directed right down to the bone tissue. Performing massage techniques using this technique requires special effort. However, the technique is completely understandable and easy to perform; it can easily be mastered to perform at home.

Asahi massage technique was developed in Japan. But, unlike the traditional one, Asahi includes stroking and zigzag elements of movements. The face area is treated with special care and effort (with the exception of the lymph node area).

The main task is to improve blood circulation and accelerate the outflow of lymphatic fluid.

An obligatory part is cleansing the skin and oiling it. can be performed in a sitting position, as well as in a lying position.


  1. ENT diseases;
  2. skin diseases;
  3. heat;
  4. diseases of the lymphatic system.

Basic techniques according to the Asahi method:

One or more fingers perform zigzag movements in the forehead area, from right to left and vice versa. This technique fights expression lines.

Zigzag movements

Using the thumbs of both hands, we forcefully smooth the skin from the corners of the mouth to the ears. This technique reduces nasolabial folds.

Smoothing nasolabial folds

Place your fingers in the center of the chin and forcefully smooth the skin towards the ear. This technique tightens the double chin.

Smoothing out the double chin

Place your fingers in the center of your chin. We begin to stretch the skin with effort, moving from the middle of the chin to the eyes. This technique is performed to lift the corners of the mouth.


Let's move on to the eye area. In this area, movements are performed without effort or pressure. Using the pads of the middle fingers, light movements are made from the outer corners of the eye to the inner ones, then back. This technique reduces eye swelling.

Eye massage

Rejuvenating massage with spoons

Using spoon massage, you can reduce facial wrinkles, remove dark circles under the eyes, and facial swelling. You can also use it to get rid of cellulite in problem areas.

The first step is cleansing the skin. The spoons with which you will perform the procedure need to be processed (, olive, .). Hair must be hidden under a bandage or scarf.

The movements are performed with the convex side of the spoons. Clockwise - movements with pressure, counter - without pressure. Massage is performed strictly along massage lines.

  1. Let's start with the eyelid area. We lean cold spoons against the eyelids - 5 times for 5 seconds. This technique perfectly eliminates puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.
  2. Let's move on to the forehead. To do this, place the spoons in the middle of the forehead and move to the hairline. We perform 5 movements. This technique will smooth out wrinkles on the forehead.
  3. We move to the nasolabial folds. We place the spoons at the base of the wings of the nose, and begin moving from the wings of the nose to the earlobes. We repeat the movement several times. This movement smoothes out the wrinkles of the nasolabial folds.
  4. The final stage is a chin massage. Place the spoons in the center of the chin and begin smoothing from the middle of the chin to the ears. Eliminate a double chin: to do this, place spoons in the area under the chin and begin moving towards the earlobes.

Massage with spoons can be performed in the area of ​​the décolleté, thighs. Circular movements are performed in these areas.

Massage Jacquet

Jacquet massage (also known as pinch massage) is based on pinching the skin. In addition to the basic “pinching” technique, the technique includes:

  1. ;
  2. ;
  3. vibration.

It has an effective effect on oily facial skin and acne, cleansing the skin and promoting its rapid healing. The massage is performed intensively, because its action is aimed at the deeper layers of the skin.


  1. skin damage;
  2. infectious diseases.

The procedure is carried out within 20 minutes. As a result, blood circulation and complexion improves. It is one of the best remedies for inflammatory diseases. It is carried out using talc.

The technique requires special knowledge and skills, since during the massage not only the superficial layers of the skin are captured, but also the subcutaneous tissue, as well as the dermis. Massage techniques are performed with force, without stretching the skin. Therefore, Jacquet's massage should be performed by a professional.