Blueberries With Herbs

Blueberries are a small berry, but of impressive density; they have a bright blue color, which is not lost during harvesting. They say that blueberries have medicinal properties, which people discovered in ancient times. What are the benefits of blueberries? What substances are included in its composition? And how are different parts of the plant useful to her? Blueberries contain fiber and organic acids. There is more vitamin C than in citrus fruits, and you can also have fun with citric and malic acid in the berry. The fruits are rich in tannins, but they contain less potassium, but more calcium and phosphorus. Selenium, zinc, iodine and manganese will be valuable additions to the diet. Blueberries have gained particular popularity in medicine, as an independent remedy and as part of various herbs. It has many names; there are both wild and planted berries.

But the herbs that are used with blueberries are not only an interesting addition that gives the drink a special taste and color, but also an incredible alliance for health. Herbs can be used separately from each other (in this case, you can mash blueberries) or combined into a mixture, in which case the properties will become more intense. In herbal medicine, herbs such as astragalus, hawthorn, lavender (also called “Spanish snowdrop”), mantle, chamomile, thyme, bird cherry and rose hips are selected to strengthen the vascular system. And to detoxify the body, mullein, St. John's wort, ginger, calendula, currant leaves, juniper, mint, and dill seeds are often used. However, they must be used together with a rigorous approach. Any of these plants with demon