
Heterostasis is a phenomenon in which the body maintains a stable level of internal metabolism despite changes in the environment or stress. This state can be achieved by adapting to changing conditions and balancing between two extremes. Heterostasis is also associated with biological processes of regeneration and maintenance of cell function.

Heterostasis includes the processes of adaptation of the body to changes in the external environment, which are necessary to maintain its homeostasis. It also plays an important role in the response to stress and disease conditions such as hypoxia, osmotic stress or nutritional deficiency. These processes may include regulating breathing, circulation, digestion, and other body functions. One of the main goals of heterostasis is to maintain optimal functional activity and provide the body's defense mechanisms. In cases of stress associated with external agents such as toxins, infections or injuries, heterostasis activates the body's mechanisms to cleanse harmful substances and inflammatory stimulants. This may involve other intracellular metabolic processes to control the balance between potentially toxic metabolites and intracellular material.