Gaertner Stick

Gaertner's bacillus (Salmonella enteritidis) is a pathogenic microorganism that causes salmonellosis in humans and animals. The bacterium was named after the German bacteriologist Hermann Gärtner (1848–1934), who discovered it in 1880.

Gaertner's bacillus is one of the most common pathogens of intestinal infections in the world. It can be spread through contaminated food, water, or contact with an infected animal. Symptoms of salmonellosis may include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

Antibiotics such as ampicillin and ciprofloxacin are used to treat salmonellosis. However, if a person does not receive adequate treatment, the infection can lead to serious complications such as peritonitis or bacteremic shock.

In this regard, it is important to maintain good hygiene and not eat raw or undercooked food. It is also recommended to regularly wash your hands and food before consuming it.

Gertrud Palochka was a German microbiologist and bacteriologist who was one of the first female biologists in Germany. She was born in 1858 in Berlin, where she was educated at the university. After graduating, Palochka worked at an institute in Bern, where she conducted research on bacteria in human and animal blood serum. In 1906 she was appointed professor of bacteriology and immunology at the University of Bern.

Palochka is the author of numerous works on various microbiological topics. One of her most famous developments is the discovery of the virulence factor of Salmonella bacteria, which allows them to penetrate the host and cause infection. Palochka also studied the development of immunological reactions in humans and animals, as well as the development of vaccines to combat bacterial infections.

In addition, the Wand was known for its fight for gender equality in science. She was one of those women who supported the idea of ​​equal rights for women in scientific fields. In 2013, the Pahle Institute in Bernina established the "Hermine Pahle" Prize, which provides financial support to female scientists studying various biological questions.