Gustatory hyperesthesia

Gustatory hyperacusis is an increased sensitivity to taste, in which a person perceives the slightest changes in taste, be it a slight sourness or a sweet aftertaste after eating a dish. This can be a nice quality for some people, as it helps them enjoy their food down to the last detail, but it can also be a big problem for those who have this sensory disorder.

What is the cause of gustatory hyperacusis? It's all about the increased sensitivity of the tongue receptors responsible for the perception of taste. These receptors are located on the tongue and nose, and they have varying degrees of sensitivity. Some people have slightly more sensitive receptors than others, which results in hyperacusis, when their sense of taste becomes more distinct and vivid.

When overly sensitive receptors are involved in the perception of taste, a person can get a feeling of pleasure and enjoyment from even very small changes in taste. For example, this may entail a desire to try different beers and