Orange diet based on persimmons and tangerines

Orange diet based on persimmons and tangerines: sunny mood and healthy lifestyle

The cold season is often accompanied not only by weight gain, but also by bad mood. However, the orange diet, which is also called the solar diet, can help get rid of not only excess weight, but also negativity. It is based on the consumption of orange foods such as persimmons and tangerines, as well as other orange-colored vegetables and fruits that contain beta-carotene and pectins.

Beta-carotene, found in orange foods, is a powerful antioxidant, immune system stimulator, and helps improve vision and skin condition. Pectins, in turn, stabilize metabolism and remove toxins from the body. Eating orange food helps improve metabolism, strengthen the immune system, cleanse the body, as well as increase sexuality and improve mood.

The orange diet menu may include the following products:

  1. Persimmon
  2. Tangerines
  3. Oranges
  4. Carrot
  5. Pumpkin
  6. Papaya
  7. Mango
  8. Apricots
  9. Dried apricots
  10. red fish
  11. Egg yolk
  12. Some cereals

For example, the first day of the menu may consist of orange citrus and two hard-boiled eggs for breakfast, one grated carrot, hard cheese (60 g) and dried apricots for lunch, and for dinner you can eat one orange citrus and a boiled egg. The second day can start with hard cheese or low-fat cottage cheese (100 g) and a cup of black coffee without sugar for breakfast, continue with boiled salmon (200 g) and a glass of fresh orange juice for lunch, and for dinner you can eat 2 persimmons, a yellow apple and pineapple ( 100 g).

The third day can start with grain porridge in water and tea with honey for breakfast, for lunch you can eat an orange and hard cheese (100 g), and for dinner make an omelette of two eggs in water and drink herbal or green tea. The fourth day can begin with corn porridge on water, unsweetened tea and orange fruit for breakfast, continue with boiled salmon (200 g) for lunch, and for dinner you can eat a yellow apple, two oranges and 100 g of pineapple.

The Orange Diet is an ideal choice for women of all ages who want to lose weight and improve their health and mood. However, like any other diet, it should be balanced and should not include only a limited set of foods. Therefore, before starting the orange diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor or nutritionist.

In addition, it is important to remember that the diet should be accompanied by physical activity and a healthy lifestyle in general. Eating orange foods can be a good addition to regular exercise and a healthy diet.

As a result, an orange diet based on persimmons and tangerines can become not only a way to lose weight, but also a way to improve health and mood. Including orange foods in your diet can help strengthen your immune system, detoxify your body, and boost your metabolism. However, for the diet to be effective and safe, it must be followed taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and under the supervision of a specialist.