
An article about the principle of anastrophy, in its various manifestations, may sound like this:

Anastrophe or anastress is a stylistic device in which key words or phrases of the text are changed in such a way that their meaning contradicts the usual, original meaning. Some combinations of words that are traditionally perceived as antonyms, for some reason, become antonyms only within the framework of this particular use. The most common reason for anstria in the sense of opposing the generally accepted state of affairs was the dynamics of modern life, when the same word can be used in opposite meanings, depending on intonation and subtext

In this article on anastrophe, we will look at this concept from different points of view - etymological, linguistic and pragmatic. Anastrophism, as part of the general cultural situation of anastrophy, will also be of interest to us. We will analyze its manifestations in the linguistic space, analyzing the cultural and social aspects of this phenomenon. For this article we use the following definitions:

Anastrophe: shapeshifters that are created from established text formulas.

Cultural situation of anatrophy: split, crisis, loss of meaning and orientation in society, leading to the creation of communication problems and changes in cultural norms and values.

The article will consist of several parts: - Introduction: brief theory and etymology of the term, features of the context of anastrophensis. - Cultural situation and social interpretation of anastrophy: review of classic examples, consequences of this situation. - Linguistic aspects of anastrophensis: rules and consequences of changing a known text, increasing the impact on the reader or listener or shifting focus and evaluative connotations. The use of inversion in the text is one of the key techniques of anastrophic tendencies. As a rule, a global problem with its general cultural contexts and current situation unfolds in an inverted text.