Exchange Basic

Basic Metabolism (BMR) is an indicator of the intensity of energy metabolism, which is determined with complete physical and psychological rest of a person, in a supine position and in conditions of comfortable warmth. It is used in medical and scientific research to estimate the body's energy needs and to determine the effectiveness of various diets and exercise.

The basic formula for calculating BMR is as follows:

BMR = 88.36 + (13.4 x weight in kg) + (4.8 x height in cm) - (5.7 x age in years)

where weight in kg, height in cm and age in years are taken from the patient’s questionnaire.

For example, if a man weighs 80 kg, is 175 cm tall, and is 30 years old, then his BMR will be 1595.2 kcal/day. This means that this man’s body needs 1595 kcal per day to maintain its vital functions.

However, it must be taken into account that BMR can vary depending on various factors such as physical activity, diet and ambient temperature. Therefore, for a more accurate assessment of energy needs, it is recommended to use special formulas that take these factors into account.

Thus, the basal metabolism is an important indicator for assessing energy metabolism in the body and allows us to determine the energy requirements for different population groups. The use of BMR in medicine and science helps to develop effective methods for the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

Basic metabolism is an important indicator of human energy metabolism, which determines the intensity of metabolism in the body. It allows you to assess a person’s health status and identify possible problems in the body’s functioning.

Basic metabolism is defined as the amount of energy consumed by the body in a state of complete rest. This indicator is measured in kilocalories per day or per minute hour. The calculation is based on taking into account changes in blood volume, respiratory and metabolic rates, body temperature and other factors.

The main purpose of using the definition of basal metabolism is to assess the state of the body and identify possible disturbances in its functioning. Some diseases can lead to a decrease in basal metabolism, which manifests itself in weight loss, weakness, fatigue, decreased immunity and other symptoms. Also, a decrease in basal metabolism may indicate the presence of decompensation in the body, for example, due to poor circulation or lack of oxygen.

When determining the main exchange rate, it is important to take into account the patient’s physical and emotional activity, since these factors influence the results of the research. In addition, it is necessary to choose the right time for testing, since the results may be distorted due to incorrect timing of the study or food consumption before analysis.

To successfully conduct research to determine the metabolism of the main one, it is necessary to use a special