
**Arachnoid endothelial sarcoma: description of the disease**

Arachnoid endothelial sarcomatosis is an aggressive malignancy that originates in the spinal cord. It is a rare and underdiagnosed disease as many cases remain undetected for a long time. On

Arachnoid endotheliosarcotoma

Arachnoid endotheliosarcocoma is a rare malignant neoplasm of the tissues of the arachnoid and choroid. It is classified as neuroblastoma of the central nervous system, and in the International System of Histological Classification it has code 9 (04.8). In ICD-10, the disease is classified in the class “Benign neoplasms and neoplasms of uncertain or unknown nature” under code D46, 1.

In 95% of cases, the tumor occurs in children, but can also occur in adults. The percentage of its detection is quite high, given the absence of pathognomonic symptoms of tumor